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Applying some hybrid models for modeling bivariate time series assuming different distributions for random error with a practical application
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  Bivariate time series modeling and forecasting have become a promising field of applied studies in recent times. For this purpose, the Linear Autoregressive Moving Average with exogenous variable ARMAX model is the most widely used technique over the past few years in modeling and forecasting this type of data. The most important assumptions of this model are linearity and homogenous for random error variance of the appropriate model. In practice, these two assumptions are often violated, so the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) and (GARCH) with exogenous variables (GARCHX) are applied to analyze and capture the volatility that occurs in the conditional variance of a linear model. Since time series observations rarely have linear or nonlinear components in nature or usually included together. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to employ the hybrid model technique according to Zhang methodology for hybrid models to combine the linear forecasts of the best linear model of ARMAX models and the nonlinear forecasts of the best nonlinear models of (ARCH, GARCH & GARCHX) models and thus increase the efficiency and accuracy of performance forecasting future values of the time series.

This paper is concerned with the modeling and building of the hybrid models (ARMAX-GARCH) and (ARMAX-GARCHX), assuming three different random error distributions: Gaussian distribution, Student-t distribution, as well as the general error distribution and the last two distributions were applied for the purpose of capturing the characteristics of heavy tail distributions which have a Leptokurtic characteristic compared to the normal distribution. This research adopted a modern methodology in estimating the parameters of the hybrid model namely the (two-step procedure) methodology. In the first stage, the parameters of the linear model were estimated using three different methods: The Ordinary Least Squares method (OLS), the Recursive Least Square Method with Exponential Forgetting Factor (RLS-EF), and the Recursive Prediction Error Method (RPM). In the second stage, the parameters of the nonlinear model were estimated using the MLE method and employing the numerical improvement algorithm (BHHH algorithm).




The hybrid models have been applied for modeling the relationship between the exogenous time series represented by the exchange rate and the endogenous time series represented by the unemployment rate in the USA for the period from (January 2000 to December 2017 i.e. 216 observations), and also the out-of-sample forecasts of unemployment rate in the last twelve values of (2018). The forecasting performance of the hybrid models and the competing individual model was also evaluated using the loss function accuracy measures (MAPE), (MAE), and the robust (Q-LIKE). Based on statistical measurements, the results showed the hybrid models improved the accuracy and efficiency of the single model. () hybrid model error whose conditional variance follows a GED distribution is the optimal model in modeling the bivariate time series data under study and more efficient in the forecasting process compared with the individual model and the hybrid model. This is due to having the lowest values for accuracy measures. Different software packages (MATLAB (2018a), SAS 9.1, R 3.5.2 and EViews 9) were used to analyze the data under consideration.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
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Survival analysis is widely applied to data that described by the length of time until the occurrence of an event under interest such as death or other important events. The purpose of this paper is to use the dynamic methodology which provides a flexible method, especially in the analysis of discrete survival time, to estimate the effect of covariate variables through time in the survival analysis on dialysis patients with kidney failure until death occurs. Where the estimations process is completely based on the Bayes approach by using two estimation methods: the maximum A Posterior (MAP) involved with Iteratively Weighted Kalman Filter Smoothing (IWKFS) and in combination with the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm. While the other

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Mon Dec 29 2014
Journal Name
Information And Knowledge Management
Applying Electronic Commerce for a Proposed Virtual Organization
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Virtual organization is similar to traditional organization in principles, but is different in the ways it operates. It requires small creation costs compared to the traditional and it uses electronic commerce as the market place and distribution channel for its products and services.The aim of this article is to applying electronic commerce for a proposed virtual organization. The tools used to build an effective web application for virtual organization to provide virtual environment to the customers to do the transaction activities online include PHP, MySQL and Apache. HTML is used for displaying forms and tables and JavaScript is used for verification in client side. Finally, connecting it to company as a third party to per

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use some probability amputated models to study the characteristics of health payments in the Iraqi Insurance Company
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Due to the lack of previous statistical study of the behavior of payments, specifically health insurance, which represents the largest proportion of payments in the general insurance companies in Iraq, this study was selected and applied in the Iraqi insurance company.

