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Applying some hybrid models for modeling bivariate time series assuming different distributions for random error with a practical application
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  Bivariate time series modeling and forecasting have become a promising field of applied studies in recent times. For this purpose, the Linear Autoregressive Moving Average with exogenous variable ARMAX model is the most widely used technique over the past few years in modeling and forecasting this type of data. The most important assumptions of this model are linearity and homogenous for random error variance of the appropriate model. In practice, these two assumptions are often violated, so the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) and (GARCH) with exogenous variables (GARCHX) are applied to analyze and capture the volatility that occurs in the conditional variance of a linear model. Since time series observations rarely have linear or nonlinear components in nature or usually included together. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to employ the hybrid model technique according to Zhang methodology for hybrid models to combine the linear forecasts of the best linear model of ARMAX models and the nonlinear forecasts of the best nonlinear models of (ARCH, GARCH & GARCHX) models and thus increase the efficiency and accuracy of performance forecasting future values of the time series.

This paper is concerned with the modeling and building of the hybrid models (ARMAX-GARCH) and (ARMAX-GARCHX), assuming three different random error distributions: Gaussian distribution, Student-t distribution, as well as the general error distribution and the last two distributions were applied for the purpose of capturing the characteristics of heavy tail distributions which have a Leptokurtic characteristic compared to the normal distribution. This research adopted a modern methodology in estimating the parameters of the hybrid model namely the (two-step procedure) methodology. In the first stage, the parameters of the linear model were estimated using three different methods: The Ordinary Least Squares method (OLS), the Recursive Least Square Method with Exponential Forgetting Factor (RLS-EF), and the Recursive Prediction Error Method (RPM). In the second stage, the parameters of the nonlinear model were estimated using the MLE method and employing the numerical improvement algorithm (BHHH algorithm).




The hybrid models have been applied for modeling the relationship between the exogenous time series represented by the exchange rate and the endogenous time series represented by the unemployment rate in the USA for the period from (January 2000 to December 2017 i.e. 216 observations), and also the out-of-sample forecasts of unemployment rate in the last twelve values of (2018). The forecasting performance of the hybrid models and the competing individual model was also evaluated using the loss function accuracy measures (MAPE), (MAE), and the robust (Q-LIKE). Based on statistical measurements, the results showed the hybrid models improved the accuracy and efficiency of the single model. () hybrid model error whose conditional variance follows a GED distribution is the optimal model in modeling the bivariate time series data under study and more efficient in the forecasting process compared with the individual model and the hybrid model. This is due to having the lowest values for accuracy measures. Different software packages (MATLAB (2018a), SAS 9.1, R 3.5.2 and EViews 9) were used to analyze the data under consideration.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Applied Study on Analysis of Fixed, Random and Mixed Panel Data Models Measured at specific time intervals
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This research sought to present a concept of cross-sectional data models,  A crucial double data to take the impact of the change in time and obtained from the measured phenomenon of repeated observations in different time periods, Where the models of the panel  data were defined by different types of fixed , random and mixed, and Comparing them by studying and analyzing the mathematical relationship between the influence of time with a set of basic variables Which are the main axes on which the research is based and is represented by the monthly revenue of the working individual and the profits it generates, which represents the variable response And its relationship to a set of explanatory variables represented by the

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 29 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Application of WDR Technique with different Wavelet Codecs for Image Compression
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FG Mohammed, HM Al-Dabbas, Iraqi journal of science, 2018 - Cited by 6

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Scopus (9)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Co-digestion of Shumblan with Different Wastes as a Source for the Biogas Production
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Shumblan (SH) is one of the most undesirable aquatic plants widespread in the irrigation channels and water bodies. This work focuses on boosting the biogas potential of shumblan by co-digesting it with other types of wastes without employing any chemical or thermal pretreatments as done in previous studies. A maximum biogas recovery of 378 ml/g VS was reached using shumblan with cow manure as inoculum in a ratio of 1:1. The methane content of the biogas was 55%. Based on volatile solid (VS) and C/N ratios, biogas productions of 518, 434, and 580 ml/g VS were obtained when the shumblan was co-digested with food wastes (SH:F), paper wastes (SH:P), and green wastes (SH:G) respectively. No significant changes of methane contents were observ

