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The Effectiveness of Indicators of Financial Discipline in Strengthening the Exchange Rate, with a Special Reference to Iraq
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Controlling public expenditures is one of the main objectives of the public budget. The public budget often suffers from a deficit, whether in developed or developing countries, because expenditures are usually greater than the revenues generated. This requires the existence of financial rules that are adhered to by the government, which in turn leads to discipline. Fiscal policy leads to a reduction in the obligations incumbent on the government.  Adhering to the financial rules would correct the course of fiscal policy in Iraq, with the need to direct oil revenues in the years of financial abundance when global oil prices rise to sovereign funds similar to other rentier countries, which contributes to maintaining the stability of the exchange rate and reducing dependence on The Central Bank. It performs monetary sterilization operations to sterilize the negative effects resulting from the lack of fiscal policy discipline, which negatively affects the foreign currency reserves and depletes them. The main conclusion reached by the research is that there is a state of financial indiscipline that has negatively affected the Iraqi dinar exchange rate, and that the attempts of the Central Bank of Iraq have partially worked to reduce the negative effects of the expansionary financial policy, and the main recommendation of the research was to work to achieve more discipline in fiscal policy in order to reduce the state of economic instability and mitigate the monetary sterilization policy by The Central Bank and the accompanying depletion of hard currency

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تناول البحث تطورات بنية الانفاق الحكومي للمدة (1990-2014) اذ تشمل هذه المدة مدتين مختلفتين من حيث الظروف اذ اتسمت المدة الاولى (1990-2002) بفرض العقوبات الاقتصادية وحرمان الاقتصاد العراقي من المورد النفطي ,في حين اتسمت المدة الثانية (2003-2014) بوفرة ال
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  The research explain the developments in the structure of government Expenditure for the period (1990-2014), this period include tow different periods in terms of the conditions, the first period (1990-2002)characterized by imposing the economic sanctions and deny the Iraqi economy from the oil revenues, while the second period (2003-2014) marked by abundance resource rents as a result of lifting the ban on oil exports, (autoregressive Distributed lag Model) has been used to measure the impact of government Expenditure in both side current and investment in the oil-GDP (gross domestic product) and non oil-GDP, the stady found that there is no significant relationship between current Expenditure in non-oil and oil-GDP in bo

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Diagnosing Pilgrimage Common Diseases by Interactive Multimedia Courseware
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In this study, we attempt to provide healthcare service to the pilgrims. This study describes how a multimedia courseware can be used in making the pilgrims aware of the common diseases that are present in Saudi Arabia during the pilgrimage. The multimedia courseware will also be used in providing some information about the symptoms of these diseases, and how each of them can be treated. The multimedia courseware contains a virtual representation of a hospital, some videos of actual cases of patients, and authentic learning activities intended to enhance health competencies during the pilgrimage. An examination of the courseware was conducted so as to study the manner in which the elements of the courseware are applied in real-time learn

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Algorithm for nth Order Intgro-Differential Equations by Using Hermite Wavelets Functions
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In this paper, the construction of Hermite wavelets functions and their operational matrix of integration is presented. The Hermite wavelets method is applied to solve nth order Volterra integro diferential equations (VIDE) by expanding the unknown functions, as series in terms of Hermite wavelets with unknown coefficients. Finally, two examples are given

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detecting Textual Propaganda Using Machine Learning Techniques
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Social Networking has dominated the whole world by providing a platform of information dissemination. Usually people share information without knowing its truthfulness. Nowadays Social Networks are used for gaining influence in many fields like in elections, advertisements etc. It is not surprising that social media has become a weapon for manipulating sentiments by spreading disinformation.  Propaganda is one of the systematic and deliberate attempts used for influencing people for the political, religious gains. In this research paper, efforts were made to classify Propagandist text from Non-Propagandist text using supervised machine learning algorithms. Data was collected from the news sources from July 2018-August 2018. After annota

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Roller compacted concrete: Literature review
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Roller compacted concrete (RCC) is a material with no slumps and is made from the same raw materials as conventional concrete. The roller compacted dam method, the high paste technique, the corps of engineers method, and the maximum density method are all ways of designing RCC. The evolution of RCC has resulted in a substantial change in construction projects, most notably in dams, because of the sluggish pace of conventional placement, consolidation, and compacting. The construction process was accelerated by incorporating RCC into dams, resulting in a shorter construction period. Research shows that the dams that used RCC had completed one to two years sooner than the dams that used regular concrete (Bagheri an

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2014
Journal Name
Sino Us
“Actual Experience”: Correcting Misconceptions Through Analyzing Harriet Wilson’s Our Nig
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African-American writers during the 19th century wrote in the shadow of the prominent romance, sentimental, and domestic fiction. Harriet Wilson’s Our Nig (1859) reflects an “alternative social character”, for the female protagonist suffers racism in the free North, because she is a mulatto child. Through depicting the life of free blacks, who supposedly lives a better life than Southern slaves, Wilson exposes how she has actually lived and sensed life in antebellum America. According to Raymond Williams (2011), there are two kinds of literary writings. The first represents the general tendency of the age, and he calls it “dominant social character”; representing the majority content of both the public writing and speaking. But, a

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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Most of the Weibull models studied in the literature were appropriate for modelling a continuous random variable which assumes the variable takes on real values over the interval [0,∞]. One of the new studies in statistics is when the variables take on discrete values. The idea was first introduced by Nakagawa and Osaki, as they introduced discrete Weibull distribution with two shape parameters q and β where      0 < q < 1 and b > 0. Weibull models for modelling discrete random variables assume only non-negative integer values. Such models are useful for modelling for example; the number of cycles to failure when components are subjected to cyclical loading. Discrete Weibull models can be obta

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 23 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Preparation Gelatin from Chicken Skin and Study its Functional and sensory Properties.: Preparation Gelatin from Chicken Skin and Study its Functional and sensory Properties.
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This study was carrid out to produce animal gelatin from chicken skin. Gelatin was prepared by the chemical method using HCl 2% and extraction at the temperature degree 70, 80, 90 c° and at the period of time 4, 6, 8 hours, calculated the yield, functional and sensory characteristics were measured at. The result also demonstrated that the produced gelatin have good functional properties in solubility, viscosity, gelling capacity, water absorpation, lipid binding, emulsification. viscosity was higher in gelatin prepared at 70 c° and period of extraction 8 hours and reached 1.0846 cp. Gelatin prepared were featured by highe gelling capacity at 1% for all extraction time periods. The produced gelatin was characterized by good sensory qual

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 05 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Review Article Blastocystosis
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Blastocystosis is symptomatic infection caused by the protozoal parasite Blastocystis , which resides in the intestinal tract of its hosts and it is one of the most common parasites reported in humans. It’s prevalence ranges between (30 - 50%) of the population in developing countries. This genus has a worldwide distribution and often the most commonly reported human intestinal protozoan in children and adults, even infect infants

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New Fuzzy Normed Spaces
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In this paper the research introduces a new definition of a fuzzy normed space then the related concepts such as fuzzy continuous, convergence of sequence of fuzzy points and Cauchy sequence of fuzzy points are discussed in details.

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