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Intermediate Role Of information Technology In The Relationship To The Entrepreneurial Orientation and Success Factors Of The Project (Analytical exploratory research in Al – Zawraa General Company)
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The purpose of the current research is to identify the reality and applicability of the entrepreneurial approach in its dimensions (creative, proactive, independent, risk tolerant, offensive) and its impact on the success factors of the project (organizational commitment, communication, project team, project monitoring) Access to information, treatment, storage), which is a significant and important link in the success and development of industrial projects with the possibility of studying and analyzing the provision of the appropriate environment for this.

 the research started from a problem expressed by a number of intellectual and practical questions aimed at answering them as well as To answer a number of questions and the most important - What is the reality of the pioneering dimensions of orientation in the company surveyed? , What are the most important factors in the success of the project in the company investigated? .

The objective of the research at the possibility of advancing the status of information technology in the company investigated, and make suggestions and recommendations to develop the role of the leading trend in achieving the success factors of the project.

The research included (7) main hypotheses, which were at the total level and at the sub-dimensions level, which show the correlation and influence between the search variables and to achieve the hypothesis tests applied to the research sample (the solar cell project in Al-Zorra General Company) adopted the questionnaire as the main tool for collecting data and information through (125) members out of (195).

 A well as conducting interviews with some of the respondents in question, where he met (15) managers distributed on the sections of Wa For the people and administrative units in the project. The data were analyzed using SPSS and a number of statistical methods were used to process the data including: arithmetic mean, percentage, standard deviation, variance coefficient, path analysis method, And the use of correlation coefficient (Pearson) to test the validity of correlation hypotheses and the use of simple linear regression coefficient to study the effect between the basic variables.

 The researcher also reached a set of results that important project by information technology and the changes that are made to the dimensions of leadership orientation followed by this change in other variables.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The position of the Egyptian public opinion on the Mibi revolution
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The study of the subject of (Egyptian public opinion on the Libyan revolution) came to reveal the role of Egyptian public opinion in mobilizing and solidarity for the masses. With the events witnessed by the Arab countries before the revolution, this was evident by the people 's attitudes towards the tripartite aggression against Egypt in 1956, and the June 1967 war, and the most recent what the Egyptian people showed towards the Libyan revolution. The Egyptian press followed the completion of the arms deal with France and revealed the ability of the Libyan negotiator to achieve moral gain, supported by Egyptian support to thwart the United States intentions to arm "Israel" similarly. The Egyptian people expressed a love for peace and su

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 04 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Renewable Energy Development
The Temperature Profile for The Innovative Design of the Perforated Fin
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The development of the perforated fin had proposed in many studies to enhance the heat transfer from electronic pieces. This paper presents a novel derivative method to find the temperature distribution of the new design (inclined perforated) of the pin fin. Perforated with rectangular section and different angles of inclination was considered. Signum Function is used for modeling the variable heat transfer area. Set of parameters to handle the conduction and convection area were calculated. Degenerate Hypergeometric Equation (DHE) was used for modeling the Complex energy differential equation and then solved by Kummer’s series. In the validation process, Ansys 16.0-Steady State Thermal was used. Two geometric models were consider

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Level of Administrative Work Quality of Private Schools Principals at Southern Governorates of Palestine form the Teachers Point of View
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The study aimed at identifying the level of administrative work quality of private Schools principals at Southern Governorates of Palestine from the teachers' point of view in their schools. To achieve the objectives of this research, a questionnaire was prepared by the researcher consisted of (28) items. It was applied to a sample of (350) teachers. The researcher adopted the descriptive-analytical approach. The results of the study showed that the degree to which principals of private schools in the southern governorates of Palestine practice Administrative Work Quality from the viewpoint of their teachers was very high, with relative weight (85.00%). The results also showed that there are statistically significant differences at the l

