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Evaluation of the proposed strategy of Maysan Oil Company for the years 2020-2024
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ناقش البحث في طياته عدداً من القضايا الرئيسة المتعلقة بالتقييم الاستراتيجي والإطار العام للخطة الاستراتيجية المقترحة لشركة نفط ميسان للسنوات الخمس المقبلة (2020_2024)، وهدف هذا البحث يتمحور في تقييم عملية صياغة استراتيجية شركة نفط ميسان لتحديد نقاط القوة وتعضيدها ومواطن الضعف ومحاولة معالجتها لتجنب الوقوع بها عند وضع استراتيجية للسنوات القادمة، وعلى هذا الاساس فان مشكلة البحث تكمن في مدى نجاح الاستراتيجية التي تبنتها الشركة المبحوثة في تحقيق اهدافها من خلال محاولة تقييم تلك الاستراتيجية، وتأتي اهمية هذا البحث انطلاقاً من أهمية تقييم صياغة الاستراتيجيات والتي تعد هذه العملية جزء من الاستراتيجية وهي لا تهدف الى تحديد الانحرافات في الخطة وانما تهدف الى التأكد من دقة الخطة الاستراتيجية وشموليتها وموضوعيتها وايضاً تقييم مدى دقة الأهداف الاستراتيجية وشموليتها لأنشطة الشركة، والوقوف على مدى قدرة الاستراتيجية في التعامل مع القضايا الاستراتيجية وتوفيرها للبرامج والإجراءات والآفاق الزمنية لكل قضية. ولقد أعتمد على منهج دراسة الحالة باعتباره المنهج الذي يمتاز بالوصف التفصيلي الدقيق ذو العلاقة بمديات الدراسة، فضلاً عن تعدد سماته من حيث امكانيته في الجمع بين أكثر من اسلوب بحثي في آن واحد، وقد تم الاعتماد على الكتب والمراجع العربية والاجنبية والبحوث والدراسات والرسائل الجامعية، فضلاً عن اعتماد اسلوب المقابلات الشخصية لجمع البيانات من ذوي العلاقة والمعنيين في صياغة وتنفيذ الاستراتيجية في الشركة ميدان البحث من خلال استبانة مصممة لهذا الغرض وبواقع 13 مدير وخبير كعينة للبحث، وقد توصل الباحثان الى عدد من النتائج أهمها حصول الاستراتيجية المقترحة للشركة بإبعادها المختلفة على نسبة قبول عالية من المديرين عينة البحث فضلاً عن حرص إدارة الشركة على تبني مفاهيم التخطيط الاستراتيجي وبناء التوجه الاستراتيجي للشركة من رؤية ورسالة واهداف استراتيجية، وقد خلص الباحثان الى جملة من التوصيات كانت أهمها ضرورة اتباع استراتيجية النمو والتوسع من قبل الشركة لما تتمتع به من قدرات تؤهلها لذلك وبما ينسجم مع التوجه الاستراتيجي الذي تمت صياغته والقضايا الاستراتيجية المبنية على أساس الأهداف الاستراتيجية للسنوات الخمس المقبلة.


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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Solve the fuzzy Assignment problem by using the Labeling method
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The Assignment model is a mathematical model that aims to express a real problem facing factories and companies which is characterized by the guarantee of its activity in order to make the appropriate decision to get the best allocation of machines or jobs or workers on machines in order to increase efficiency or profits to the highest possible level or reduce costs or time To the extent possible, and in this research has been using the method of labeling to solve the problem of the fuzzy assignment of real data has been approved by the tire factory Diwaniya, where the data included two factors are the factors of efficiency and cost, and was solved manually by a number of iterations until reaching the optimization solution,

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
What are the unique words used in the Holy Qur’an
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We are aware that we cannot reach a correct level of understanding of the Arabic language without using the Quran as our main source in our research. Since the word of the Quran that put an end to all words which kneeled before it all the phrases that lead to the showcasing of the Arabic language in its best self.
Arab scientist realized this truth and gave all their attention to the singular and created from it an important subject for their research in the origins of the language and the science behind. Thus, since they dealt with the structure and studied the significance of the context through the use of vocabulary. Therefore, researching Islamic words or the “surat” mentioned in the Qur’an was necessar

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The rule (The inference is not invalidated by its like)
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In the name of of Allah the Merciful

Research Summary

This rule is one of the common rules between the sciences of the principles of jurisprudence and the jurisprudence rules. It is originally a fundamental rule because it relates to one of the topics of the science of the principles of jurisprudence, which is ijtihad. The ruling on reversing his ijtihad is permissible or not (1), and for this reason Ibn Al-Subki titled it in his book Al-Ishbah wa Al-Nazaer by saying: “What invalidates the judge’s judgment and what does not invalidate it.” ([2]).

