كشفت دراسات ما بعد البنيوية والتطور الحاصل في الدراسات النقدية عن مقدار التداخل بين النصوص في انتاج الظواهر الادبية ، وخير ما يكشف هذا التداخل هو المنهج الذي يركز على دراسة التناص ولاسيما في النصوص التي تتشكل على وفق التناص الواعي الذي الذي يتألف من مجموعة نصوص ادبية يتفاعل فيها نص الكاتب مع نصوص اخرى.
Language of text speech
Al - Nazat model
يُعدّ التناص أحد تقانات البلاغة الحديثة – الأسلوبية- التي تنهض برقي النص ، بوصفه عنصراً فاعلاً في بلورة المعنى وتناغمه مع قصدية المتكلّم ؛ ممّا يسهم في تواشج علائقية البنية الدلالية للنص وتعاضدها النسقي في تكوينه ؛ لفتح نافذة التأويل عند المتلقي بحثاً عن الدلالات المتغلغلة في البنية العميقة ، وهذا ما بدا واضحاً في متن كتاب (غرر البلاغة) للصابي ، فهو يزخر بنصوص تناصية دينية وأدبية ، تمدّ المعنى بطاقات جمالية م
... Show MoreIt may come to the mind that every science of the Arabic language is completely separate from the other, but in fact these sciences are like lines have woven the prettiest epigraphy of Arabic and composed of.
To observe the effect of media of the internal pressure on the equivalent stress distribution in the tube, an experimental study is done by constructing a testing rig to apply the hydraulic pressure and three dies are manufactured with different bulging configurations (square, cosine, and conical). In the other part, ANSYS APDL is generated to analyze the bulging process with hydraulic and rubber (natural and industrial) media. It was found that when the media is a rubber, the stress is decreased about 9.068% in case of cosine die and 5.4439% in case of conical die and 2.8544% in case of square die. So, it can be concluded that the internal pressure in the rubber media is much better than in hydraulic media. Also, the force needed for fo
... Show MoreThe present research deals with studying the formal variations for the Quranic calligraphy at the beginning of Islam , as being regarded from the original Arabic calligraphies which were developed later till they became as they are now, where the calligraphers in pushing for simulating these original calligraphies and knowing the methods of their writing by the calligraphers at that time.That helped in enriching and developing the aesthetic and designing valuesFor these calligraphies, as being calligraphic achievements represent transmission resulted from the objective, aesthetic and indicative vision in producing the verses according to a certain form. This has a clear impact in tendency to the technical, aesthetic and expressing develo
... Show MoreThe current research (technical mediator in contemporary Iraqi painting) dealt with the concept of technical mediator in contemporary arts and its role in the qualitative transformation in art, the diversity of discoveries in technical media that artists use in their artistic achievement, and the extent of their impact on contemporary Iraqi painting, where the research problem was identified (what is The nature and role of technical media in showing works in contemporary Iraqi painting) and (What are the intellectual and aesthetic concepts of media and techniques as references for contemporary art in Iraq). The second topic dealt with technical media and their impact on the plastic arts, and the third topic focused on the technical med
... Show MoreThe research tagged (Digital Collage in Contemporary Art) consisted of four chapters. The first chapter was devoted to the methodological framework of the research. The problem ended with the following questions: How does digital collage represent contemporary art? What is the variable at the level of meaning shifts in composing works according to the digital collage? Was the digital collage a qualitative leap in the path of the aesthetic pattern in art? How does digital collage interfere with contemporary life and societies? It included the aim of the research and its importance, while the second chapter dealt with two topics, the first (reading in the concept of collage), and the second (digital collage). The third chapter was devoted
... Show MoreIt was not coincidene that much talk about intertxtuality prescription phenomenon tzms the creative process but have directed their tracks beyond the litery taxs prior or contemporaneous as the mechanics of in tertexuality able to contain all the pattems of expression in literary texts and fee structures ofher text copable of understanding and in terpretaion especially as the phenomenon of in twrtexuality actually depends on the existence of Understanding and interpretation, especially as the phenomenon of intertextuality actually depends on the existence of systems indicative independent but carries processes rebuild text templates one way or another are included in the templates and visions of other intellectual, Mstmjh languages cultu
... Show MoreThe research current ( features tendency cosmic in contemporary Iraqi configuration) attempt to study the dimensions of the conceptual and philosophical foundations upon which the tendency of cosmic within the period that extended its influence beyond the place where I grew up to be circulated concepts in all parts of the world, it is no doubt that the world is now heading to rapprochement after the tremendous developments in the field of communication technology and reflected heavily on identity concepts, privacy, the concept of nation-states ... etc. to become an individual and a large area of access to other cultures, and all that aroused the interest of contemporary Iraqi artist this interest arising from the desire to keep up with d
... Show Moreالرؤيا واداء التشكيل في النحت العراقي المعاصر