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I-V characteristics of n-Si /ZnO/Se/MWCNTs nanocomposite solar cell fabricated by solvothermal technique

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Study the nonlinear behavior of MWCNTs and ZnO/Se/MWCNTs

MWCNTs and hybrid nanocomposite ZnO/Se/MWCNTs have been prepared via Solvothermal technique using Parr reactor at the temperature 180°C and SeCl2 as a catalyst. The obtained MWCNTs and ZnO/Se/MWCNTs are investigated using the FE-SEM, XRD, UV-VIS Spectroscopy and Z-Scan. The novelty of this research is studying the nonlinear optical properties for these prepared materials and the results exhibit that the thickness of the deposited film for hybrid nanocomposite ZnO/Se/MWCNTs is increased, which in turn, increase the nonlinear phase shift of the laser beam compared with the MWCNTs.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 05 2023
Journal Name
Chalcogenide Letters
Optimization physical properties of CdTe /Si solar cell devices fabricated by vacuum evaporation

We investigated at the optical properties, structural makeup, and morphology of thin films of cadmium telluride (CdTe) with a thickness of 150 nm produced by thermal evaporation over glass. The X-ray diffraction study showed that the films had a crystalline composition, a cubic structure, and a preference for grain formation along the (111) crystallographic direction. The outcomes of the inquiry were used to determine these traits. With the use of thin films of CdTe that were doped with Ag at a concentration of 0.5%, the crystallization orientations of pure CdTe (23.58, 39.02, and 46.22) and CdTe:Ag were both determined by X-ray diffraction. orientations (23.72, 39.21, 46.40) For samples that were pure and those that were doped with

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fabricated of Cu Doped ZnO Nanoparticles for Solar Cell Application

Copper with different concentrations doped with zinc oxide nanoparticles were prepared from a mixture of zinc acetate and copper acetate with sodium hydroxide in aqueous solution. The structure of the prepared samples was done by X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and UV-VIS absorption spectrophotometer. Debye-Scherer formula was used to calculate the size of the prepared samples. The band gap of the nanoparticle ZnO was determined by using UV-VIS optical spectroscopy.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Comparison I-V Characteristics of Sb/c-Si and Al/c-Si Junction

  Hetero junctions are fabricated by depositing antimony (Sb) and Al films on n-type single crystal(c-Si) wafers by the method of vacuum evaporation with thickness (0.25µm), with rate of deposition equals to 2.77 Ã…/sec, all samples are annealed in a vacuum for one hour at 473K. The tests have shown that all the films have polycrystalline structure for all Sb films. The barrier heights in (Sb/c-Si) junction was found to be equal 0.825eV, but(Al/c-Si) junction ohmic contact. Current-voltage measurements confirm this behaviour.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Current–voltage and capacitance-voltage characteristics of Se/Si heterojunction prepared by DC planar magnetron sputtering technique

In this work, the effect of annealing temperature on the electrical properties are studied of p-Se/ n-Si solar cell, which p-Se are deposit by DC planar magnetron sputtering technique on crystal silicon. The chamber was pumped down to 2×10−5 mbar before admitting the gas in. The gas was Ar. The sputtering pressure varied within the range of 4x10-1 - 8x10-2mbar by adjusting the pumping speed through the opening control of throttle valve. The electrical properties are included the C-V and I-V measurements. From C-V measurements, the Vbi are calculated while from I-V measurements, the efficiency of solar cell is calculated.

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Fabrication and characterization study of ZnTe/n-Si heterojunction solar cell application

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science And Technology (jmest)
Fabrication And Characterization Of P-Cuo/N-Si Heterojunction For Solar Cell Applications

This studies p- CuO / n - Si hete-rojunction was deposited by high vacuum thermal evaporation of Copper subjected to thermal oxidation at 300 oC on silicon. Surface morphology properties of The optical properties concerning the transmission spectra were studies for prepared thin films. this structure have been studied. XRD anaylsis discover that the peak at (𝟏𝟏𝟏-) and (111) plane are take over for the crystal quality of the CuO films. The band gap of CuO films is found to be 1.54 eV. The average grain size of is measured from AFM analysis is around 14.70 nm. The responsivity photodetector after deposited CuO appear increasing in response

Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees20
Opto- electrical properties of p-SnSe:S/N-Si heterojunction for solar cell application

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 14 2018
Journal Name
Radiation Effects & Defects In Solids
Effect of gamma and beta radiation on I–V characterization of the solar cell panel

Optoelectronic devices, widely used in high energy and nuclear physics applications, suffer severe radiation damage that leads to degradations in its efficiency. In this paper, the influence of gamma radiation (137Ce source) and beta radiation (90Sr source) on the photoelectric parameters of the Si solar cell, based on the I–V characterization at different irradiation exposer, has been studied. The penetrating radiation produces defects in the base material, may be activated during its lifetime, becoming traps for electron–hole pairs produced optically and, this will, decrease the efficiency of the solar cell. The main objective of the paper is to study and measure changes in the I–V characteristics of solar cells, such as efficienc

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 06 2019
Journal Name
Progress In Industrial Ecology – An International Journal,
Effect of V, In and Cu doping on properties of p-type ZnSe/Si heterojunction solar cell

The enhancement of ZnSe/Si Heterojunction by adding some elements (V, In and Cu) as impurities is the main goal because they contribute to the manufacturing of renewable energy equipment, such as solar cells. This paper describes the preparation of thin films ZnSe with V, In and Cu doped using thermal evaporation method with a vacuum of 10–5 Torr. The thin film was obtained from this work could be applied in heterojunction solar cell because of several advantages including high absorption coefficient value and direct band gap. The samples prepared on a glass and n-type Si wafer substrate. These films have been annealed for 1 h in 450 K. X-ray diffraction XRD results indicated that ZnSe thin film possesses poly-crystalline structure after

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