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Proposed mechanism to activate the role of the Federal board supreme Audit in the examination of the federal budget estimates of the state
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The aim of the research is to present and discuss the subject of the budgeting estimates and how to activate the role of the Federal board of supreme audit in examining these estimates through reference to Articles 6 and 10 of the Federal board of supreme Law, which did not restrict Federal board of supreme in Preventive control on examination process for planning which is prepared from the government units, as the result of a large amount  of government units Provisions and the weakness of estimates in most of its items, which rely on personal assessment and not based on scientific and logical basis of the estimate, which leads to the emergence of a deficit is not true in the general budget and this seems clear in most Iraqi budgets, which begin with a deficit and ends with surplus and in addition to the seizure of funds in government units do not need them at the same time there are another government units need it , so when the Federal board of supreme check these estimates and with the help of the proposed standard models will contribute to the construction and preparation of the federal budget of the States in the manner that Maximizes the benefit of available resources and guides them towards optimum utilization.  A number of conclusions have been reached, the most important of which is that there is a significant difference between the estimates of the government budget units and the proposed standard model. This difference is mainly due to the adoption by the government unit of personal estimates by adding a certain percentage to the previous year's budget. While the proposed standard models depend  On the basis of scientific assessment, The research also concluded that the financial Provisions obtained by government units are did not have relation with level of performance and achievement achieved, but rather depends on government units to obtain Provisions more than their interest in the results that Check the spending operations The research presented a number of recommendations,

the most important of which is that the budget structure requires create relations between  the strategic objectives at the level of ministries and not the executive programs, which requires the presence of a professional impartial and competent, able to examine these estimates and direct it in the best direction and the Federal board of supreme is the most able to achieve this task, With the adoption of scientific methods of examination and linking them to the strategic objectives of the unified Iraqi state and through the activation of Articles 6 and 10 of the Federal Financial Audit Office No. 31 of 2011, which confirms the ability of the Federal board of supreme to check the budget estimates and  evaluate Financial plans ,policies to achieve the goals set for the state and abide by them.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Discrete Mathematical Sciences And Cryptography
A4-graph for the twisted group 3D4 (3)
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Assume that G is a finite group and X = tG where t is non-identity element with t3 = 1. The simple graph with node set being X such that a, b ∈ X, are adjacent if ab-1 is an involution element, is called the A4-graph, and designated by A4(G, X). In this article, the construction of A4(G, X) is analyzed for G is the twisted group of Lie type 3D4(3).

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Determination the Wheat Weight and Volume: Mathematical Approach
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Abstract<p>Grain size and shape are important yield indicators. A hint for reexamining the visual markers of grain weight can be found in the wheat grain width. A digital vernier caliper is used to measure length, width, and thickness. The data consisted of 1296 wheat grains, with measurements for each grain. In this data set, the average weight (We) of the twenty-four grains was measured and recorded. To determine measure of the length (L), width (W), thickness (T), weight (We), and volume(V). These features were manipulated to develop two mathematical models that were passed on to the multiple regression models. The results of the weight model demonstrated that the length and width of the grai</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Detect The Infected Medical Image Using Logic Gates
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   This paper determined the difference between the first image of the natural and the second infected image by using logic gates. The proposed algorithm was applied in the first time with binary image, the second time in the gray image, and in the third time in the color image. At start of proposed algorithm the process  images by applying convolution to extended images with zero to obtain more vision and features then enhancements images by Edge detection filter (laplacion operator) and smoothing images by using mean filter ,In order to determine the change between the original image and the injury the logic gates applied specially X-OR gates . Applying the technique for tooth decay through this comparison can locate inj

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Solving the Created Equations from Power Function Distribution
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      In this paper, a new class of ordinary differential equations is designed for some functions such as probability density function, cumulative distribution function, survival function and hazard function of power function distribution, these functions are used of the class under the study. The benefit of our work is that the equations ,which are generated from some probability distributions, are used to model and find  the  solutions  of problems in our lives, and that the solutions of these equations are a solution to these problems, as the solutions of the equations under the study are the closest and the most reliable to reality. The existence and uniqueness of solutions the obtained equations in the current study are dis

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Emission Spectra for the Isotopic Molecule Lithium Hydride
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A study of the emission spectra of isotopic for electronic states has been carried out. The energies of the vibration levels ( =0,1,..25) and the values of spectral lines R(J) and P(J) versus rotational quantum number (J=0,1..25). It was found that were an increase of the value of R(J) with the increase of the values of J was found while the value of P(J) decreases with decreasing of the values of J . It was found that corresponding to R(J) and P(J) the spectral line R(J) increases when the values of m increased.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Israeli Policy Towards The Palestinian Refugees 1999- 2010
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This study aims to identify the Israeli policies towards Palestinian refugees during the period 1999-2010 which had seen several Israeli governments, whether left or right, The researcher found that there is continuity in decision-making and legislation in Israeli governments, regardless of political or ideological orientation towards refugees and the Palestinians during the study, which focused on two main axis, The first: refugee issue in the permanent negotiations where the researcher found that the Israeli position is fixed of the non-return of Palestinian refugees, and Increased the power of the Israeli position by U.S. The seconds axis: deals with Israeli legislation and the views taken by Israel which prevent the right of return f

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The psychological and health implication on drugs’ users
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The research aims to identify the meaning of drug addiction, which being one of the behavioral-deviation signs. It largely seems similar to alcohol-addiction. World health organization has defined drug addiction as a sporadic or chronic-state of intoxication emerges of recurrent-consumption of drugs that impact harmfully on individual and society. The second aim is to study the psychological and health implications on drugs’ users and thirdly to design a psychological-program for those who take drugs.     

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Woman's Quest for Survival: Margret Drabble's The Millstone
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This study deals with The Millstone (1965) which is a dramatic depiction of a single
mother heroine in a classic predicament. This novel is considered as representative of the age
in which it was written. The primary theme is her intense preoccupation with questions of
fatalism and will. The work also involves, both explicitly and implicitly, feminist concerns.
Because the central protagonist is a woman and the society in which she lives is depicted,
accurately, as deeply patriarchal and class-bound, the problem of the individual's capacity for
self-determination is inevitably tied to the feminist perspective.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimate the Nonparametric Regression Function Using Canonical Kernel
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    This research aims to review the importance of estimating the nonparametric regression function using so-called Canonical Kernel which depends on re-scale the smoothing parameter, which has a large and important role in Kernel  and give the sound amount of smoothing .

We has been shown the importance of this method through the application of these concepts on real data refer to international exchange rates to the U.S. dollar against the Japanese yen for the period from January 2007 to March 2010. The results demonstrated preference the nonparametric estimator with Gaussian on the other nonparametric and parametric regression estima

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Iranian –Sudanes Relations (1985-1989) Historical Study
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The Iranian-Sudanese relations during the era of the transitional government (1985-1986), and the era of the third democratic government, has seen a marked improvement, particularly since the transitional government, which was formed in Sudan following a popular uprising that toppled former President Jaafar Nimeiri followed based on balancing policy in international relations, which is the same policy adopted by the government of Sadiq al-Mahdi that, especially that Mr. Sadiq al-Mahdi had enjoyed close ties with the government in Tehran before he took office, and on the basis of the policy of diplomatic representation between the two countries returned since the time of the transitional government after relations were severed due to the

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