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Applying some hybrid models for modeling bivariate time series assuming different distributions for random error with a practical application
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  Bivariate time series modeling and forecasting have become a promising field of applied studies in recent times. For this purpose, the Linear Autoregressive Moving Average with exogenous variable ARMAX model is the most widely used technique over the past few years in modeling and forecasting this type of data. The most important assumptions of this model are linearity and homogenous for random error variance of the appropriate model. In practice, these two assumptions are often violated, so the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) and (GARCH) with exogenous variables (GARCHX) are applied to analyze and capture the volatility that occurs in the conditional variance of a linear model. Since time series observations rarely have linear or nonlinear components in nature or usually included together. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to employ the hybrid model technique according to Zhang methodology for hybrid models to combine the linear forecasts of the best linear model of ARMAX models and the nonlinear forecasts of the best nonlinear models of (ARCH, GARCH & GARCHX) models and thus increase the efficiency and accuracy of performance forecasting future values of the time series.

This paper is concerned with the modeling and building of the hybrid models (ARMAX-GARCH) and (ARMAX-GARCHX), assuming three different random error distributions: Gaussian distribution, Student-t distribution, as well as the general error distribution and the last two distributions were applied for the purpose of capturing the characteristics of heavy tail distributions which have a Leptokurtic characteristic compared to the normal distribution. This research adopted a modern methodology in estimating the parameters of the hybrid model namely the (two-step procedure) methodology. In the first stage, the parameters of the linear model were estimated using three different methods: The Ordinary Least Squares method (OLS), the Recursive Least Square Method with Exponential Forgetting Factor (RLS-EF), and the Recursive Prediction Error Method (RPM). In the second stage, the parameters of the nonlinear model were estimated using the MLE method and employing the numerical improvement algorithm (BHHH algorithm).




The hybrid models have been applied for modeling the relationship between the exogenous time series represented by the exchange rate and the endogenous time series represented by the unemployment rate in the USA for the period from (January 2000 to December 2017 i.e. 216 observations), and also the out-of-sample forecasts of unemployment rate in the last twelve values of (2018). The forecasting performance of the hybrid models and the competing individual model was also evaluated using the loss function accuracy measures (MAPE), (MAE), and the robust (Q-LIKE). Based on statistical measurements, the results showed the hybrid models improved the accuracy and efficiency of the single model. () hybrid model error whose conditional variance follows a GED distribution is the optimal model in modeling the bivariate time series data under study and more efficient in the forecasting process compared with the individual model and the hybrid model. This is due to having the lowest values for accuracy measures. Different software packages (MATLAB (2018a), SAS 9.1, R 3.5.2 and EViews 9) were used to analyze the data under consideration.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Clinical Evaluation of a Formulated Econazol Nitrate as A Topical Solution
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Econazole nitrate (EN) is considered as the most effective agent for the treatment of all forms of dermatomycosis caused by dernatophytes. It was formulated as a topical solution in our laboratories. This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of Econazol Nitrate in the prepared formula and compared with that of commercial brand, Pevaryl®. A total of 104 patient suffering from dermatomycoses were involved in this investigation. Both formula were applied to the affected skin region in the morning and evening from week to 16 weeks with light massage until complete healing effect was achieved. The data revealed that the percentage of cured patient treated with the prepared formula and reference formula of Ecanozol Nitrate 1% so

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Phonological Study of English and Arabic Assimilation : A Contrastive Study
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        Assimilation is defined ,by many phoneticians like  Schane ,Roach ,and many others, as a phonological process when there is a change of one sound into another because of  neighboring sounds.This study investigates the  phoneme assimilation as a phonological process in English and Arabic  and it is concerned specifically with the differences and similarities in both languages.   Actually ,this study reflects the different terms which are used  in Arabic to refer to this phenomenon and in this way it  shows whether the term 'assimilation ' can have the same meaning of  'idgham' in Arabic or not . Besides, in Arabic , this phenomenon is discussed from&nb

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
PRESS COVERAGE OF CRISES: (A Research Drawn from a Doctoral Thesis)
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Media is one of the main and effective factors; and it is a tool of crisis management equipment. Media is one of the most dangerous, effective and decisive weapons in modern conflicts; a tool for making events and influencing their events and trends as a means of reporting as the enormous capabilities of media which help media to move very quickly, and cross borders; and overcome obstacles, through many means of audio, reading and visual. As its ability, moreover, to influence the psychological and intellectual control of communities, and behaviors.

