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The use of the Principal components and Partial least squares methods to estimate the parameters of the logistic regression model in the case of linear multiplication problem


  The logistic regression model is one of the nonlinear models that aims at obtaining highly efficient capabilities, It also the researcher an idea of the effect of the explanatory variable on the binary response variable.                                                                                                       

The large number of explanatory variables usually used to illustrate the response led to the problem of linear multiplicity between the explanatory variables that make estimating the parameters of the model not very accurate.                                                                                

In this paper, examined methods for estimating the parameters of the logistic regression model in the case of the problem of linear multiplicity These methods are: Principal components of logistic regression method and Partial least square regression method.                                                                                                                                       

The results of the simulation showed that the method (PCLR(3pc’s)) is best for estimating the parameters of the binary logistic regression model response in the case of a problem of linear multiplicity.                                                                                                                                 


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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Product development For Use Some Of The Lean Production Tools A Practical Research in the General Company for the automotive industry


     This research aims to analyze the reality of the production process in an assembly line Cars (RUNNA) in the public company for the automotive industry / Alexandria through the use of some Lean production tools, and data were collected through permanence in the company to identify the problems of the line in order to find appropriate to adopt some Lean production tools solutions, and results showed the presence of Lead time in some stations, which is reflected on the customer's waiting time to get the car, as well as some of the problems existing in the car produced such as high temperature of the car, as the company does not take into account customer preferences,

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
The role of the sound effect to represent the psychopathic character in cinema

The process of employing modern technology in a consistent manner is what the researcher is interested in, and the psychological role of the sound effect in enhancing psychopathic representations in cinematic characters, which had a wide resonance in the field of cinematic films, and after the predominance of digital technology in the production of contemporary films, the sound effect has a higher efficiency And a good level of advanced aesthetic and dramatic expression in film employment, so many directors resorted to this type of films by using various new and advanced techniques and technological programs in their industry, since the traditional construction does not achieve the dazzling that the viewer desires.

Accordingly, th

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 06 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The strategies of sustainable urban management in the Islamic city according to binary ( the city and power)

Urban planning task and the control of constructional planning and urban management for cities considers the main tasks that the government takes care off. The paper discusses the concept of power from historical view of ancient Islamic cities to discover the strategies of urban management that the Islamic city adopt and to employ it in contemporary cities ,the more problems that modern cities suffer from which appears through poorness of urban context ,belongs to the loss of balance exists between the different faces of power that takes the tasks of urban management .therefore enhancement of urban environment is being through re-back that balance in administrative structures that make the cities go ahead . So the attention has b

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of waste sorting and recycling laboratory in Mahmudiya (case study)

The daily practices of humans produce various types of waste, which are a threat to the health and environment surrounding it, especially after the increase in quantities as a result of population growth and technological development, and here came the need for recycling solid waste as one of the modern concepts that achieve environmental benefits, The aim of the research is to evaluate the project of sorting and recycling of solid waste in the district of Mahmoudiya and whether its work is sustainable ,Conforming to modern standards, using standard checklists to determine the gap between the current laboratory reality and the requirements of those standards , Using the case study methodology as the most appropriate approach

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
Journal Name
The preoccupation of mental image in the designs of internal spaces (cinema) is a model

The design studies, especially in their contemporary stages, have not been isolated from the subjects that underpin advanced ideas in the field of technical treatments that enrich and improve the social life of users through those technological innovations that have enhanced and changed life styles, Especially in the field of general institutional techniques, including cinemas, as the ideal places for people and visitors to this space, which can contribute to the promotion of cultural, social and technical aspects within this millennium. DONC as reflected on the positive communication and communication between the intellectual and cognitive develop individuals, including cultural and technical side of the individual. The first chapter co

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of the "Senge" Model of Organizational Learning in the adoption of Total Quality Management principles) Exploratory study in an organization)

      This study is concerned with organizational learning and its impact on total quality management in the education sector. Organizational learning is a process that provides the educational sector with the ability to adapt and respond rapidly to developments and changes in a better way according to its main dimensions (Mental Models, Personal Mastery, Team Learning, Shared Vision, System Thinking) by adopting the philosophy of Total Quality Management (TQM) in accordance with its basic dimensions (leadership, customer satisfaction, participation of workers, continuous improvement, training and education). The main purpose of this study is to know (the impact of the Senge model of organizational learni

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of the "Senge" Model of Organizational Learning in the adoption of Total Quality Management principles) Exploratory study in an organization)

      This study is concerned with organizational learning and its impact on total quality management in the education sector. Organizational learning is a process that provides the educational sector with the ability to adapt and respond rapidly to developments and changes in a better way according to its main dimensions (Mental Models, Personal Mastery, Team Learning, Shared Vision, System Thinking) by adopting the philosophy of Total Quality Management (TQM) in accordance with its basic dimensions (leadership, customer satisfaction, participation of workers, continuous improvement, training and education). The main purpose of this study is to know (the impact of the Senge model of organizational learni

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Studying the effect of Different wt % AL2O3 Nanoparticles of 2024Al Alloy / AL2O3 Composites on Mechanical Properties


The nanocompsite of alumina (Al2O3) produced a number of beneficial effects in alloys. There is increasing in resistance of materials to surface related failures , such as the mechanical properties , fatigue and stress corrosion cracking .The experimental results observed that the adding of reinforced  nanomaterials  type Al2O3  enhanced the   HB hardness, UTS, 0.2 YS and ductility of 2014 Al/Al2O3 nano composites . the analysis of experiments, indicated that The maximum enhancement was observed at 0.4 wt.% Al2O3. The ultimate improvement percentage were 15.78% HB hardness, 18.1% (UTS), 12.86% (

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Using Tools Lean Accounting to Reduce the Costing: An Applied Research in General Company for Electric Industry

The developments accelerated in technology and rapid changes in the environment and increase numbers industrial countries and different desires and requirements of customers, lead to be produced in large quantities is not feasible due to changes listed above as well as the need to product variety and change in tastes and desires of consumers, all above led not to enable companies to discharge their products in the case of mass production and created the need to devise ways and new methods fit with the current situation, and accounting point no longer the traditional accounting systems able to meet the requirements needed by the companies to make decisions and know where waste and loss of resources resulting to invent new style away from

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 24 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Comparison of three interpolation methods for the average monthly temperature in the south of Iraqi zone

This study focuses on evaluating the suitability of three interpolation methods in terms of their accuracy at climate data for some provinces of south of Iraq. Two data sets of maximum and minimum temperature in February 2008 from nine meteorological stations located in the south of Iraq using three interpolation methods. ArcGIS is used to produce the spatially distributed temperature data by using IDW, ordinary kriging, and spline. Four statistical methods are applied to analyze the results obtained from three interpolation methods. These methods are RMSE, RMSE as a percentage of the mean, Model efficiency (E) and Bias, which showed that the ordinary krigingis the best for this data from other methods by the results that have b

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