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AI-Driven Prediction of Average Per Capita GDP: Exploring Linear and Nonlinear Statistical Techniques
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Average per capita GDP income is an important economic indicator. Economists use this term to determine the amount of progress or decline in the country's economy. It is also used to determine the order of countries and compare them with each other. Average per capita GDP income was first studied using the Time Series (Box Jenkins method), and the second is linear and non-linear regression; these methods are the most important and most commonly used statistical methods for forecasting because they are flexible and accurate in practice. The comparison is made to determine the best method between the two methods mentioned above using specific statistical criteria. The research found that the best approach is to build a model for predicting Iraq’s average GDP per capita income by relying on the amounts of average GDP per capita income in the past years (1981-2020). The researcher found that in a second way, it became clear that the non-linear regression model of the Asian model was the best model representing (average per capita GDP income) in Iraq, and this model was used to predict the period (20221-2027). When comparing the two methods of projected amounts up to 2027, it was found that the best method was the second based on the indicator mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) because he has the least value.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Remittances Review
Analyzing the Influence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on the Per Capita GDP of Iraq from 2004 to 2021
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The study aims to identify the theoretical literature for all the variables of the study (ICT, GDP) as well as to identify the practical side of the impact of ICT on the per capita GDP in Iraq for the period (2004-2021). The study was based on the hypothesis that ICT impacts per capita GDP in Iraq. The problem of the study was to answer the question: does ICT contribute to per capita GDP? The study concluded that an increase in the rate of internet users per 100 people by one unit would increase. Increasing the landline telephone rate per 100 people by one unit will increase GDP per capita. In addition, increasing the mobile phone rate per 100 people by one unit will increase GDP per capita. The study recommended adopting rational poli

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Oscillation of the per capita growth rate
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in this paper cquations of the per capita growth rate are considered sufficient conditions for oscillation of all solutions are obtained the asymptotie behavior of the nonoscillatory solution of all souliotions are obtained

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Prediction of Sediment Accumulation Model for Trunk Sewer Using Multiple Linear Regression and Neural Network Techniques
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Sewer sediment deposition is an important aspect as it relates to several operational and environmental problems. It concerns municipalities as it affects the sewer system and contributes to sewer failure which has a catastrophic effect if happened in trunks or interceptors. Sewer rehabilitation is a costly process and complex in terms of choosing the method of rehabilitation and individual sewers to be rehabilitated.  For such a complex process, inspection techniques assist in the decision-making process; though, it may add to the total expenditure of the project as it requires special tools and trained personnel. For developing countries, Inspection could prohibit the rehabilitation proceeds. In this study, the researchers propos

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Scopus (17)
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Compare Prediction by Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model from first order with Exponential Weighted Moving Average
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The prediction process of time series for some time-related phenomena, in particular, the autoregressive integrated moving average(ARIMA) models is one of the important topics in the theory of time series analysis in the applied statistics. Perhaps its importance lies in the basic stages in analyzing of the structure or modeling and the conditions that must be provided in the stochastic process. This paper deals with two methods of predicting the first was a special case of autoregressive integrated moving average which is ARIMA (0,1,1) if the value of the parameter equal to zero, then it is called Random Walk model, the second was the exponential weighted moving average (EWMA). It was implemented in the data of the monthly traff

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 06 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of Smear Effect on the Bearing Capacity of Driven Piles
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of Smear Effect on the Bearing Capacity of Driven Piles
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This paper deals with prediction the effect of soil re-moulding (smear) on the ultimate bearing capacity of driven piles. The proposed method based on detecting the decrease in ultimate bearing capacity of the pile shaft (excluding the share of pile tip) after sliding downward. This was done via conducting an experimental study on three installed R.C piles in a sandy clayey silt soil. The piles were installed so that a gap space is left between its tip and the base of borehole. The piles were tested for ultimate bearing capacity according to ASTM D1143 in three stages. Between each two stages the pile was jacked inside the borehole until a sliding of about 200mm is achieved to simulate the soil re-moulding due to actual pile driving. The re

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 22 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of Smear Effect on the Bearing Capacity of Driven Piles
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This paper deals with prediction the effect of soil remoulding (smear) on the ultimate bearing capacity of driven piles. The proposed method based on detecting the decrease in ultimate bearing capacity of the pile shaft (excluding the share of pile tip) after sliding downward. This was done via conducting an experimental study on three installed R.C piles in a sandy clayey silt soil. The piles were installed so that a gap space is left between its tip and the base of borehole. The piles were tested for ultimate bearing capacity
according to ASTM D1143 in three stages. Between each two stages the pile was jacked inside the borehole until a sliding of about 200mm is achieved to simulate the soil remoulding due to actual pile driving. T

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu May 04 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Linear Prediction of Sum of Two Poisson Process
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Our goal from this work is to find the linear prediction of the sum of two Poisson process
) ( ) ( ) ( t Y t X t Z + = at the future time 0 ), ( ≥ + τ τ t Z and that is when we know the values of
) (t Z in the past time and the correlation function ) (τ βz

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 29 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Prediction of bearing capacity of driven piles for Basrah governatore using SPT and MATLAB
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Based on the results of standard penetration tests (SPTs) conducted in Al-Basrah governorate, this research aims to present thematic maps and equations for estimating the bearing capacity of driven piles having several lengths. The work includes drilling 135 boreholes to a depth of 10 m below the existing ground level and three standard penetration tests (SPT) at depths of 1.5, 6, and 9.5 m were conducted in each borehole. MATLAB software and corrected SPT values were used to determine the bearing capacity of driven piles in Al-Basrah. Several-order interpolation polynomials are suggested to estimate the bearing capacity of driven piles, but the first-order polynomial is considered the most straightforward. Furthermore, the root means squar

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Scopus (22)
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 11 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Linear and Nonlinear Electro-Mechanical Fin Actuator
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Electromechanical actuators are used in a wide variety of aerospace applications such as missiles, aircrafts and spy-fly etc. In this work a linear and nonlinear fin actuator mathematical model has been developed and its response is investigated by developing an algorithm for the system using MATLAB. The algorithm used to the linear model is the state space algorithm while the algorithm used to the nonlinear model is the discrete algorithm. The huge moment constant is varied from (-3000 to 3000) and the damping ratio is varied from (0.4 to 0.8).        

 The comparison between linear and nonlinear fin actuator response results shows that for linear model, the maximum overshoot is about 10%,

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