The importance of this rule comes from the need for it by the judge, the mufti and the imitator, for the judge needs it to know the matters in which the ruling base

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Application of GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques for Hydromorphometric Analysis of Wadi Al-Mohammadi Basin, Western Iraq
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Hydromorphometric analysis as a method is considered one of the most reliable and used methods in solving hydrological problems. Where it is possible to know the volume of runoff and the rest of the elements that enter into the water balance. Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing is the technique that used the hydro-morphometric analysis of the Wadi Al-Mohammadi basin. Wadi Al-Mohammadi, located in the Western Desert, is one of the main valleys that flow into the Euphrates River. It is considered an important basin, because of its many characteristics, including its relatively large area and the amount of water drained through, which is used mainly in watering livestock and agriculture, in addition to industrial purposes suc

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Industrial Laboratory. Materials Diagnostics
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In medical practice, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are often used to treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Ibuprofen is a well-known NSAID, analgesic, and antipyretic medication. This chemical is an active ingredient of several oral medications that are offered in tablet, gel pellet, and syrup forms and has higher efficacy, tolerance, and side effect rates than other compounds, including pyrazolone derivatives. We present a unique plasma-assisted desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (PADI-MS) approach for improving pharmaceutically important solids using an ibuprofen tablet as a model solid sample. The goal of the study is to create an innovative mass spectrometric method that could be used for quick and accur

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Use of Thermostone Waste Aggregates for Internal Curing of Reactive Powder Concrete
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Abstract<p>The concrete need curing for cement hydration that is a chemical reaction in each step require water supply throughout the time period. The traditional concrete cured by external method that prevents the concrete surface dry so that keeping the concrete mixture wet and warm. The internal curing was adopted in normal and high strength concrete such as reactive powder concrete. In present paper, experimental approach is to study the mechanical properties of reactive powder concrete cured internally with thermostone material. The materials that adopted to evaluate and find out the influences of the internal curing on the mechanical properties of reactive powder concrete is focused with d</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Development of Modified Release Nicotine Tablet Formulation for Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis
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One of the therapeutic effects of nicotine  is used as  a protective against developing ulcerative colitis . ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease of the bowel affecting the superficial lining mucosa in the rectum and large intestine. In this study nicotine tablets were formulated as modified release tablets targeted to the colon. All formulas were studied for drug release , effect of diluent, retardant concentration, avicel grade,and compression force, the selected formula was then further studied for drug release in 3 different pH ( coated tablets) .The kinetic study revealed acceptable shelf life  . Finally the selected formula was given to 6 patients in a pre-liminary clinical study which showed that nicotine c

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Automatic Optimization System of Cutting Condition for Different Types of Machining Processes
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This research aims at calculating the optimum cutting condition for various types of machining methods, assisted by computers, (the computer program in this research is designed to solve linear programs; the program is written in v. basic language). The program obtains the results automatically, this occur through entering the preliminary information about the work piece and the operating condition, the program makes the calculation actually by solving a group of experimental relations, depending on the type of machining method (turning, milling, drilling). The program was transferred to package and group of windows to facilitate the use; it will automatically print the initial input and optimal solution, and thus reduce the effort and t

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Publication Date
Thu May 04 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Discuss of Error Analysis of Gauss-Jordan Elimination For Linear Algebraic Systems
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The paper establishes explicit representations of the errors and residuals of approximate
solutions of triangular linear systems by Jordan elimination and of general linear algebraic
systems by Gauss-Jordan elimination as functions of the data perturbations and the rounding
errors in arithmetic floating-point operations. From these representations strict optimal
componentwise error and residual bounds are derived. Further, stability estimates for the
solutions are discussed. The error bounds for the solutions of triangular linear systems are
compared to the optimal error bounds for the solutions by back substitution and by Gaussian
elimination with back substitution, respectively. The results confirm in a very

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 10 2023
Journal Name
2023 3rd International Scientific Conference Of Engineering Sciences (isces)
Using User Experience Metrics for Academic Management System of University of Baghdad
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Interface evaluation has been the subject of extensive study and research in human-computer interaction (HCI). It is a crucial tool for promoting the idea that user engagement with computers should resemble casual conversations and interactions between individuals, according to specialists in the field. Researchers in the HCI field initially focused on making various computer interfaces more usable, thus improving the user experience. This study's objectives were to evaluate and enhance the user interface of the University of Baghdad's implementation of an online academic management system using the effectiveness, time-based efficiency, and satisfaction rates that comply with the task questionnaire process. We made a variety of interfaces f

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