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The Influence of Emotional Intelligence in promoting the Empowerment of Employees
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The subject of the research seeks to indicate the level of influence of emotional intelligence in the empowerment of workers in the Ministry of Industry and Minerals General Company for Food Products. The research problem is illustrated by knowing all of the following:

  • The level of the relationship between emotional intelligence in promoting the empowerment of employees of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals.
  • The impact of emotional intelligence on the empowerment of workers in the ministry.
  • Recognize the interest of the management of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals in emotional intelligence and the empowerment of workers and its variables?

To achieve the goal of the research, a sample of individuals working in the administrative levels was surveyed from the directors and officials of the people in the ministry. The number of respondents was (57) employees. The research adopted the descriptive-analytical method and the questionnaire was used as a data collection tool based on the statistical analysis program. The research reached a number of conclusions, the nature of the relationship and influence between the variables of the research was the most important and the existence of a direct correlation between the emotional intelligence and the empowerment of workers as well as the existence of the relationship of moral influence between the variables. The research concluded a set of recommendations to the relevant authorities, including the possession of administrative leaders in the Ministry of the researched skills of emotional intelligence and use inappropriate situations and this enhances the requirements for the empowerment of employees and their use of those skills in a timely manner.

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of the financing structure on investment decisions : Applied research in a sample of commercial banks listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange for the period (2011-2020)
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               The research aims to shed light on the financing structure, which is one of the important pillars of financial management in the commercial banking sector, which enhances its financial position through financing its various investments, which is one of the pillars of the successful economy of the commercial banking sector. in which country. The contents of the research variables, which were represented by the independent variable, financing structure, the dependent variable, and investment decisions in commercial banks, which the researcher tried to address, as the research began with a basic variable that depends on diagnosing the impact of the financin

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Effect Of Time Driven Activity Based Costing in Pricing Decisions
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The research aims to demonstrate the impact of TDABC as a strategic technology compatible with the rapid developments and changes in the contemporary business environment) on pricing decisions. As TDABC provides a new philosophy in the process of allocating indirect costs through time directives of resources and activities to the goal of cost, identifying unused energy and associated costs, which provides the management of economic units with financial and non-financial information that helps them in the complex and dangerous decision-making process. Of pricing decisions. To achieve better pricing decisions in light of the endeavor to maintain customers in a highly competitive environment and a variety of alternatives, the resear

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Management by Walking Around on the Strategic Renewal of Business Organizations (Field Research in a Sample of Excellent grade hotels - in Baghdad)
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This work aims to show the nature of the relationship between management by walking around  (the independent variable) and strategic renewal (the dependent variable), as well as it shows the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Questionnaire items were considered the main tool for data collection by three basic aspects. The first involved the personal data of the respondents, while the second included items related to management by walking in five dimensions, and the third is strategic renewal items by addressing four dimensions. The tourism sector, while the community has six Excellent grade hotels was taken into account in this wor

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of some short-term debt instruments on the money supply and its effect on the production of wheat crop in Iraq during the period (1990_2018).
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The research aims to show the effect of some short-term debt instruments (central treasury transfers, cash credit granted to the government by commercial banks) on the production of the wheat crop in Iraq, through its effect on money supply during the period (1990-2018), As the study includes two models according to the statistical program (Eviews9), the first model included measuring the effect of short-term debt instruments on money supply, and the second measuring the extent of the money supply's impact on Wheat crop production, as the results of the standard analysis showed that the short-term debt instruments used in the model were Significant effect on wheat crop production indirectly through its effect on money supply, As

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the influence of Annealing upon electrical properties of The prepared films ZnSe by Thermal evaporation in Vacuum
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Thin films of ZnSe arc deposited on glass substrates by thermal evaporation in vacuum with different thickness (1000, 2700, 4000) A° temperature (293-373) °K are studies the electrical properties before and after annealing. The result show decrease D.0 conductivity and increasing the activation energy Eat.

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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Building Engineering
The influence of earthquake characteristics on the seismic performance of reinforced concrete buildings in Australia with varying heights
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In Australia, most of the existing buildings were designed before the release of the Australian standard for earthquake actions in 2007. Therefore, many existing buildings in Australia lack adequate seismic design, and their seismic performance must be assessed. The recent earthquake that struck Mansfield, Victoria near Melbourne elevated the need to produce fragility curves for existing reinforced concrete (RC) buildings in Australia. Fragility curves are frequently utilized to assess buildings’ seismic performance and it is defined as the demand probability surpassing capacity at a given intensity level. Numerous factors can influence the results of the fragility assessment of RC buildings. Among the most important factors that can affe

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Composites Science
The Influence of Strontium Oxide on the Physio-Mechanical Properties of Biomedical-Grade Titanium in Ti-SrO Composites
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Dental implants can be made of various materials, and amongst them, titanium and titanium alloy were the materials of choice for dental implants for many years because of their biocompatibility. The two alloys have a high level of biocompatibility, a lower modulus of elasticity, and better corrosion resistance than other alloys. Thus, they are frequently utilized in biomedical applications and mostly replace stiff fabrics. The latest advances in a new strontium oxide–cp titanium composite alloy are the main topic of this research. With regard to biomedical applications, additions of strontium oxide were synthesized at three distinct weight percentages (2%, 4%, and 6% by wt%). Powder metallurgy was used to create the alloys, which

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Brainstorming on audit Quality and its Reflection on Detecting the Risk of Fraud
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Brainstorming is one of the fundamental and necessary concepts for practising the auditing profession, as auditing standards encouraged the implementation of brainstorming sessions to reach reasonable assurance about the validity of the evidence and information obtained by the auditor to detect fraud, as the implementation of brainstorming sessions and the practice of professional suspicion during the audit process lead To increase the quality of auditing and thus raise the financial community's confidence in the auditing profession again after it was exposed to several crises that led to the financial community losing confidence in the auditing profession.

The research aims to explain the effect of brain

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Creative Accounting Practices on the Reliability of Financial Statements : Applied Research in the National General Insurance Company
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The study aims to highlighting the Creative Accounting practices, identifying  their impact on non reliability of financial statement of Insurance companies and Iraqi Public Reinsurance Company. Certain executive managements resort to creative accounting to falsely portray a better image to financial statement users by means of a set of techniques and mechanisms. Thus, impacting the company activities, The study was carried out in state insurance companies and Iraqi Public Reinsurance Company. Miller model is adopted to measure earning management practices. It is one of the tools to detect creative accounting practices and to measure reliability of accounting information of financial statements by applying  “White” scale on

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of the strategic foresight capabilities in green creativity An exploratory study for the State Company for Food Products
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The current research variables have received increasing attention in the recent period because they are one of the important issues affecting the future of organizations, as a result of the speed of environmental variables that have greatly affected organizations and for the purpose of explaining the relationships and links between research variables, as this research presents a test "the type and direction of the relationship between strategic foresight capabilities As an independent variable and green creativity "as a respondent variable. A set of questions has arisen about the basic research problem, including what is the nature and level of interest in the research variables (strategic foresight capabilities an

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