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Improving Customer Value Through the Integral of Techniques Quality Function Deployment and Value Engineering
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Health service institutions suffer from challenges resulting from the great changes that our world is witnessing today.  This has affected the value that these institutions add to the patient.

This research aims to identify the effect of integrating each of the techniques of QFD and value engineering for the health services provided to the patient to improve the value for him and thus obtain his satisfaction, which is reflected in the reputation of the surveyed hospitals. To achieve this, the descriptive analytical method was used, and a questionnaire was designed to collect the necessary data, which represents a measure of this research. The questionnaire was distributed to a sample deliberately taken from the research community consisting of hospital directors, department managers, and divisions in research hospitals, where the sample size was (97) individuals. Various statistical methods were used to test the research hypotheses, including confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis. The results were extracted using SPSS and Amos. The quality function diffusion and value engineering had an effective and substantial effect in improving value for patients in the surveyed hospitals, which is the most important finding of this research. One of the most important recommendations of the research is to work on the participation of health staff in the health sector with the academic authorities represented by universities and specialized colleges and to work on continuing consultations to implement methods that contribute to achieving the highest levels of quality of health services.


Paper type: Research paper.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The magnetic switch manufacturing by using ferrofluid and ferrofluid doped copper nanoparticles
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In this work, a magnetic switch was prepared using two typesof ferrofluid materials, the pure ferrofluid and ferrofluid doped with copper nanoparticles (10 nm). The critical magnetic field (Hc) and the state of magnetic saturation (Hs) were studied using three types of laser sources. The main parameters of the magnetic switch measured using pure ferrofluid and He-Ne Laser source were Hc(0.5 mv, 0.4 G), Hs (8.5 mv, 3 G). For the ferrofluid doped with copper nanoparticles were Hc (1 mv, 4 G), Hs (15 mv, 9.6 G), Using green semiconductor laser for the Pure ferrofluid were Hc (0.5 mv, 0.3 G) Hs (15 mv, 2.9 G). While the ferrofluid doped with copper nanoparticles were Hc (0.5 mv, 1 G), Hs (12 mv, 2.8 G) and by using the violet semiconductor l

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Band Energy Structure and Absorption Coefficient for PbSe Thin Films
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The PbSe alloy was prepared in evacuated quarts tubs by the method of melt quenching from element, the PbSe thin films prepared by thermal evaporation method and deposited at different substrate temperature (Ts) =R.T ,373 and 473K . The thin films that deposited at room temperature (R.T=303)K was annealed at temperature, Ta= R.T, 373 and 473K . By depended on D.C conductivity measurements calculated the density of state (DOS), The density of extended state N(Eext) increases with increasing the Ts and Ta, while the density of localized state N(Eloc) is decreased . We investigated the absorption coefficient (?) that measurement from reflection and transmission spectrum result, and the effect of Ts and Ta on it , also we calculated the tai

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 25 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
The Probable Association between Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Toxoplasma gondii Infection
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Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic disorder that constitutes a major health problem worldwide. Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular parasite that may infect any nucleated cell. Toxoplasmosis is becoming a worldwide health threat, infecting 30–50% of the world’s human population. The studies that have been undertaken to investigate the link between T. gondii infection and diabetes have shown contradictory fi ndings. This research aimed to look at the possible link between T2DM and T. gondii infection. Methods and Subjects: The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) approach was used to screen for T. gondii IgM and IgG antibodies in 69 patients with T2DM and 92 seemingly healthy persons as controls. Resul

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Health Problems for the Elderly and Their Influence on Their Psychological Health
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The current research seeks to identify the most important humanitarian issues of a sacred and very important group in all the heavenly religions and human societies, namely the elderly, to identify their significant problems and health problems, and What are the effects of these problems on their mental health and which is the ultimate goal of human resources in All parts of the world? The study relied on what is available from the sources in the literature starting from the messages of heaven and the Islamic religion followed with humanitarian, social, legal and psychological postulates. The research included four systematic chapters included the definition research and identification of the problem, importance, objectives and terminolo

