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Applying some hybrid models for modeling bivariate time series assuming different distributions for random error with a practical application
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  Bivariate time series modeling and forecasting have become a promising field of applied studies in recent times. For this purpose, the Linear Autoregressive Moving Average with exogenous variable ARMAX model is the most widely used technique over the past few years in modeling and forecasting this type of data. The most important assumptions of this model are linearity and homogenous for random error variance of the appropriate model. In practice, these two assumptions are often violated, so the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) and (GARCH) with exogenous variables (GARCHX) are applied to analyze and capture the volatility that occurs in the conditional variance of a linear model. Since time series observations rarely have linear or nonlinear components in nature or usually included together. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to employ the hybrid model technique according to Zhang methodology for hybrid models to combine the linear forecasts of the best linear model of ARMAX models and the nonlinear forecasts of the best nonlinear models of (ARCH, GARCH & GARCHX) models and thus increase the efficiency and accuracy of performance forecasting future values of the time series.

This paper is concerned with the modeling and building of the hybrid models (ARMAX-GARCH) and (ARMAX-GARCHX), assuming three different random error distributions: Gaussian distribution, Student-t distribution, as well as the general error distribution and the last two distributions were applied for the purpose of capturing the characteristics of heavy tail distributions which have a Leptokurtic characteristic compared to the normal distribution. This research adopted a modern methodology in estimating the parameters of the hybrid model namely the (two-step procedure) methodology. In the first stage, the parameters of the linear model were estimated using three different methods: The Ordinary Least Squares method (OLS), the Recursive Least Square Method with Exponential Forgetting Factor (RLS-EF), and the Recursive Prediction Error Method (RPM). In the second stage, the parameters of the nonlinear model were estimated using the MLE method and employing the numerical improvement algorithm (BHHH algorithm).




The hybrid models have been applied for modeling the relationship between the exogenous time series represented by the exchange rate and the endogenous time series represented by the unemployment rate in the USA for the period from (January 2000 to December 2017 i.e. 216 observations), and also the out-of-sample forecasts of unemployment rate in the last twelve values of (2018). The forecasting performance of the hybrid models and the competing individual model was also evaluated using the loss function accuracy measures (MAPE), (MAE), and the robust (Q-LIKE). Based on statistical measurements, the results showed the hybrid models improved the accuracy and efficiency of the single model. () hybrid model error whose conditional variance follows a GED distribution is the optimal model in modeling the bivariate time series data under study and more efficient in the forecasting process compared with the individual model and the hybrid model. This is due to having the lowest values for accuracy measures. Different software packages (MATLAB (2018a), SAS 9.1, R 3.5.2 and EViews 9) were used to analyze the data under consideration.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effectiveness of the organization in the philosophy of the most prominent theoreticianAdministrative thought
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بناء على ما تقدم يتضح ان القطاع العام والقطاع الخاص ليسا موقفا ايدولوجيا انتقائيا، وانما هو انبثاق من العمود الفقري للصيرورة الرأسمالية القائمة على تقديس الملكية الخاصة، وان الادوار التي يمكن ان يلعباها ليسا منعزلين عن الحركة العامة للاقتصاد في كليته، وليس هما ابنا السياسات الاقتصادية، والبناء الفوقي بقدر ماهما نتاج الحركة الموضوعية وصيرورة التطور الاجتماعي معبرا عنها في تطور علاقات الانتاج وقوى الانتا

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The study aims to know the preference of the Iraqi consumer of imported dairy products to local, which has increased demand in recent years due to various reasons including commodity dumping policy that Iraq has been suffering since 2003, which has led to decline in the role of local dairy product in our markets and its inability to compete with imported product for different reasons. The research utilized questionnaire as a survey tool of the opinions of a sample of Iraqi 92 consumers in Baghdad/Alrisafa. The questionnaire consisted of twenty questions included the four components of marketing mixture (product quality, price, place, and promotion). Weighted mean and percentage weight used for data analysis. The study showed that the mos

