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Measurement and Analysis of Oil Price Fluctuations and Trends of Government Spending on the Security and Health Sectors in Iraq for the Period (2006-2016)
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The objective of the study: To diagnose the reality of the relationship between the fluctuations in world oil prices and their reflection on the trends of government spending on the various economic sectors.

The research found: that public expenditures contribute to the increase of national consumption through the purchase of consumer goods by the state for the performance of the state's duties or the payment of wages to employees in the public sector and thus have a direct impact on national consumption

The results of the standard tests showed that there is no common integration between the oil price fluctuations and the government expenditure on the security sector through the ARDL test. The table value of the minimum parameter (3.62) was 5%, which is higher than the calculated value of 1.055303 ) Because of the security conditions experienced by Iraq after 2003, which necessitated spending on security significantly even with low oil prices, also through the ARDL test, which was conducted to ensure the existence of a common integration between the expenditure on the health sector and fluctuations in oil prices for the period (2006_2016) The value of

 f calculated (1.501817) at a significant level of 5% and is smaller than the Tabulated value to the minimum the same parameter, which amounted to 4.16, indicating that there was no relationship or mutual influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable and vice versa.

The research recommended Iraq should diversify its economy and not just oil as a single factor in maximizing public revenues, and this should not be considered when oil prices are low, but to think and find serious solutions to this issue and establish sovereign funds to benefit from the abundance of revenues in the event of high oil prices. To counter future oil price declines.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Applying Trade-off Curve to Support Set-Based Design application at an Aerospace Company
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Companies compete greatly with each other today, so they need to focus on innovation to develop their products and make them competitive. Lean product development is the ideal way to develop product, foster innovation, maximize value, and reduce time. Set-Based Concurrent Engineering (SBCE) is an approved lean product improvement mechanism that builds on the creation of a number of alternative designs at the subsystem level. These designs are simultaneously improved and tested, and the weaker choices are removed gradually until the optimum solution is reached finally. SBCE implementations have been extensively performed in the automotive industry and there are a few case studies in the aerospace industry. This research describe the use o

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Hicri Dede (1877-1952)
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Asil adi Mahmeut olup mashlasi “ Hicrî “ dir . Ihvânî “ zümresine intisabi dolayısiyle “ Dede “ Lakabiyle anılır . Takriben  H. 1297 yılında Kerkük ‘ te doğmuş . Babası  H. 1305 Senesinde vefat eden Molla Ali Efendi ‘ dir .

       Dedesi Nazîrî dede ise zamanmin ileri gelen şâirlerinden olup kayser adli bir oğludur .  (1)

        Diğer bir kaynağa gore “ Hicrî  Dede H. 1295 yılında Kerkük ‘te doğamuştur . Tanınmış şâir Nazîrî Dede ‘ nin torunudur . Babası Molla Ali Efendidir” . (2)


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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المنهج المنهج الأدبي في كتاب "أدب الكتاب" للصولي (ت335هـ) دراسة منهجية
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It is summarized that Abu-Baker Al-Soly is one of Arabic Muslim scientists who had special style in literary writing specifically in sciences and knowledge that had depended on the encyclopedia culture gained from various fields of science , this means that he was an individual who had participated to characterize features of Islamic –Arabic history enhanced the rules of it , this matter would encourage us to know the method and style of writing in the field of intellectual life in which the writer depended on the procedures direction of scientists that he lived in the Abbasid era .

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Comparación entre los dos gigantes de la literatura universal "Miguel de Cervantes y William Shakespeare"
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The literature in general, such as the spanish literature as british literature presence lot of literary figures giant that managed its continuing work that leaves lasting impression and clear in all fields of literary world throughout history, among these writers giants can remind great writer spanish (Miguel de Cervantes) and the great british writer (William Shakespeare), this study is about them.

We can say that there are a lot of studies , works and gossip , whether literary or non- literary show how the close relationship that bound both Cervantes and William Shakespeare, although they did not meet personally never, it was not able to critics that the sweep of the differences and similarities that was between the two, becau

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الدلالات الدلالات الصوتية للغة العربية في القران الكريم بين الحداثة والتجديد
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 A lot of researchers and specialists in language sciences have been agreed that Arabic language is on of living languages never disappear and keep pace with innovation and the challenges of the age and evolution civilization i.e any development in it’s connotations doesn't tzopped it (melted

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 02 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
توظيف رســوم الاطفال كوحدات تصميمية تعليمية في اقمشة ستائر رياض الاطفال
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مشكلة البحث

ان التصميم هو توالد افكار عدت اساس له حيث انها اشياء لها معنى لامور اقتضت الايعاز باعداد هذه التصاميم، اما المصمم فهو الشخص الملم بمباديء واسس التصميم من اجل تنفيذ هذه الافكار بطرق علمية مدروسة، الا ان هناك سؤالا يطرح هل بالامكان لاي شخص ان يرسم فكرة تصميمية؟

الجواب هو نعم فالتصميم ليس مقتصرا على المصمم فحسب بل ان باستطاعة أي شخص ان يعبر عن ما بداخله من افكار سواء ك

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 19 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
التنمية الحضرية للمناطق السكنية غير الرسمية/العشوائية المتدهورة في مدينة بغداد
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
دور المرشـد النفســي في المؤسسـات التعليمية لوقاية الشباب من آفة المخدرات
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تتنوع الإمراض التي تدعى بإمراض العصر وتتعقد باستمرار والتوازي مع تقدم البشرية في مجالات التطور العلمي والاجتماعي ومختلف مجالات الحياة الأخرى .

فبالإضافة  إلى الإمراض الفيروسية والعضوية والنفسية هناك مرض تعاطي وإدمان المخدرات (الهاشمي ,  2002  ، ص1).

لم يعد خافيا على احد إن خطر الإدمان على الكحول والمخدرات والمؤثرات العقلية أصبح اليوم يهدد امن وسلامة العديد من دول العالم

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
نحو نحو نظام لغوي عربي متوازن في المساواة بين الرجل والمرأة
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     Human Rights The word of graduation in the Arabic language to many meanings may be the most appropriate of what Al-Ragheb Al-Isfahani said in the right: is the coming of the thing from saying or doing at the time it must and in the form that must be, so the term human rights includes the following:First: A party has the right and another duty to.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الرعاية الاجتماعية لمجهولي النسب دراسة ميدانية في احدى مؤسسات الرعاية الاجتماعية
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Considers births illegal for children (illegitimate) phenomenon of negative social phenomena in our society where it's dangerous and the superiority of gravity on other social phenomena Calanhrav, homelessness and other due to poor drainage energies and sexual dysfunction in the value system among its actors and is characterized by the absence of social conscience and a lack of morality and the weakness of the system human-reliance among others.

The morality is the obvious difference between humans and animals. Wade this to say social scientists, while human social animal they said no that he has morals and values ​​do not exist in other organisms so well that births

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