In order to find the convenient model representing the health insurance payments, we initially detected two probability models by using (Easy Fit) software:

First, a single Lognormal for the whole sample and the other is a Compound Weibull  for the two Sub samples (small payments and large payments), and we focused on the compoun

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison some of methods wavelet estimation for non parametric regression function with missing response variable at random
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 The problem of missing data represents a major obstacle before researchers in the process of data analysis in different fields since , this problem is a recurrent one in all fields of study including social , medical , astronomical and clinical experiments .

The presence of such a problem within the data to be studied may influence negatively on the analysis and it may lead to misleading conclusions , together with the fact that these conclusions that result from a great bias caused by that problem in spite of the efficiency of wavelet methods but they are also affected by the missing of data , in addition to the impact of the problem of miss of accuracy estimation

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Ecology
Horizontal variability of some soil properties in wasit governorate by using time series analysis
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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use Generalized Pareto Survival Models to Estimation Optimal Survival Time for Myocardial Infarction Patients
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The survival analysis is one of the modern methods of analysis that is based on the fact that the dependent variable represents time until the event concerned in the study. There are many survival models that deal with the impact of explanatory factors on the likelihood of survival, including the models proposed by the world, David Cox, one of the most important and common models of survival, where it consists of two functions, one of which is a parametric function that does not depend on the survival time and the other a nonparametric function that depends on times of survival, which the Cox model is defined as a semi parametric model, The set of parametric models that depend on the time-to-event distribution parameters such as

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
An Efficient Shrinkage Estimators For Generalized Inverse Rayleigh Distribution Based On Bounded And Series Stress-Strength Models
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Abstract<p>In this paper, we investigate two stress-strength models (Bounded and Series) in systems reliability based on Generalized Inverse Rayleigh distribution. To obtain some estimates of shrinkage estimators, Bayesian methods under informative and non-informative assumptions are used. For comparison of the presented methods, Monte Carlo simulations based on the Mean squared Error criteria are applied.</p>
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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Performance Analysis of different Machine Learning Models for Intrusion Detection Systems
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In recent years, the world witnessed a rapid growth in attacks on the internet which resulted in deficiencies in networks performances. The growth was in both quantity and versatility of the attacks. To cope with this, new detection techniques are required especially the ones that use Artificial Intelligence techniques such as machine learning based intrusion detection and prevention systems. Many machine learning models are used to deal with intrusion detection and each has its own pros and cons and this is where this paper falls in, performance analysis of different Machine Learning Models for Intrusion Detection Systems based on supervised machine learning algorithms. Using Python Scikit-Learn library KNN, Support Ve

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Arpn Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
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Producing pseudo-random numbers (PRN) with high performance is one of the important issues that attract many researchers today. This paper suggests pseudo-random number generator models that integrate Hopfield Neural Network (HNN) with fuzzy logic system to improve the randomness of the Hopfield Pseudo-random generator. The fuzzy logic system has been introduced to control the update of HNN parameters. The proposed model is compared with three state-ofthe-art baselines the results analysis using National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) statistical test and ENT test shows that the projected model is statistically significant in comparison to the baselines and this demonstrates the competency of neuro-fuzzy based model to produce

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 11 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Proton momentum distributions and elastic electron scattering form factors for some Ge isotopes
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The proton momentum distributions (PMD) and the elastic
electron scattering form factors F(q) of the ground state for some
even mass nuclei in the 2p-1f shell for 70Ge, 72Ge, 74Ge and 76Ge are
calculated by using the Coherent Density Fluctuation Model (CDFM)
and expressed in terms of the fluctuation function (weight function)
|F(x)|2. The fluctuation function has been related to the charge
density distribution (CDD) of the nuclei and determined from the
theory and experiment. The property of the long-tail behavior at high
momentum region of the proton momentum distribution has been
obtained by both the theoretical and experimental fluctuation
functions. The calculated form factors F (q) of all nuclei under s

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