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Comparison of some methods for estimating the parameters of the binary logistic regression model using the genetic algorithm with practical application
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   Suffering the human because of pressure normal life of exposure to several types of heart disease as a result of due to different factors. Therefore, and in order to find out the case of a death whether or not, are to be modeled using binary logistic regression model

    In this research used, one of the most important models of nonlinear regression models extensive use in the modeling of applications statistical, in terms of heart disease which is the binary logistic regression model. and then estimating the parameters of this model using the statistical estimation methods, another problem will be appears in estimating its parameters, as well as when the number parameters , and to find estimate the parameters using the numerical methods, sometimes does not give optimum solution because it depends on the initial estimators.

   Some standard methods have been proposed and employed after modifying them by using the genetic algorithm approach in estimation to suit the estimation of  the parameters of this of nonlinear regression models, and then making a comparison between two types of the important estimation methods including the standard estimation methods which included the maximum likelihood method, minimum chi-square method, and improved estimation methods developed which by the researcher which included genetic algorithm method depending on the technique estimates , genetic algorithm method depending on the technique estimates , to choose the best method of estimation by default values to estimate parameter multi-linear regression model a method ols and then convert values the real to standardized and different samples sizes during simulation and by using the statistical criteria Mean Squares Error (MSE) for estimators.

    The method is found to be the best one in the first place one among the standard estimation methods, and  method is the best among the important estimation methods for the purpose of estimating the parameters for binary logistic regression model because it has less (MSE) for estimators compared to other methods.

    In the practical side of this study, this model has been used for modeling the own data infected heart disease and estimating the parameters using the method, reached in it by comparing reasons for cases of occurrence death the real with reasons for cases of occurrence death for the estimated to the appropriate model in the modeling of this type of data and extraction the main cause of death is smoking and also the accuracy of the  method in estimating the parameters of the model.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study of the Impact of Unsteady Squeezing Magnetohydrodynamics Copper-Water with Injection-Suction on Nanofluid Flow Between Two Parallel Plates in Porous Medium
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      In this article,  the existence of thermal radiation with Copper- water nanofluid, the effect of heat transfer in  unsteady magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) squeezing and suction-injection on the flow between parallel plates( porous medium) are studied. Rosseland approximation and   the radiation of  heat flux are used to depict the energy equation. The set of ordinary differential equations  with  boundary conditions are analytically resolved by applying a new approach method (NAM). The influences of thermal field and physical parameters on dimensionless flow field  have been displayed in tabular and graphs form. The presented results show that the heat transfer coefficient is reduced by the thermal radiation coefficient in

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of autologous bone marrow-derived stem cells with estimation of molecular events on tooth socket healing in diabetic rabbits (Immunohistochemical study)
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Background: Healing of a tooth extraction socket is a complex process involving tissue repair and regeneration. It involves chemotaxis of appropriate cells into the wound, Transformation of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells to osteoprogenitor cells, proliferation and differentiation of committed bone forming cells, extracellular matrix synthesis, mineralization of osteoid, maturation and remodeling of bone. These cellular events are precisely controlled and regulated by specific signaling molecules. Some of these like transforming growth factor beta (TGF-?), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) and insulin like growth factors (IGF) are well conserved proteins involved in the initial response to injur

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Dental Sciences
Evaluation of the efficacy of lycopene gel compared with minocycline hydrochloride microspheres as an adjunct to nonsurgical periodontal treatment: A randomised clinical trial
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jan 20 2022
Journal Name
Hybrid Intrusion Detection System based on DNA Encoding, Teiresias Algorithm and Clustering Method
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Until recently, researchers have utilized and applied various techniques for intrusion detection system (IDS), including DNA encoding and clustering that are widely used for this purpose. In addition to the other two major techniques for detection are anomaly and misuse detection, where anomaly detection is done based on user behavior, while misuse detection is done based on known attacks signatures. However, both techniques have some drawbacks, such as a high false alarm rate. Therefore, hybrid IDS takes advantage of combining the strength of both techniques to overcome their limitations. In this paper, a hybrid IDS is proposed based on the DNA encoding and clustering method. The proposed DNA encoding is done based on the UNSW-NB15