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
مجلة الباحث للعلوم القانونية
الالتزام بضمان سلامة الشخص الحاصل على تطعيم (كوفيد-19)
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بعد مرور عام واكثر على ظهور فيروس كورونا والعالم يواجه تسونامي تلك الجائحة التي تكاد تعصف بالوجود البشري برمته لذا اخذت البشرية على عاتقها مواصلة الجهود والابحاث للوصول الى علاج طبي يتم من خلاله مواجهة هذا الفيروس او التقليل من آثاره التي تهدد الحياة البشرية بالموت المباشر دون الاصابة، مما نتج عن تلك الجهود مجموعة من اللقاحات التي تبنتها الشركات العالمية المسؤولة الا ان الضرورة القصوى التي نتجت عنها تلك الل

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The effect of the significance of the Qur'anic context in the allocation of the year
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Acting on the Holy Qur’an by contemplating its meanings, stopping at its commands and prohibitions, and everything in it that guides us to truth and mercy. The Holy Qur’an includes it for various purposes in one verse, and there is no doubt that this is part of the perfection of this great book, and one of the sciences of the fundamentalists is the indication of the context, and it is a great science of high rank, and it is one of the most important things that lead to the correct understanding of the miraculous and decisive book of God Almighty, and one of the best meanings of the Qur’an It was not from the context of the verses, and from here it can be said that the indication of the context is one of the origins of deriving lega

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Notes on Weibull Distribution
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Weibull Distribution is one of most important distribution and it is mainly used in reliability and in distribution of life time. The study handled two parameter and three-parameter Weibull Distribution in addition to five –parameter Bi-Weibull distribution. The latter being very new and was not mentioned before in many of the previous references. This distribution depends on both the two parameter and the three –parameter Weibull distributions by using the scale parameter (α) and the shape parameter (b) in the first and adding the location parameter (g)to the second and then joining them together to produce a distribution with five parameters.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 18 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of Attitudes in the ethics of the public job of the individual
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Attitude is an important subject that has attracted researchers and thinkers in organizational theory and organizational behavior because of its great importance in various field studies. Field evidence suggests that individuals in their daily lives or careers respond to specific events through a set of internal tendencies Internal tendencies are negative or positive and systematic. These trends tend to be invisible, not limited to certain boundaries, and involve a significant number of individuals within organizations or society.

 The research aims to identify the impact of trends in the ethics of public service workers for individuals, through a sample of (72) doctors and (60) administrative staff

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Nutritional and Evaluation properties of natural orange juice enriched by coconut milk as kids' nutritional drink
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Coconut milk is considered as a natural drink that enhances the immunity and it is enriched by calcium, iron, magnesium and vitamin (C) and it is also safe drink for kids and bacterial anti-oxdant, and it may be used in the natural juices instead of the whole milk (cow milk) which is added to some juices. This study aimed to determine the nutritrnal value and the sensory evaluation properties of the natural orange juice enriched by canned coconut milk                                                 &nb

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The market value between the two dilemmas of profit distribution and retention: an analytical study in the Iraqi stock market
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             The distribution or retention of profits is the third decision among financial management decisions in terms of priority, whether at the level of theory or practice, as the issue of distribution or retention is multi-party in terms of influence and impact, as determining the optimal percentage for each component is still the subject of intellectual debate because these decisions are linked to the future of the organization and several considerations, The research focus on the nature of the policies followed by the Iraqi banking sector As the sample chosen by the intentional sampling method was represented by the Commercial Bank of

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Geographical Distribution of Power Plants in Iraq in 2015 Using Geographic Information Systems
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The study aims to study the geographical distribution of electricpower plants in Iraq, except the governorates of Kurdistan Region (Dohuk, Erbil, Sulaymaniyah) due to lack of data.

In order to reach the goal of the research was based on some mathematical equations and statistical methods to determine how the geographical distribution of these stations (gas, hydropower, steam, diesel) within the provinces and the concentration of them as well as the possibility of the classification of power plants in Iraq to facilitate understanding of distribution in a scientific manner is characterized by objectively.

The most important results of the research are that there are a number of factors that led to the irregular distribution

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Political Consultation and Public Opinion Polls
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Increasingly important public opinion polls steadily .... especially in electoral campaigns, sheds searchlight on the side of the US elections, in different time periods, and cited the words of experts and people involved in it, and reviews Find great development that took place in the polls and what could happen to this work It is important in the future. Display search for certain types of polls, dividing them on as stated by the experts in the United States... This division shows that the surveys of the most political processes and accuracy of information, and that their Money being made and companies specialized in the administration of this type of measuring public opinion ..... what is returned decision-making, for example, in conj

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