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The Role of E-Learning in enhancing Total Quality Management in Educational Institutions: an exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of the staff of the Directorate of Education in the province of Nineveh
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Purpose: The research aims to determine the relationship between E-Learning and Total Quality Management (TQM) in Educational institutions in Nineveh Governorates.

Methodology / Design: The researchers distributed (30) questionnaires to employees (teachers and administrators) of Nineveh Governorate education who represent the community of the research sample, as they were analyzed using the SPSS V.20

The importance of research: The importance of the research in the fact that it focuses on one of the educational methods represented in integrating the traditional method and relying on modern technologies using computers and the Internet in the field of education to improve the reality of education in Iraq in general and the Nineveh Governorate in particular.

Theoretical conclusions: This study has reached a number of conclusions, most important of which are that e-learning has many advantages, such as shortening time and effort, providing a diverse learning environment, alternatives and options, encouraging self-education and the possibility of education outside educational institutions without commitment to time and space.

Practical results: The results showed a correlation and significant effect between E-learning and total quality management.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Comparative Study of Various Intelligent Algorithms Based Nonlinear PID Neural Trajectory Tracking Controller for the Differential Wheeled Mobile Robot Model
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This paper presents a comparative study of two learning algorithms for the nonlinear PID neural trajectory tracking controller for mobile robot in order to follow a pre-defined path. As simple and fast tuning technique, genetic and particle swarm optimization algorithms are used to tune the nonlinear PID neural controller's parameters to find the best velocities control actions of the right wheel and left wheel for the real mobile robot. Polywog wavelet activation function is used in the structure of the nonlinear PID neural controller. Simulation results (Matlab) and experimental work (LabVIEW) show that the proposed nonlinear PID controller with PSO
learning algorithm is more effective and robust than genetic learning algorithm; thi

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Comparative Study for the Proton Electronic Stopping Power of Some Polymers by Using Mathematica, SRIM2013, PSTAR, LibdEdx, and Experimental Databases
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The available experimental data of proton electronic stopping power for Polyethylene, Mylar, Kapton and Polystyrene are compared with Mathematica, SRIM2013, PSTAR and libdEdx programs or databases.  The comparison involves sketching out both experimental and databases data for each polymer to discuss the agreement. Further, we use statistical means via standard deviation resulting from the mean normalized difference to describe the precise agreement among the databases and the experimental data. We found that there is not a specific one database can describe the experimental data for certain material at given proton energy.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A study of analysis and comparison to the low nutrient density foods that more normality for children age (3 –5 years)
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Through the early childhood and after the ablactating the child learns acquired food habbits that might studying with him throughout his life. Here the parents role arises: teaching the child the sound food habits and hygienic styles and whatever beneficial to the health and with the sufficient quantities for the body. In this way the experiences the child learns at home will be of great help in his future life in choosing the suitable food after becoming more dependent in making his decisions and choices away from his parents. The results in this study showed that the averages of the children’s consumption of the high energy foods in comparison with the other highest consumption average , after that comes the con sumption of soft drills

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
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Recent Technologies In Sustainable Materials Engineering
A Comparative Study Between the Individual, Dual and Triple Addition of (S.F.), (T.G.P.) and (P.V.A.) for Improving Local Gypsum (Juss) Properties
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
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The Instagram from a media tool to a marketing tool: بتول السيد مصطفى جواد أحمد
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The subject of this study is one of the most interactive media networks, which is the Instagram.The study uses a descriptive approach and focuses on how Instagram turns from a media tool to a marketing tool. The study problematic consists of this question: How Instagram turns to a marketing tool, and what are the advantages and the disadvantages for that?This study highlights the definition of Instagram, the creation of it and its improvement, the Instagram in Bahrain, the Instagram uses, the Instagram as a marketing tool, and the advantages and disadvantages of using Instagram for marketing.The study confirms that Instagram is a new media network, and focuses on how it develops on later stages and mentions the increase of the percentage

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics (ijp)
Study the Effect of Graphene on the Contact Angle, Water Absorption and Thermal Stability ( TGA ,DSC) for Blend (Epoxy & Repcoat ZR)
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In this study, polymeric coating was developed by incorporating nano graphene in the polymer blend with applications to oil storage tanks. The oil storage tanks samples were brought from the oil Pipeline Company / Doura refinery in Baghdad. The coating polymer was formed with a blend (epoxy resin and repcoat ZR). The proportion of mixing the mixture was 3:1:1 epoxy resin 21.06 gm: repcoat ZR 10.53 gm: hardener 10.53 gm. The blend/graphene was prepared using in stui-polymerization method with different weight percentage 1, 3, 5, and 7 wt % added to blend. The resulting solution was put in a glass tube on a magnetic stirrer for one hour at a temperature of 40 °C. The result of contact angle and water absorption the best ratio of 3wt

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 29 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Professional Studies
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PDBN Rashid, International Journal of Professional Studies, 2023

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
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Aesthetics Environmental Art (An analytical study)
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Find cares studying the aesthetics of environmental art, one of the topics that is one of the problems of the aesthetic side in the arts of postmodernism, so this research came as an attempt to get to know the aesthetic concepts of environmental art that can be learned from functional testing in the formation of the post-modern control. The research involved four chapters: The first chapter discusses the general framework of the research methodology, as it was displayed in itThe research problem and its importance and define its objective to identify the aesthetics of environmental art at the level of the body, meaning, the receiver .ozlk in Iraq and America as the spatial limits of the time limits are period stretching from 1970 to 2006

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Inhibitory Effect of Aqueous Extract of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) Leaves on the Activity of Male Reproductive System of Albino Mice
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The aim of present study to investigate the effect of Coraindrum sativum leaves extract on reproductive activity of male albino mice .Thirty male mice with age of 80-100 day and weight between 25-30 g were divided into three groups: group 1 (untreated), group 2 and 3 were administrated orally for 30 days with aqueous extract of Coraindrum sativum leaves at dose 125 and 250mg/kg.b.w. respectively. The following parameters were evaluated: serum testosterone levels, testes weights, sperm characteristics [motility, viability, spermatozoa, morphology and concentration] and histology changes of the testis. The results showed that the treatment caused highly significant degrease (P<0.01) in testosterone levels and the weight of testes assoc

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
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Classroom communication in art education lessons between concept and function
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The issue of communication and communication is receiving increasing attention in both contemporary studies and educational literature, and these studies emphasize the importance of studying communication within the classroom, which inevitably applies to the importance of relationships and tensions in the field of teaching art in particular because it is an emotional field that provides an opportunity for communication competencies and skills to be prominent and take Its wide scope, both among the students themselves and between teachers and students. The means of communication are the vessel in which the cultural relations and the commonalities between people revolve. The process of building relationships between students depends in man

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