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Aug 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
One Algorithm to Cipher Messages in Columnar and Fixed Period-d Transposition Cipher
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    One of ciphering systems depends on transposition of letters in plain text to generate cipher text. The programming of transposition depends mainly on 2-dimension matrix in either methods but the difference is in columnar .We print columns in the matrix according to their numbers in key but in the fixed, the cipher text will be obtained by printing matrix by rows.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 19 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Real Time Multi Face Blurring on Uncontrolled Environment based on Color Space algorithm
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Faces blurring is one of the important complex processes that is considered one of the advanced computer vision fields. The face blurring processes generally have two main steps to be done. The first step has detected the faces that appear in the frames while the second step is tracking the detected faces which based on the information extracted during the detection step. In the proposed method, an image is captured by the camera in real time, then the Viola Jones algorithm used for the purpose of detecting multiple faces in the captured image and for the purpose of reducing the time consumed to handle the entire captured image, the image background is removed and only the motion areas are processe

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Scopus (4)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed May 25 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Pseudo-Random Number Generator Based on New Hybrid LFSR and LCG Algorithm
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      In many areas, such as simulation, numerical analysis, computer programming, decision-making, entertainment, and coding, a random number input is required. The pseudo-random number uses its seed value. In this paper, a hybrid method for pseudo number generation is proposed using Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSR) and Linear Congruential Generator (LCG). The hybrid method for generating keys is proposed by merging technologies. In each method, a new large in key-space group of numbers were generated separately. Also, a higher level of secrecy is gained such that the internal numbers generated from LFSR are combined with LCG (The adoption of roots in non-linear iteration loops). LCG and LFSR are linear structures and outputs

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Scopus (11)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Systematic Reviews In Pharmacy
Recent Development In Oxine Complexes And Their Medical Application: A Review.
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This review is concluded of 8-Hydroxyquinline (8HQ) compound and derivatives which has a very significant interests with a strong fluorescence , furthermore the relationship between divalent metal ions and characteristic of chelating . In the same way coordinated features have increase of its organic action and inorganic behavior by giving many samples of compounds which are a good chelating agents ligands with more capable of forming very stable complexes.Therefore, the role of (8HQ) is not limited on complexes only but its applications in different fields so this review will focus on demonstration preparation methods and properties of (8HQ) derivatives with their complexes and applications, hopefully that we will cover a part of scientifi

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Mefenamic Acid Selective Membranes Sensor and Its Application to pharmaceutical Analysis
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PVC membrane sensor for the selective determination of Mefenamic acid (MFA) was constructed. The sensor is based on ion association of MFA with Dodecaphospho molybdic acid (PMA) and Dodeca–Tungstophosphoric acid(PTA) as ion pairs. Nitro benzene (NB) and di-butyl phthalate (DBPH) were used as plasticizing agents in PVC matrix membranes. The specification of sensor based on PMA showed a linear response of a concentration range 1.0 × 10–2 –1.0 × 10–5 M, Nernstian slopes of 17.1-18.86 mV/ decade, detection limit of 7 × 10-5 -9.5 × 10 -7M, pH range 3 – 8 , with correlation coefficients lying between 0.9992 and 0.9976, respectively. By using the ionphore based on PTA gives a concentration range of 1.0 × 10–4 –1.0 × 10–5 M,

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 04 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design and Implement an EC-Application Based on Multi Database Environment
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 The vast majority of EC applications are the web-based deployed in 3-tire Server-Client environment, the data within such application often resides within several heterogeneous data sources. Building a single application that can access each data sources can be a matter of challenging; this paper concerns with developing a software program that runs transparently against heterogeneous environment for an EC-application.

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