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A Proposed Mechanism for Financial Reporting on Sustainable Investment and Its Role in Achieving Value Added - Applied in the Iraqi Midland Refineries Company-
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The research aims to develop a proposed mechanism for financial reporting on sustainable investment that takes the specificity of these investments.

To achieve this goal, the researcher used (what if scenario) where the future financial statements were prepared for the year 2026, after completion of the sustainable project and operation, as the project requires four years to be completed.

The researcher relied on the results of the researchers collected from various modern sources relevant to the research topic and published on the internet, and the financial data and information obtained to assess the reality of the company's activity and its environmental, social, and economic impacts to formulate a proposed mechanism for accounting for Sustainable Investment.

And the experimental approach was adopted to provide a proposed mechanism for financial reporting on sustainable investment per international accounting and reporting standards and then applied at the Iraqi Midland refineries company.

There are three main findings from the research: the first finding shows the possibility of financing these projects, because this project may not generate significant economic returns (aims to achieve environmental and social returns as well), by configuring a sustainable reserve allocated to finance these projects. The second finding shows the possibility of presenting accounts for sustainable investment separately from traditional accounts (sustainability reserves, sustainable assets, sustainable revenues, sustainability expenses), as this classification can play an important role in the financial sustainability analysis. The third finding is the application of the proposed mechanism that contributes to increase the company's added value.

The practical effects of the research are to encourage Iraqi companies (oil companies in particular) to invest in sustainable assets and develop a way to assess the sustainability of companies, because Iraq is one of the most Arab countries burning Gas flare. The researcher tried to highlight this project because it is the best example of sustainable investment that achieves economic returns (the sale value of recovered gases), social returns (protection of citizens living in the vicinity of the refinery) and environmental returns (reducing greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming), where companies avoid investing in these assets because of their high cost and lack of expected financial return, and the relevant international organizations seek to promote this type of investment and develop appropriate tools, and this research comes in line with international trend.

The concept of sustainable investment is a relatively recent one, where the originality of the current research shows in its attempt to present a proposed mechanism of financial reporting that supports this new type of investment due to the relative importance of this new type of investment

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Interpretation des Gedichts ,,Sachliche Romanze,, von Erich Kästner
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Die Forschung besteht aus zwei Kapiteln: das erste Kapitel geht es nur um die Form des Gedichts, aber das zweite Kapitel geht es um die Analyse des Gedichts, und das ist das Wesen der Arbeit, gleichzeitig enthält das zweite Kapitel auch zwei wichtige Disziplinen.

Die erste Disziplin handelt es sich um die Struktur des Gedichts, nämlich die lyrische Seite; Reim,Rhythmus,Strophe,und Versmaße, aber die zweite Disziplin handelt es sich um den Inhalt, erklärt hier sowohl das Wesen als auch das Ziel des Gedichts, denn das Gedicht besteht aus vier Strophen, die miteinander zu sehr nicht getrennt sind.

Der Dichter beschreibt in erster Strophe die Beziehung zwischen einem Paar, das genau acht Jahre zusammen gelebt hat. Die bei

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Modified Mathematical Model of Tumor Treatment by Radiotherapy
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In this research, a mathematical model of tumor treatment by radiotherapy is studied and a new modification for the model is proposed as well as introducing the check for the suggested modification. Also the stability of the modified model is analyzed in the last section.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of composite variance of experiments carried out according to design Latin box
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We know that the experiments which conducted by latin square in one location or in one period (season), but there are many cases that need to conduct the same experiments in many locations or in many periods (seasons) to study the interaction  between the treatments and locations or between the treatments and periods (seasons) .In this research we present  an idea for  conduct  the experiment in several locations and in many period (seasons) by using LSD , it represent  acontribution in the area of design and analysis of experiments ,we had written. we had written (theoretically)  the general plans, the mathematical models for these experiments, and finding the derivations of EMS for each component (

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
مجلة الاقتصاد الخليجي
أثر فروقات الضرائب المؤجلة على القوائم المالية
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نتيجة للتطور و انفتاح الاسواق الاقتصادية عالميا ظهرت اهمية الافصاح في القوائم المالية و اعدادهايكونمبني على ( العدالة و الشفافية ) في اظهار البنود الواردة فيها ، و لان هذه القوائم تعد لا كثر من جهة مستفيدة ( اصحاب المصلحة ) سواء كانوا مستثمرين او مقرضين او هيئات حكومية حيث يجب اعدادها بطريقة اكثر شفافية و بدون تحيز لجهة دون اخرى ،هدفت الدراسة الى التعرف على اهم الفروقات الضريبية المؤجلة التي تنشأ في الوحدات الا