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
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The present work aims to study the efficiency of using aluminum refuse, which is available locally (after dissolving it in sodium hydroxide), with different coagulants like alum [Al2 (SO4)3.18H2O], Ferric chloride FeCl3 and polyaluminum chloride (PACl) to improve the quality of water. The results showed that using this coagulant in the flocculation process gave high results in the removal of turbidity as well as improving the quality of water by precipitating a great deal of ions causing hardness. From the experimental results of the Jar test, the optimum alum dosages are (25, 50 and 70 ppm), ferric chloride dosages are (15, 40 and 60 ppm) and polyaluminum chloride dosages were (10, 35 and 55 ppm) for initial water turbidity (100, 500 an

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2007
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Lower Ureteral Obstruction and Leakage in the First Month Following Renal Transplantation
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Background: Transplantation has revolutionized
treatment of end- stage renal disease (ESRD) by proving
more cost effective than hemodialysis, with a lower
morbidity and improved quality of life.
Objective: To evaluate the development of these
complications in the first month postoperatively and
correlate their development to the type of donation
whether related or unrelated.
Methods: Fifty (50) patients aged (15-62) years, with a
mean age (34.46 ± 12.4 SD) years with (ESRD), who
underwent renal transplantation from September 2000 to
October 2002, were followed-up for one month
postoperatively clinically and by assessment of renal
function tests, sonographic and Doppler examinations.
Ureteral obs

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Mutual Interaction effects between Array Antenna Parameters and Receiving Signals Bandwidth
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The presence of a single complex adaptive weight in each element channel of an adaptive array antenna is sufficient for processing of narrowband signals. The ability of an adaptive array antenna to null interference deteriorates rapidly as the interference bandwidth increases. The performance of narrowband adaptive array antenna with LMCV Beamforming algorithm is examined. The interaction effects between received signal angle of arrival and array parameters like the interelement spacing and the number of array element and the received signal bandwidth were studied. The output Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) and Interference to Noise Ratio (INR) are used as performance parameters for evaluation of these effects. It is found

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Asthma and Inhaled Corticosteroid Effect on the Dental Arch Morphology in Children
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Background: asthma has an influence on craniofacial development. Recently evidences show that there is an association between oral health problems and chronic lung disease. The present study was designed to estimate the changes in arch dimension measurements among asthmatic children aged 12 years old who were collected from AL- Zahra Center Advisory for Allergy and Asthma and compare them with the non-asthmatic children of the same age and gender. Material and Methods: Fifty children (25 asthmatic and 25 non- asthmatic children) were included for the odontometric measurement. For both upper and lower study models, photographs were taken using special photographic apparatus for each child, and the statistical analysis were done by using SPSS

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 14 2024
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Segmentation Moon Images Using Different Segmentation Methods and Isolate the Lunar Craters
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Segmentation is the process of partition digital images into different parts depending on texture, color, or intensity, and can be used in different fields in order to segment and isolate the area to be partitioned. In this work images of the Moon obtained through observations in Astronomy and space dep. College of science university of Baghdad by ( Toward space telescopes and widespread used of a CCD camera) . Different segmentation methods were used to segment lunar craters. Different celestial objects cause craters when they crash into the surface of the Moon like asteroids and meteorites. Thousands of craters appears on the Moon's surface with ranges in size from meter to many kilometers, it provide insights into the age and ge

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The use of physical exercises of mind (knowledge) to develop the level of performance of the rulers of women's football
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Football from popular task the referees the most important elements this game through this study shows the importance of physical training mental and its effects the level of performance for referees and especially woman referees which entered the game in the newly in our country was used physical exercise mind through films and means to assist through visualization some of the cases do the articles of law and also exercises the evolution of the level of performance of the rulers of woman the research sample 12 of referees certified by the Iraqi central football and referees committee achtbarien was chosen for this study including mental cognitive test approved by the referees committee the second test questionnaire to assess the level of p

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