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The Use of Particle Swarm Algorithm to Solve Queuing Models with Practical Application
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This paper includes the application of Queuing theory with of Particle swarm algorithm or is called (Intelligence swarm) to solve the problem of The queues and developed for General commission for taxes /branch Karkh center in the service stage of the Department of calculators composed of six  employees , and it was chosen queuing model is a single-service channel  M / M / 1 according to the nature of the circuit work mentioned above and it will be divided according to the letters system for each employee, and  it was composed of data collection times (arrival time , service time, departure time) In minutes , Where it was data Test the obtained them found it distributed statistical distribution commensurate with the nature of the data and when tested were found to be distributed the distribution of arrival (Discrete Uniform distribution) and the distribution service (Exponential distribution ) , and it was finding performance measures (the service provided) in the system ( Ls , Lq , Ws , Wq ), and the problem is resolved to the research using software MATLAB R2013a Version : 8.1  and it get the required results, and This paper aims Solve the problem of The queues in General commission for taxes / branch Karkh center and reduce the customer waiting times and improving the efficiency of the service provided.

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Publication Date
Mon May 23 2022
Journal Name
The International Journal Of Artificial Organs
Quantitative analysis and control of the torque profile of the upper limb using a kinetic model and motion measurements
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This paper investigates a new approach to the rapid control of an upper limb exoskeleton actuator. We used a mathematical model and motion measurements of a human arm to estimate joint torque as a means to control the exoskeleton’s actuator. The proposed arm model is based on a two-pendulum configuration and is used to obtain instantaneous joint torques which are then passed into control law to regulate the actuator torque. Nine subjects volunteered to take part in the experimental protocol, in which inertial measurement units (IMUs) and a digital goniometer were used to measure and estimate the torque profiles. To validate the control law, a Simscape model was developed to simulate the arm model and control law in which measurem

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Simulation of The Influence of Geometric Parameter on The Flow Behavior in a Solar Chimney Power Plant System
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Numerical simulations have been carried out on the solar chimney power plant systems. This paper gives the flow field analysis for a solar chimney power generation project located in Baghdad. The continuity, Naver-stockes, energy and radiation transfer equations have been solved and carried out by Fluent software. The governing equations are solved for incompressible, 3-D, steady state, turbulent is approximated by a standard k -  model with Boussiuesq approximation to study and evaluate the performance of solar chimney power plant in Baghdad city of Iraq. The different geometric parameters of project are assumed such as collector diameter and chimney height at different working conditions of solar radiation intensity (300,450,600,750

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Influence of Rewards on Games Flow, Challenge, and Its Effects Towards the Engagement of Malaysian Digital Traditional Games
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Games engagement has become one of the main concerns in game industry. Early study revealed that Malaysian digital traditional games are suffering with the same issue due to several factors. One of it is the lack of the game itself. Although many Malaysian traditional games have been digitized, none of them has incorporated rewards despite its importance in games engagement. Realizing the importance of rewards in games engagement, one of Malaysian traditional Congkak has been chosen to be enhanced by incorporating rewards. Experiments have been conducted among 50 gamers among the Millennials. Prior interview, game demo and human test are conducted. Experiments focused on the influence of rewards on games flow, games challenge, and its ef

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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The effectiveness of change and transformation of formal displacement in the internal space (historical passenger stations as a model)
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Intellectual and material displacement is one of the design strategies through many mechanisms and means, and depends on the idea of changing the shape within the internal spaces at times and has concepts related to the transformation at other times. And represented by the boxes for travelers, the research problem emerged through the following question: (What is the effectiveness of displacement in the formal structures in the interior design of historical sites), and the aim of the study is to reveal the reality of the use of historical internal spaces and to determine the formal displacement that occurs as a result of change and transformation, and it included two topics, the first topic Transformation and the effectiveness of formal d

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The measurement of Ibn Abi al-Rabee (688 AH) in his book (Abstract in the regulation of Arabic laws)
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The book of the summary in the control of the laws of Arabic is one of the most important books of Andalusian grammar, the resonance of which is clearly evident among the mother of the language books in the seventh century AH because of the character of the educational style easy and simplified service for anyone who wants the Nile Arabic grammar, that end through what is pursued in his book (Summary) on according to visual standards, as was Ibn Abi Al-Rabeea of first- type, and illustrated in which he addressed the analogies, and he followed the modalities expressed and its consequences relating to each attachment in which a (illness and reasoning factor) And what he said in the framework of each service for the study material in his ha

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 14 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Green Synthesize of Zinc Oxide Catalyst Using Pomegranate Peels Extract for the Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue Dye
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In this study, the zinc oxide NPs have been synthesized from the fresh pomegranate peels extract using the precipitation method. The ZnO nanoparticles were produced from the reaction of fresh peels extract with zinc acetate salt which was used as zinc source in the presence of 2 M NaOH. The green synthesized nanoparticles were characterized through X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV-Vis diffuse reflection spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Atomic force microscopy (AFM). The XRD patterns confirm the formation of hexagonal wurtzite phase structure for ZnO synthesized using pomegranate peels extract with average crystalline size of 28 nm. FTIR spectra identify the presence of many active functional groups for the pom

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Scopus (15)
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Economics And Finance Studies
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Scopus (21)
Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The effect of anode temperature on the Optical characteristic of Se films prepared by direct current planar magnetron sputtering
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This work describes, selenium (Se) films were deposited on clean glass substrates by dc planar magnetron sputtering technique.The dependence of sputtering deposition rate of Se film deposited on pressure and DC power has been studied. The optimum argon pressure has range (4x10-1 -8x10-2 )mbar. The optical properties such as absorption coefficient (α) was determined using the absorbance and transmission measurement from UnicoUV-2102 PC spectrophotometer, at normal incidence of light in the wavelength range of 200-850 nm. And also we calculated optical constants(refractive index (n), dielectric constant (εi,r), and Extinction coefficient (κ) for selenium films.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The role of annealing temperature on the optical energy gap and Urbach energy of Se:2%Sb thin films
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The optical energy gap(Eopt) and the width of the tails of localized states in the band gap (?E) for Se:2%Sb thin films prepared by thermal co-evaporation method as a function of annealing temperature are studied in the photon energy range ( 1 to 5.4)eV.Se2%Sb film was found to be indirect transition with energy gap of (1.973,2.077, 2.096, 2.17) eV at annealing temperature (295,370,445,520)K respectively. The Eopt and ?E of Se:2%Sb films as a function of annealing temperature showed an increase in Eopt and a decrease in ?E with increasing the annealing temperature. This behavior may be related to structural defects and dangling bonds.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Social Dimension of the Phenomenon of Suicide in Iraq: Reasons and Proposals "Field Study in Baghdad Police Stations
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There have been many negative phenomena in Iraqi society, especially after the political crises over the last years, such as the spread of violence, the deterioration of the economic situation, the spread of unemployment and poverty, and the disintegration of social ties, divorce, and the entry of the scourge of drugs. Among the most dangerous of these emergent phenomena, the phenomenon of suicide among young people of both sex, which has grown and increased in an unprecedented manner, surpassing all known social norms in Iraqi society and the prevailing religious values. Suicide in Iraqi society has transformed from a simple case to a visible presence in all Iraqi provinces. Suicides cases have registered in all cities of Iraq and of bo

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