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Strain Analysis of Surface Cracked Thin Flat Plate under Cycling Impact Loading Effect
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In this work, strains and dynamic crack growth were studied and analyzed in thin flat plate with a surface crack at the center, subjected to cycling low velocity impact loading for two types of aluminum plates (2024, 6061). Experimental and numerical methods were implemented to achieve this research. Numerical analysis using program (ANSYS11-APDL) based on finite element method used to analysis the strains with respect to time at crack tip and then find the velocity of the crack growth under cycling impact loading. In the experimental work, a rig was designed and manufactured to applying the cycling impact loading on the cracked specimens. The grid points was screened in front of the crack tip to measure the elastic-plas

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
دراسات عربية في التربية وعلم النفس
تحليل محتوى كتابي الحاسوب للمرحلة المتوسطة وفقاً لعمليات العلم
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يهدف هذا البحث إلى تحليل محتوى كتابي الحاسوب للمرحلة المتوسطة في العراق وفقاً لعمليات العلم عن طريق الإجابة عن السؤال الآتي: ما نسبة توافر عمليات العلم في محتوى كتابي الحاسوب المقرران على طلبة المرحلة المتوسطة المعتمدان من وزارة التربية العراقية/ المديرية العامة للمناهج في العام الدراسي ( 2016-2017) م؟ اعتمد هذا البحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، وتضمن مجتمع البحث وعينته محتوى كتابي الحاسوب المقررين لطلبة الصفين

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
إعداد خطة قبول خمسية للطلبة في كلية الإدارة والاقتصاد/ جامعة بغداد باستخدام منهجية (بوكس – جينكنز) لتحليل السلاسل الزمنية
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 إن من أهم عوامل نجاح أي مؤسسة (سواء كانت مؤسسة تعليمية أم غيرها من المؤسسات) هو التخطيط الاستراتيجي السليم المبني على أساس علمي ونظام واقعي متكامل بعيداً عن التخمين والحدس.

تتمثل مشكلة البحث بوجود تفاوت بين أعداد الطلبة المقبولين فعلاً والطلبة المخطط قبولهم في الدراسات الأولية بكلية الإدارة والاقتصاد بجامعة بغداد في كل عام دراسي حيث غالباً كانت أعداد الطلبة المقبولين فعل

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Structure,Rietveld Refinement Study of BaCoxTixFe12-2xO19 ferrite Using Powder XRD Analysis
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    BaCoxTixFe12-2xO19 (x=0.1, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.7) were prepared using powder technology technique . X-ray diffraction with diffractometer CuKα radiation analysis and Rietveld refinement of the samples were studied and showed a single phase of hexagonal structure with SP63/mmc space group . Lattice parameters, cell volume , crystallite size and x-ray density were determined .The hexagonal structure was represented by using PowderCell program showing the atomic positions of Co ,Ti, and Fe ions.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmaceutical, Biological And Chemical Sciences
Extraction of bio-active compounds extracted from Inula helenium roots by leaching process
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Leaching process applied for the extraction of bio active compounds from dried roots of (Elecampane) Inula helenium. Ethanol, hexane and distillated water were used as solvents. Roots were soaked with ethanol (5% w/v) with various concentration of ethanol (30 to 98%) at one day to know effect concentration of the solvent with concentration of bio active compound in Inula helenium. The same procedure was done using hexane as solvent. Also distilled water was used as solvent for extraction 5%(w/v) where plant material was soaked in water at different temperatures (25, 40, 65, 80, and 90) C. In all solvents undertaken, the effect of time duration on active ingredient (Thymol, Isoalatolactone, Alatolactone, 10-isobutyryl-oxy 8-9-epoxy thymol is

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Scopus (3)
Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Finite Element Analysis of Cracked One-Way Bubbled Slabs Strengthened By External Prestressed Strands
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Bubbled slabs can be exposed to damage or deterioration during its life. Therefore, the solution for strengthening must be provided. For the simulation of this case, the analysis of finite elements was carried out using ABAQUS 2017 software on six simply supported specimens, during which five are voided with 88 bubbles, and the other is solid. The slab specimens with symmetric boundary conditions were of dimensions 3200/570/150 mm. The solid slab and one bubbled slab are deemed references. Each of the other slabs was exposed to; (1) service charge, then unloaded (2) external prestressing and (3) loading to collapse under two line load. The external strengthening was applied using prestressed wire with four approaches, wh

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