Intelligent media is, then, used in crises management and coverage. Crises have been existed with the presence of man on Earth. Thei

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
Stability analysis of a competitive ecological system in a polluted environment
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The interplay of species in a polluted environment is one of the most critical aspects of the ecosystem. This paper explores the dynamics of the two-species Lokta–Volterra competition model. According to the type I functional response, one species is affected by environmental pollution. Whilst the other degrades the toxin according to the type II functional response. All equilibrium points of the system are located, with their local and global stability being assessed. A numerical simulation examination is carried out to confirm the theoretical results. These results illustrate that competition and pollution can significantly change the coexistence and extinction of each species.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hyperprolactenemia in Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematusus
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Recent accumulated evidences suggest that prolactin is an important immunomodulator and may have a role in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The aim of this study was to assess the frequency of hyperprolactinemia in women with SLE and to evaluate its correlation with disease flares. Serum prolactin levels were measured in 62 women with SLE and 50 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. In patients and control groups prolactin levels were determined by immunoradiometric assay (IRMA). The prolactin level was found to be higher than normal rang in (40.3%) of SLE patients in active stage versus only (8.06%) of the same SLE patients but in the inactive stage and in (4%) of control group, the elevation was ranging between mi

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 18 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment of Patients’ Compliance with Essential Hypertension
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This study aims to asses the patients' compliance with essential hypertension in respect to antihypertensive
medications, follow-up, dietary pattern and health habits, to identify the associated long-term complications, and
to find out the relationship between patient's compliance, and demographic characteristics such as age, gender,
level of education, and duration of disease.
A descriptive study was carried out in Nasiriyah Teaching Hospital to achieve presented objectives .
The results of the study revealed that there were a significant association between educational level and total
patient's compliance, a significant association was found between the duration of disease and

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 27 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Association of Oxidative Stress Markers with Cholelithiasis
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Oxidative stress markers are of important diagnostic parameters for many disorders including cholelithiasis. This present study has aimed to assess the state of oxidative stress in symptomatic radiographically confirmed (Cholelithiasis) patients by measuring two parameters used as oxidative stress parameters which are serum myeloperoxidase (MPO) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). This study was carried out on 100 patient diagnosed as (Cholelithiasis) patients with 30 age and sex matched healthy controls by measuring serum (MPO) and (SOD) by ELIZA technique .Results showed significantly decrease in antioxidant enzyme(SOD) and increase in serum level of (MPO) comparing with controls.

Keywords: Cholelithiasis , Oxidative stress

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Loc-hollow Fuzzy Modules with Related Modules
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     The concept of a small f- subm was presented in a previous study. This work introduced a concept of a hollow f- module, where a module is said to be hollow fuzzy when every subm of it is a small f- subm. Some new types of hollow modules are provided namely, Loc- hollow f- modules as a strength of the hollow module, where every Loc- hollow f- module is a hollow module, but the converse is not true. Many properties and characterizations of these concepts are proved, also the relationship between all these types is researched. Many important results that explain this relationship are demonstrated also several characterizations and properties related to these concepts are given.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Applied Sciences
interaction of alpha particles with Overy tissue
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Nuclear medicine is important for both diagnosis and treatment. The most common treatment for diseases is radiation therapy used against cancer. The radiation intensity of the treatment is often less than its ability to cause damage, so radiation must be carefully controlled. The interactions of alpha particle with matter were studied and the stopping powers of alpha particle with ovary tissue were calculated using Beth-Bloch equation, Zeigler’s formula and SRIM Software also the range and Liner Energy Transfer (LET) and ovary thickness as well as dose and dose equivalent for this particle were calculated by using Matlab language for (0.01-200) MeV alpha energy.

Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Laser Finger Print Sensor with Holographic Grating
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Design and Construction system for recording Finger print by laser, and separted the signal to noise by holographic element, was done. For safety, total reflection lighting ensures hat aser earns an not enter An operators eyes. Holographic diffraction grating was used instead of computer program to contrast images.

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