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Application the generalized estimating equation Method (GEE) to estimate of conditional logistic regression model for repeated measurements
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Conditional logistic regression is often used to study the relationship between event outcomes and specific prognostic factors in order to application of logistic regression and utilizing its predictive capabilities into environmental studies. This research seeks to demonstrate a novel approach of implementing conditional logistic regression in environmental research through inference methods predicated on longitudinal data. Thus, statistical analysis of longitudinal data requires methods that can properly take into account the interdependence within-subjects for the response measurements. If this correlation ignored then inferences such as statistical tests and confidence intervals can be invalid largely.

      For estimating the conditional regression model in the analysis of environment pollution as a function of oil production and environmental factors using the generalized estimating equation (GEE) in the formulation of inference methods that facilitate the conditional logistic regression model taking advantage of the actual correlations between responses in the data, as well as the specific correlation structure through robust sandwich estimators (RSE) as well as application many of various model selection criteria. Because the efficiency of estimates is contingent on the working correlation matrix specification, the appropriate selection of a working correlation matrix can significantly advance the GEE statistical inference efficiency. After comparing the performance of specific criteria indicating that QIC is the selection criterion that is most suited for GEE method. The application results showed that QIC had the lowest information loss in GEE method in which the objective to develop a predictive model of the candidate set, Through this research, condition logistic regression has also been demonstrated to be an effective tool that can be used in other studies to explore the relationships between response and explanatory variables.


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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
discriminate analysis and logistic regression existence of multicolleniarty problem(Empirical Study on Anemia)
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The method binery logistic regression and linear discrimint function of the most important statistical methods used in the classification and prediction when the data of the kind of binery (0,1) you can not use the normal regression therefore resort to binary logistic regression and linear discriminant function in the case of two group in the case of a Multicollinearity problem between the data (the data containing high correlation) It became not possible to use binary logistic regression and linear discriminant function, to solve this problem, we resort to Partial least square regression.

In this, search the comparison between binary lo

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Publication Date
Wed May 11 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparing Some Methods For A single Imputed A missing Observation In Estimating Nonparametric Regression Function
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In this paper, we will study non parametric model when the response variable have missing data (non response) in observations it under missing mechanisms MCAR, then we suggest Kernel-Based Non-Parametric Single-Imputation instead of missing value and compare it with Nearest Neighbor Imputation by using the simulation about some difference models and with difference cases as the sample size, variance and rate of missing data.      

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 10 2016
Journal Name
ألمؤتمر الدولي العلمي الخامس للاحصائيين العرب/ القاهرة
Proposition of Modified Genetic Algorithm to Estimate Additive Model by using Simulation
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Often phenomena suffer from disturbances in their data as well as the difficulty of formulation, especially with a lack of clarity in the response, or the large number of essential differences plaguing the experimental units that have been taking this data from them. Thus emerged the need to include an estimation method implicit rating of these experimental units using the method of discrimination or create blocks for each item of these experimental units in the hope of controlling their responses and make it more homogeneous. Because of the development in the field of computers and taking the principle of the integration of sciences it has been found that modern algorithms used in the field of Computer Science genetic algorithm or ant colo

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of Some Methods for Estimating Mixture of Linear Regression Models with Application
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 A mixture model is used to model data that come from more than one component. In recent years, it became an effective tool in drawing inferences about the complex data that we might come across in real life. Moreover, it can represent a tremendous confirmatory tool in classification observations based on similarities amongst them. In this paper, several mixture regression-based methods were conducted under the assumption that the data come from a finite number of components. A comparison of these methods has been made according to their results in estimating component parameters. Also, observation membership has been inferred and assessed for these methods. The results showed that the flexible mixture model outperformed the others

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Fuzzy Bridge Regression Model Estimating via Simulation
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      The main problem when dealing with fuzzy data variables is that it cannot be formed by a model that represents the data through the method of Fuzzy Least Squares Estimator (FLSE) which gives false estimates of the invalidity of the method in the case of the existence of the problem of multicollinearity. To overcome this problem, the Fuzzy Bridge Regression Estimator (FBRE) Method was relied upon to estimate a fuzzy linear regression model by triangular fuzzy numbers. Moreover, the detection of the problem of multicollinearity in the fuzzy data can be done by using Variance Inflation Factor when the inputs variable of the model crisp, output variable, and parameters are fuzzed. The results were compared usin

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use the method of parsing anomalous valueIn estimating the character parameter
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In this paper the method of singular value decomposition  is used to estimate the ridge parameter of ridge regression estimator which is an alternative to ordinary least squares estimator when the general linear regression model suffer from near multicollinearity.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 18 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New Versions of Liu-type Estimator in Weighted and non-weighted Mixed Regression Model
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This paper considers and proposes new estimators that depend on the sample and on prior information in the case that they either are equally or are not equally important in the model. The prior information is described as linear stochastic restrictions. We study the properties and the performances of these estimators compared to other common estimators using the mean squared error as a criterion for the goodness of fit. A numerical example and a simulation study are proposed to explain the performance of the estimators.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Seemingly Unrelated Regression Model to Measure the Profitability of Some Iraqi Private Commercial Banks with Presence of Outliers
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A seemingly uncorrelated regression (SUR) model is a special case of multivariate models, in which the error terms in these equations are contemporaneously related. The method estimator (GLS) is efficient because it takes into account the covariance structure of errors, but it is also very sensitive to outliers. The robust SUR estimator can dealing outliers. We propose two robust methods for calculating the estimator, which are (S-Estimations, and FastSUR). We find that it significantly improved the quality of SUR model estimates. In addition, the results gave the FastSUR method superiority over the S method in dealing with outliers contained in the data set, as it has lower (MSE and RMSE) and higher (R-Squared and R-Square Adjus

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Mehar method to change fuzzy cost of fuzzy linear model with practical application
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  Many production companies suffers from big losses because of  high production cost and low profits for several reasons, including raw materials high prices and no taxes impose on imported goods also consumer protection law deactivation and national product and customs law, so most of consumers buy imported goods because it is characterized by modern specifications and low prices.

  The production company also suffers from uncertainty in the cost, volume of production, sales, and availability of raw materials and workers number because they vary according to the seasons of the year.

  I had adopted in this research fuzzy linear program model with fuzzy figures

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"Comparison of Approximate Estimation Methods for Logistics Distribution Teachers"
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The goal beyond this Research is to review methods that used to estimate Logistic distribution parameters. An exact estimators method which is the Moment method, compared with other approximate estimators obtained essentially from White approach such as: OLS, Ridge, and Adjusted Ridge as a suggested one to be applied with this distribution. The Results of all those methods are based on Simulation experiment, with different models and variety of  sample sizes. The comparison had been made with respect to two criteria: Mean Square Error (MSE) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE).  

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