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strong criminal capabilities، Using simulation .

The penalized least square method is a popular method to deal with high dimensional data ,where  the number of explanatory variables is large than the sample size . The properties of  penalized least square method are given high prediction accuracy and making estimation and variables selection

 At once. The penalized least square method gives a sparse model ,that meaning a model with small variables so that can be interpreted easily .The penalized least square is not robust ,that means very sensitive to the presence of outlying observation , to deal with this problem, we can used a robust loss function to get the robust penalized least square method ,and get robust penalized estimator and it can deal problems of dimensions and outliers .In this paper a compression had been made Sparse LTS estimator and MM Lasso by using simulation  and the simulation results show that the MM Lasso is best for every experiments, Depending on the criteria for the Mean Square Error, False Positive Rate and False negative Rate .      

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
ORGANIZATIONAL VALUES AND ITS IMPACT ON STRATEGIC PERFORMANCE A field study a comparison between Two Universities of Baghdad & Al-Nahrain



     The researcher seeks to shed light on the relationship analysis and the impact between organizational values in all its dimensions (Administration Management, Mission, relationship management, environmental management) and strategic performance (financial perspective, customer perspective, the perspective of internal processes, learning and development) in the presidency of Two Universities of Baghdad & Al-Nahrain, it has been formulating three hypotheses for this purpose.

      The main research problem has been the following question: Is there a relationship and the impact of bet

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Publication Date
Tue May 20 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Slum areas between reality and aspiration Towards sustainable environment Case stady”Um AL-warid”

One of the most enduring expressions of urban poverty in developing countries is the proliferation of slums and informal settlements .these settlements have the most deplorable living and environmental conditions within the city and are characterized by inadequate water supply, squalid conditions of environmental sanitation .overcrowded and dilapidated habitation, hazardous location .insecure tenure and vulnerability to serious health risks among many others .its in recognition of the of the development challenges to significantly improve the lives of at least 800000 people allover the country So our objectives in this research are the ensuring of a durable improvement of housing conditions and housing environment of poor people

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
Journal Name
The mechanisms of the actor's work between performance and directing style in the contemporary theater show (Western) as a model

The actor has mechanisms that were applied in the performance، as it formed a style in the theatrical form (weird)، and the researcher deliberately studied these mechanisms and divided them into four chapters.

The researcher divided it into two sections، the first is the actor's performance requirements، and the second is the boring performance methods in the directors' theater، and then the researcher concluded the second chapter with the most important indicators.

As for the third chapter، the researcher determined the society of his research and the method of selecting the sample (strange) and analyzing the sample and concluded with the most important results of the sample analysis.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 16 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The relationship between the uses of land and the network of movement and roads (study area, Najaf city)

The interaction in the city is reflected in the movement of people motivated by their activities and their economic and social goals, which include many variables subject to the planning process in the interpretation of this movement and the mapping of trends of transport intensity through the concept of transport function and its functional relationships with the uses of the earth in the sustainability and effectiveness of the movement of transport and Economic activity and population movement. Transport planners are concerned with the requirements of land use, which are linked to and included in the transport planning process as a factor for the future transport needs. There is a strong relationship between the transport system

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The relationship between the external environment analysis and banking facilities: An Applied Research in the Rafidain and Rasheed Bank

Is the subject of environmental analysis of the important issues that should occupy the attention of the departments of banks in general and banks in particular, the research sample, regardless of their size and the nature of its activity, So if the current era and witnessing rapid developments and changes, making the banking environment is more complex and interconnected than ever, And it became not possible for banks to be aware and understand the external environment variables without an analysis of the various constituent elements and influential heavily in its financial and administrative,Therefore research aims to find out the relationship between the external environment and banking facilities analysis application on the Rafidain

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Contradiction oppositon al ruwia and al fatwa and his impact in different jurists in personal status and transactions and adomment


 الحمد لله رب العالمين، وأفضل السلام وأتم التسليم على سيدنا محمد، وعلى آله وصحبه، أجمعين، وعلى من تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين، أما بعد.

 فإن مسألة التعارض بين الرواية، والفتوى، من المسائل المشهورة عند الأصوليين والفقهاء،وهي من مباحث السنة عند الأصوليين، والتي تبنى عليها مسائل متعددة، وهي من أسباب اختلاف الفقهاء، فإذا ما روى أحد الرواة حديثاً معيناً، ثم عمل بخلاف ما روى، فللعل

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis The Consistency Between The Tariff And The Exchange Rate And Their Reflection On The Trade Balance In Iraq

       The trade balance is considered as a way to join the national economy with the world, So it is the mirror that reflect the economic center of the country and it is point to competitive ability of it, The tariff and the exchange rate perform a great role to motivate the domestic production and improve the trade balance if we direct them to achieve the same purpose. The Iraqi economic has trade balance which achieve overabundant during the years of studying because of the oil exports, while the other exports represent a small percentage it is hardly remember, and expansion in imports from other side causes exhaustion in oil revenues, and this make the trade balance in permanent

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Relationship between supplier evaluation and family brand strategy Case study in battery factory\ Al-Waziriya

   The research deals with the relationship between supplier evaluation (single variable) and family brand strategy (single variable) a case study in the battery factory\Al-Waziriya, and the fact that the industrial sector represents a cornerstone for building the country’s economy of and their development. The research has been selected on this basis. The problem stems from the lack of business understanding of the real role played by the assessment of the suppliers' and its strong impact on its reputation and position in the market. The research gains its importance by moving away from traditional marketing style in terms of characteristics related to the resource itself, and the service provided by the factory to c

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Style between alienation and westernization in contemporary painting: سلامة محمود عبد - صاحب جاسم حسن

The problematic of the current research marked (style between alienation and westernization in contemporary painting) is demonstrated by the fact that the stylistic forms in art are full of the influx of subjective and emotional impressions, as well as administrative and borrowing techniques, as well as their contextual meaning, whether cultural, social and political, which gives them an alien dimension at one time or another. The aim of the research is: Define the style between alienation and alienwesternization in contemporary painting. The research included six axes dealing with the first axis: an introduction to the concept of alienation, and the second axis dealing with the style in romanticism. The third dealt with: the method in i

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The relationship between foreign direct investment and economic growth in Iraq after 2003(reality and ambition)

Foreign direct investment is considered one of important bases to blind economy for many. Countries as if the main stage for developing national economy ,so for this ,many of countries give great prominence to the role of drivel foreign investment due to its importance as one of economic growth pillars in the developing countries. They offer a support for modern technology, organizational and managerial skills.        

  Dneto the importance of direct foreign investment on the economic growth, today, we discover that Iraq in need to rebnlid the in frastructuve and renew what has been destroyed during was in many production and export institutions . as wel

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