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
The Effect of using 940 nm Diode Laser in Comparison with Endoactivator on Radicular Dentin Permeability and Smear Layer Removal (An in Vitro Study)
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Abstract: The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of 940 nm diode laser in comparison to Endoactivator in elimination of smear layer in terms of radicular dentin permeability and ultra-structural changes of root canal walls by SEM evaluation. Twenty-eight single-rooted extracted lower premolars were instrumented up to size X4 (protaper Next, Dentsaply) and divided into two experimental groups according to the irrigation system, G1; activated by EndoActivator and G2; activated by Diode laser 940 nm, CW mode, 1.7 W. Afterward, the roots were made externally impermeable, filled with 2%methylene blue dye, divided horizontally into three segments representing the apical, middle, and coronal thirds then examined under stereo- micr

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of The Electrochemical Deposition Potential Variation on The Coating of Hydroxyatite on Commertialy pure Titanium (CpTi) and Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
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In this research we investigated the corrosion behavior of the commertialy pure titanium and Ti-6Al-4V alloy that coated with hydroxyapatite by electrochemical deposition with applied voltage (6,9,12) Volt from aqueous solution containing Ca(NO3)2.H2O =7.0 gm/l , (NH4)2HPO4 =3.5 gm/l , Na(NO3)2 = 8.5 gm/l in order to improve the bonding strength of hydroxyapetite and medical metals and alloys and increasing the biocompatibility. The coating layer morphology was investigated by XRD, Optical microscope , and SEM tests, the corrosio tests was made by use senthesys simulated body fluid (SBF) , and we found that the propreate voltage for coatint on Ti was 9 Volt and for Ti-6Al-4Vwas12Volt.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 28 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Emergency of Edge city between Regeneration and Acclimatization Urban
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           In the nineteenth century, a new type of cities appeared, known as new cities located on the edges of major cities, and these cities began to  decentralization, urban studies turned to this type of cities to find out the most important reasons for the emergence of new cities and find out what those cities will become . Therefore, we will discuss in this research how the urban emergence of these cities (edge cities) occurs, so the research formulates its problem : The need to know the stages that edge cities go through, ending with their emergence, and the mechanisms that cities take within their context  ( regeneration or adaptation ), Assuming that edge cities are a

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The majority of statisticians, if not most of them, are primarily concerned with the theoretical aspects of their field of work rather than their application to the practical aspects. Its importance as well as its direct impact on the development of various sciences. Although the theoretical aspect is the first and decisive basis in determining the degree of accuracy of any research work, we always emphasize the importance of the applied aspects that are clear to everyone, as well as its direct impact on the development of different sciences. The measurements of public opinion is one of the most important aspects of the application of statistics, which has taken today, a global resonance and has become a global language that everyone can

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The Association Of Arab Universities For Basic And Applied Sciences
Semi-analytical method for solving Fokker-Planck’s equations
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Magnetic Lens Design Using Analytical Target Field Function
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Analytical field target function has been considered to represent the axial magnetic field distribution of double polepiece symmetric magnetic lens. In this article, with aid of the proposed target function, the syntheses procedure is dependent. The effect of the main two coffectin optimization parameters on the lens field distribution, polepieces shape, and the objective focal prosperities for lenses operated under zero magnification mode has been studied. The results have shown that the objective properties evaluated in sense of the inverse design procedure are in an excellent correspondence with that of analysis approach. Where the optical properties enhance as the field distribution of the electron lens distributed along a narrow axi

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 18 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Evaluation of the Detrimental Effects of some Antiepileptic Drugs on the Height and Weight of Children with Epilepsy
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Growth is a multifactorial process influenced by genetic, nutritional, hormonal, psychosocial and other factors including the general health of a child. Epilepsy defined as a chronic condition characterized by recurrent clinical events or epileptic seizures, which occur in the absence of a metabolic or toxic disease the drugs that use in the treatment of this condition can affect patients growth due to their mechanisms of action. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of some antiepileptic drugs on growth (height and weight) in children with epilepsy. This work involved 51 newly diagnosed children with a different form of epilepsy (Generalized, absent and partial). Patients divided into three groups according to the treatment (group one

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