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Adopting the Crowdsourcing in Activation Strategic Foresight for Leaderships Towards Managerial Reforming Strategies Selection A Suggested Study for Managerial Leadership
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Environmental data (whether pre-emptive or responsive perspective) impose management theories, through of which the organization can accommodating the most influential variables. As the information and communication technologies with its different generations led to the activation of the community role in strategic decision making in organizations, in this context, the research problem focused on the following questions: Is it possible for the reform process to take place and to choose one of its alternatives by direct crowdsourcing? Is it possible that the process of reform and alternative selection through the crowdsourcing of the collective after the passage of strategic insight? , The importance of research has presented a practical methodology contributed by the field to modify to achieve the reform process with options that will provide financial and social costs, as well as time and confidence building with the local and international community and spreading the risk of reform between government and communities. The research sought to focus on the role of societies in administrative reform through the strategic foresight of the leaders, which widens the role of the societies to the participant and lead to the supervisory role, and explains the importance of leadership by its strategic dimension in extrapolating the indicators towards the societies towards the strategic alternative to reform.

In order to address the problem and achieve the objectives’. The research were adopted two basic hypothesis the direct impact of the outsourcing of collective management reform strategies, and the second has an indirect impact of the crowdsourcing of collective management reform strategies through strategic foresight.

The research tried to activation of community role in administrative reform by strategic foresight for leaderships which broadens the role of communities to a participant, pioneer and supervisory role. Adding to that, explanation the importance of leadership with its strategic leadership dimensions in extrapolation of indicators towards the strategic alternative to reform.                                              

The research was implemented in the office of Nineveh Province which included (40) of relevant managers from the community of (50) managers. So the sample percentage was (80%) of the original population. The researcher used the path analysis as appropriate statistical method.

The most important conclusion of the research was “The validity of the model proved to be the first effect, it was made according to the surveyed field”. Furthermore, the researcher presented a set of recommendations that would activate the mechanisms of the proposed model in the surveyed field.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 04 2012
Journal Name
المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الاول
اهمية بعض القياسات الجسمية والبدنية بمستوى الانجاز الرقمي في فعاليه التجديف (الكاياك) 200م
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Lark Journal For Philosophy , Linguistics And Social Sciences
صورة المرأة العربية في المسرحية العبرية الحديثة – مسرحية " عبير " للكاتبة حاجيت يعاري انموذجا
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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2017
Journal Name
كلية التربية الاساسية
رؤية مستقبلية للتطوير الإداري لكليات التربية في جامعة بغداد بأستخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات
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إن التطور الهائل في منظومة تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في العالم , أثر كثيراً في الجوانب الحياتية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية والسياسية والثقافية عامة والتربوية والتعليمية خاصة, إذ أصبح لها دور كبير في تسيير الكثير من الأمور. ولا بد من القول ان المؤسسات والمنظمات لا يمكن ان تنتقل من القرن العشرين الى القرن الحادي والعشرين إلا إذا أفادت من تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات, إذ توافر هذه التكنولوجيا الكثير من ال

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Tue Jul 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Perceptions of Iraqi EFL Pre-service Teachers of Sustainable Development
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Sustainable development (SD) is an improvement that meets present needs but jeopardizes the ability of new populations to do the same. It is vital to acquaint EFL students with the terminology and idiomatic expressions of this discipline. Nowadays, sustainable development and the environment have been prioritized in every aspect of life. Since culture and the teaching of Foreign language English cannot be separated, the English language becomes the mean of communication in health, economics, education, and politics. Thus, integrating sustainable development goals within language learning and teaching is very important. This descriptive quantitative study aims to investigate the perception of EFL pre-service teachers of sustainable develo

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
منظومة القيم في الحوار مع المخالف عبر التاريخ: حوارات الصحابة ٪ مع الخوارج أنموذجاً
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The research goes to clarifying the system of values ​​in dialogue with the violator through an inspection of our cultural heritage, and our inherent religious values. Al-Rashidah, and this position is represented in their various and varied dialogues with the Kharijites, whether that was at the beginning of their appearance - as is the case in the dialogue of Ali and Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them - or after the formation of their teams and the strength of their thorns, as in the dialogue of Ibn al-Zubayr and Jabir bin Abdullah, may God be pleased with them.

In these dialogues, I found important values ​​in the dialogue, which it is good to draw upon and work on, especially with the extremist currents in our tim

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 26 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دلالات الأعمال العسكرية للملوك في الصيغ التاريخية للعصر البابلي القديم (2004-1595 ق.م)
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Received several formats historical kings of old Babylonian era carries connotations military as it chronicled the kings of this era Sunni rule work, was in the forefront of those formulas taken from weapons-grade events have the history of years of their rule, and the keenness of the Kings on the industry that weapon and because it is dedicated to the goddess is the weapon of God, and which pulls the Goddess encouragement and an support them in their wars, they think the Iraqis ancient gods be carrying weapons at the forefront of their armies to fight the enemy with them as well as the receipt of a lot of alliances

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Wed Nov 14 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education,
Effect of mycorrhiza ( Glomus mosseae ) and superphosphate on physiological characters of Hordeum vulgare
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Abstract An experiment was conducted to study the effect of Glomus mosseae and two concentration (21 and 42%) of super phosphate. They used either to be separated or together with inoculation of G. mosseae on physiological characters of Horeum Vulagera . The results showed that all treatment affected significantly especially super phosphate at the above concentration together with G. mosseae. The effects appeared as an increase in plant height , leaves area , dry weight of total plant , stem dry weight , leaves dry weight , tiller’s number , flag leaf area , dry weight of flag and also increased in CGR , RGR , RGR- NAR , LAI . The yield component increased in number of spikes, number of spikelet’s / spike, number of grain / spike, weigh

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Mon Jan 04 2021
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات وبحوث اعلامية مسار
تعرض جمهور مدينة بغداد للقنوات الفضائية الاسلامية المتخصصة ودوره في غرس الثقافة الدينية
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Publication Date
Mon Nov 12 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المادة المادة السابعة في معاهدة باريس لعام 1856 وموقف الدول الأوربية الكبرى منها
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            The issue of the survival of the Ottoman Empire during the nineteenth century, a controversial topic in European diplomacy, was what was called the "Eastern Question" containing the fate of this country and its regions sprawling one of the hottest topics in the diplomatic major European powers of that century

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
العنف الاسري وتأثيره على صحة الطفل بحث ميداني / في قضاء المدائن لمدينة بغداد
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Children are the victims most tragic and suffering among the other categories, particularly using the ugliest attacks by their families because of the Family pressures of economic and especially resulting from inadequate family income and other factors leading to domestic violence, for example, family disputes and the disintegration of the family, inequality and segregation between family members and the use of violence as a means to solve problems and this is what is reflected on the child's health due to the processes of socialization inadequate and contradictory and loose had not depend on the principles of punishment and reward and imponderables between soft and intensity of treatment and methods of interaction with the child would b

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