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
identifying the reasons of electronic smoking spreading (VAPING) in the society with practical application using Analytical Factors
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We have investigated in this research, the contents of the electronic cigarette (Viber) and the emergence of the phenomenon of electronic smoking (vibing) were discussed, although the topic of smoking is one of the oldest topics on which many articles and research have been conducted, electronic smoking has not been studied according to statistical scientific research, we tried in this research to identify the concept of electronic smoking to sample the studied data and to deal with it in a scientific way. This research included conducting a statistical analysis using the factor analysis of a sample taken randomly from some colleges in Bab Al-medium in Baghdad with a size of (70) views where  (КМО) and a (bartlett) tests

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
User (K-Means) for clustering in Data Mining with application
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  The great scientific progress has led to widespread Information as information accumulates in large databases is important in trying to revise and compile this vast amount of data and, where its purpose to extract hidden information or classified data under their relations with each other in order to take advantage of them for technical purposes.

      And work with data mining (DM) is appropriate in this area because of the importance of research in the (K-Means) algorithm for clustering data in fact applied with effect can be observed in variables by changing the sample size (n) and the number of clusters (K)

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
For Sake of The Economic Reform - With some indication for Iraq
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The imbalances and economic problems which it face the countries, it is a result of international economic developments or changes or global crises such as deterioration in trade, sharp changes in oil prices, increasing global indebtedness, sharp changes in foreign exchange rates and other changes, all that, they affect the economic features of any country. and These influences vary from one country to another according to the rigidity of its economy and its potential in maneuvering with economic plans and actions that would reduce the impact or avoidance with minimal damage. Therefore, the countries  that  suffer from accumulated economic problems as a result of mismanagement and poor planning or suffe

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Robust Estimations of Cluster Analysis: Practical Application in Administrative and Financial Corruption
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Cluster analysis (clustering) is mainly concerned with dividing a number of data elements into clusters. The paper applies this method to create a gathering of symmetrical government agencies with the aim to classify them and understand how far they are close to each other in terms of administrative and financial corruption by means of five variables representing the prevalent administrative and financial corruption in the state institutions. Cluster analysis has been applied to each of these variables to understand the extent to which these agencies are close to other in each of the cases related to the administrative and financial corruption.           

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of Models (NAGARCH & APGARCH) by Using Simulations
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Simulation experiments are a means of solving in many fields, and it is the process of designing a model of the real system in order to follow it and identify its behavior through certain models and formulas written according to a repeating software style with a number of iterations. The aim of this study is to build a model  that deals with the behavior suffering from the state of (heteroskedasticity) by studying the models (APGARCH & NAGARCH) using (Gaussian) and (Non-Gaussian) distributions for different sample sizes (500,1000,1500,2000) through the stage of time series analysis (identification , estimation, diagnostic checking and prediction). The data was generated using the estimations of the parameters resulting f

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical, Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering
Performance Analysis of xPON Network for Different Queuing Models
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Passive optical network (PON) is a point to multipoint, bidirectional, high rate optical network for data communication. Different standards of PONs are being implemented, first of all PON was ATM PON (APON) which evolved in Broadband PON (BPON). The two major types are Ethernet PON (EPON) and Gigabit passive optical network (GPON). PON with these different standards is called xPON. To have an efficient performance for the last two standards of PON, some important issues will considered. In our work we will integrate a network with different queuing models such M/M/1 and M/M/m model. After analyzing IPACT as a DBA scheme for this integrated network, we modulate cycle time, traffic load, throughput, utilization and overall delay

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Synthesis of ZnS Quantum Dots for QDs-LED hybrid device with different cathode materials
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