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Distinguishing Shapes of Breast Cancer Masses in Ultrasound Images by Using Logistic Regression Model
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The last few years witnessed great and increasing use in the field of medical image analysis. These tools helped the Radiologists and Doctors to consult while making a particular diagnosis. In this study, we used the relationship between statistical measurements, computer vision, and medical images, along with a logistic regression model to extract breast cancer imaging features. These features were used to tell the difference between the shape of a mass (Fibroid vs. Fatty) by looking at the regions of interest (ROI) of the mass. The final fit of the logistic regression model showed that the most important variables that clearly affect breast cancer shape images are Skewness, Kurtosis, Center of mass, and Angle, with an AUCROC of 88% and an Accuracy of almost 89%. We also came to the conclusion that the Fibroid mass is small and less white than the Fatty mass

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Oxidation Desulphurization of Heavy Naphtha Improved by Ultrasound Waves
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The oxidation desulphurization assisted by ultrasound waves was applied to the desulphurization of heavy naphtha. Hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid were used as oxidants, ultrasound waves as phase dispersion, and activated carbon as solid adsorbent. When the oxidation desulphurization (ODS) process was followed by a solid adsorption step, the performance of overall Sulphur removal was 89% for heavy naphtha at the normal condition of pressure and temperature. The process of (ODS) converts the compounds of Sulphur to sulfoxides/ sulfones, and these oxidizing compounds can be removed by activated carbon to produce fuel with low Sulphur content. The absence of any components (hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, ultrasound waves and activated car

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Mon Apr 02 2012
Journal Name
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding breast cancer and breast self-examination among a sample of the educated population in Iraq
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This cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study evaluated the knowledge, attitude and practice towards breast cancer and breast self-examination [‎BSE]‎ among 387 [‎302 females and 85 males]‎ educated Iraqis affiliated to 2 Iraqi universities. The participants were categorized into 3 occupations: student [‎71.3%]‎, teaching staff [‎10.3%]‎ and administrative staff [‎18.3%]‎. About half of the participants had a low knowledge score [‎< 50%]‎; only 14.3% were graded as [‎Good]‎ and above. Almost 75% of the participants believed that the best way to control breast cancer was through early detection and other possible preventive measures. Most participants [‎90.9%]‎ had heard of BSE, the main source of informatio

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Scopus (33)
Crossref (33)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Surgical –Audit on breast cancer risk factors in AL-Russafa district in Baghdad
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Background: Breast cancer remains a substantial cause of morbidity and mortality, there is a need for continued efforts to understand the etiology of the disease, maintain screening effort, implement prevention strategies, and develop better treatments.Objective: To analyze the risk factors, improve early detection and prevention of breast cancer in Al-Russafa district- Baghdad, aiming to increase survival rate and improve the quality of life.Methods: A cross sectional audit of 258 breast cancer cases seen at Al-Elwiya maternity teaching hospital from January2009 to December 2011,data collected from patients files were: age, gender , residency, marital status, parity, age at menarche and menopause age at first live birth, hormonal therap

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Analyzing big data sets by using different panelized regression methods with application: Surveys of multidimensional poverty in Iraq
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Poverty phenomenon is very substantial topic that determines the future of societies and governments and the way that they deals with education, health and economy. Sometimes poverty takes multidimensional trends through education and health. The research aims at studying multidimensional poverty in Iraq by using panelized regression methods, to analyze Big Data sets from demographical surveys collected by the Central Statistical Organization in Iraq. We choose classical penalized regression method represented by The Ridge Regression, Moreover; we choose another penalized method which is the Smooth Integration of Counting and Absolute Deviation (SICA) to analyze Big Data sets related to the different poverty forms in Iraq. Euclidian Distanc

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Truncated Test for Finding the Parameters of Single Sampling Plan under Distribution of Log-Logistic
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A group of acceptance sampling to testing the products was designed when the life time of an item follows a log-logistics distribution. The minimum number of groups (k) required for a given group size and acceptance number is determined when various values of Consumer’s Risk and test termination time are specified. All the results about these sampling plan and probability of acceptance were explained with tables.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Comparison between the estimated of nonparametric methods by using the methodology of quantile regression models
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This paper study two stratified quantile regression models of the marginal and the conditional varieties. We estimate the quantile functions of these models by using two nonparametric methods of smoothing spline (B-spline) and kernel regression (Nadaraya-Watson). The estimates can be obtained by solve nonparametric quantile regression problem which means minimizing the quantile regression objective functions and using the approach of varying coefficient models. The main goal is discussing the comparison between the estimators of the two nonparametric methods and adopting the best one between them

Publication Date
Thu Feb 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanics Of Continua And Mathematical Sciences
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The estimation of the regular regression model requires several assumptions to be satisfied such as "linearity". One problem occurs by partitioning the regression curve into two (or more) parts and then joining them by threshold point(s). This situation is regarded as a linearity violation of regression. Therefore, the multiphase regression model is received increasing attention as an alternative approach which describes the changing of the behavior of the phenomenon through threshold point estimation. Maximum likelihood estimator "MLE" has been used in both model and threshold point estimations. However, MLE is not resistant against violations such as outliers' existence or in case of the heavy-tailed error distribution. The main goal of t

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Laplace Distribution And Probabilistic (bi) In Linear Programming Model
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The theory of probabilistic programming  may be conceived in several different ways. As a method of programming it analyses the implications of probabilistic variations in the parameter space of linear or nonlinear programming model. The generating mechanism of such probabilistic variations in the economic models may be due to incomplete information about changes in demand, pro­duction and technology, specification errors about the econometric relations presumed for different economic agents, uncertainty of various sorts and the consequences of imperfect aggregation or disaggregating of economic variables. In this Research we discuss the probabilistic programming problem when the coefficient bi is random variable

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of Robust Circular S and Circular Least Squares Estimators for Circular Regression Model using Simulation
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In this paper, the Monte-Carlo simulation method was used to compare the robust circular S estimator with the circular Least squares method in the case of no outlier data and in the case of the presence of an outlier in the data through two trends, the first is contaminant with high inflection points that represents contaminant in the circular independent variable, and the second the contaminant in the vertical variable that represents the circular dependent variable using three comparison criteria, the median standard error (Median SE), the median of the mean squares of error (Median MSE), and the median of the mean cosines of the circular residuals (Median A(k)). It was concluded that the method of least squares is better than the

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring and Analyzing of the Relationship between the Financial Development, Economic growth, and Poverty in Iraq with the Autoregressive Distributed lag Model framework for the period (1980-2010)
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The developed financial system is essential for increasing economic growth and poverty reduction in the world. The financial development helps in poverty reduction indirectly via intermediate channel which is the economic growth. The financial development enhancing economic development through mobilization of savings and channel them to the most efficient uses with higher economic and social returns. In addition, the economic growth reduces the poverty through two channels. The first is direct by increasing the introduction factors held by poor and improve the situations into the sectors and areas where the poor live. The second is indirect through redistribution the realized incomes from the economic growth as well as the realiz

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