أثر تنوع الرؤى الاخراجية للاتجاهات والحركات المسرحية المعاصرة في أتساعالاشتراطات الجمالية لبنية الخطاب المسرحي + الامر الذي ادى الى انزياح مكوناتالعرض وعناصره ؛ ومنها المنظومة السردية للنص التي شكلت في بدايات المسرحجغرافية العرض المسرحي والمرتكز النظري والفكري الذي يمد العرض المسرحي أغلبتدفقه الجمالي وعنصر أستعلائي لعناصر العرض الاخرى ؛ وضمن التطورات اللاحقةأنسحب المخرج المسرحي من سطوة البنية النصية الى مدايات أكثر عمقا وأكثر كثافةجمالية ؛ بذلك تشكل مفهوم جديد يدعى " المعالجة النصية " وبتعدد الاتجاهات أصبح كلأتجاه يسعى الى معالجة خاصة للمكون النصي + وهذه الدراسة تتخذ الرؤية الاخراجيةلمسرح الصورة و ومعالجته للمدوّن النصي لا سيما ان مسرح الصورة يحاول تبني قيمجمالية خاصة بالتشكيل الصوري لخطاب العرض المسرحي بما يتجانس مع لغة المسرحالمعاصرة ؛ وقد تضمنت الدراسة الحالية الاطار المنهجي الذي احتوى على : (مشكلةالبحث ؛ وهدف البحث ؛ وحدوده ) 0 كما تضمن البحث أطارا نظريا شمل مبحثين ٠المبحث الاول :(معالجة النص في الاتجاهات المسرحية المعاصرة )والمبحث الثاني :(الأنشاء الصوري في مسرح الصورة) ؛ فضلا عن المؤشرات التي اسفر عنها الاطارالنظري ءوتضمن البحث اجراءات البحث مبينا فيه مبررات اختيار عينة البحث ؛ ومن ثمقيام الباحث بتحليل(عينة البحث ) من العروض التي قدمها مسرح الصورة للمخرج(صلاح القصب) مسرحية (مكبث ) ؛ وصولا لنتائج البحث التي شملت الابعاد الجماليةللرؤية الاخراجية لمسرح الصورة في معالجته للنص الدرامي ؛ ومن ثم يختم البحثبقائمة المصادر ؛ وملخص باللغة الانكليزية
It is very necessary for the political theater to be within the space of every theatrical performance, so that the theater carries the diverse and enlightened values and cultures of this world. political theatre. In the first chapter, the researcher dealt with (the methodological framework), which includes the research problem identified by the researcher with the following question (the functional diversity of the directorial vision in the political theater)
Importance, purpose, limits and seal by defining terminology.
In the second chapter, the researcher dealt with the theoretical framework on two topics, the first (transformations of directorial vision in theatrical performance) and the second topic (aesthetic experiences i
This research deals with the concept of space in the theatrical performance and how the director works between two different spaces, the closed space and the open space. The question was how to use space according to the director's vision in the presentation. The problem of the research was whether the director of the Iraqi filmmaker could see the variable in the architectural space Or the place or space within the exhibition between open and closed, through the formation of the vision of the external components of intellectual and aesthetic and aesthetic, and impact on the relationship between the actor and the recipient to produce a new aesthetic space, and then the purpose of research and importance and limits and terminology The seco
... Show MoreThe increase of the scenographic designer role on account of the character of the director in the Iraqi theater constituted a clear phenomenon that has been manifested in many shows, which necessitated a stance on the nature of this relation and delimiting the work space for each one of them inside the theater show. The research focuses on determining the work relation between the directorial vision and the scenographic proposal in the Iraq theater show. The research is divided into four chapters, the first one addressed the methodological framework, where the research problem was stated in the following question (has the scenographic designer been able through his scenographic proposal to remove the director from his position being the
... Show MoreThis research is determined by the study of the " cognitive references of the directorial imagination and modeling of the theatrical actor performance ." it has described an Iraqi theatrical model, The research began with the great importance of the director's imagination as the basic premise for crystallizing the director's vision according to its cognitive references in creating a solid performance model based on the aesthetic, intellectual and technical bases, It is also contributes to the formation of the theatrical show as a technical framework that presents the show in one unified fabric.
The research sought to reach through the problem of research, which is in the question of: What is the modeling of the
... Show More In this research study, I tried to trace the epic effect to learn how it was understood and how it was used. Following the descriptive and analytical approach in the research, the first chapter dealt with a presentation of the methodological framework of the problem, the goal, the limits of the research, the importance and the need for it and the definition of terms, as well as the theoretical framework which consisted of two topics, including the impact of the epic theater on the world theater and the second the effect of the epic theater on the Arab theater, This came by tracing the epic impact on the world stage of the Greeks, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Arab theater of the twentieth century.
As for the second
There is no doubt that the advertisement picture and the written text play a key role in the formation of the language of the communicative discourse as the main pillars of the design of commercial advertising and the main entrance for the advertising message awareness... Hence the researcher chose the title of her research (Integrative Relationship between the Picture and the Written Text in the Printed Commercial Advertisement) starting from following questions: What is the relationship between the picture and the written text in the printed commercial declaration? Is there functional, aesthetic and interactive integration between them?
... Show MoreThe deliberative system of communicative studies is exposed to cultural openness, according to modern cultural studies, to establish a verbal language system that achieves reciprocal and cross-cultural relations. This research has examined the concept of deliberative approach in the contemporary Iraqi theater text by studying the deliberative system of text and its interrelationship with The stage of the verbal embodiment of the dramatic event, because the dramatic text achieves in its construction of racism, a deliberative approach between the verbal event and the language, and what later leads to the completion of the dramatic action. The research included four chapters. The first chapter was the systematic framework of the research, T
... Show MoreThe research deals with the concept of stigma as one of the important phenomena that cast a shadow over the nature of the individual, his being and his personality through the inferior view with which he confronts in society, and (Sartors) indicates in this regard that stigma may lead to negative discrimination that leads to many defects, in terms of obtaining On care, poor health, service, and frequent setbacks that can damage self-esteem. The first roots of this phenomenon go back to the Greek civilization and what the Greeks used to burn and cut off some parts of the body and then announce to the nation that the bearer of this sign is a criminal. In addition to the Arab peoples living from setbacks that contributed to the exacerbation
... Show MoreThe theatrical performance has an aesthetic, artistic, technical and intellectual vision presented by the theatrical director according to the dualities of theatrical form and content, which depend on the uniformity and interconnection of theatrical elements, as the vision is integrated through the harmony and fusion of these elements and the flow of their coordination with an aesthetic system within the framework of the aesthetic space of the theatrical performance, and when the heritage is presented in the performance, as there will certainly be different readings of that heritage and moving away from the iconization of the event and highlighting it in a manner that is in line with the spirit of the age.
the (researcher) tries, t
رافقت القسوة الانسان منذ القدم وكثيرا ما تم الخلط بينها وبين العنف لشدة التقارب بينهما , وهنا يحاول البحث ان يفصل بين كلا المفهومين ويتفرد بمفهوم القسوة, الذي سلط عليه الضوء في المسرح لأول مرة على يد الفرنسي(انطوان ارتو) في محاولة للكشف عن المعالجة الاخراجية التي قدمها المخرج العراقي(صميم حسب الله) لمفهوم القسوة في مسرحيته الموسومة (خريف) ويتضمن البحث نبذه (مفهوم القسوة في الفكر الانساني) وكذلك (الق
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