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A Novel Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm (IWO) by Whale Optimization Algorithm(WOA) to solve Large Scale Optimization Problems
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  In this work, two algorithms of Metaheuristic algorithms were hybridized. The first is Invasive Weed Optimization algorithm (IWO) it is a numerical stochastic optimization algorithm and the second is Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) it is an algorithm based on the intelligence of swarms and community intelligence. Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm (IWO) is an algorithm inspired by nature and specifically from the colonizing weeds behavior of weeds, first proposed in 2006 by Mehrabian and Lucas. Due to their strength and adaptability, weeds pose a serious threat to cultivated plants, making them a threat to the cultivation process. The behavior of these weeds has been simulated and used in Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm (IWO), as for the Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) uses the intelligence of the swarms to reach the goal and achieve the best solution, which simulates the unique hunting behavior of humpback whales, which is called fishing by bubble trap hunting by creating distinctive bubbles along a circle or a path in the form of 9 has appeared for the first time in 2016 by Mirjalili and Lewis. In order to benefit from the intelligence of the flocks and to avoid falling into local solutions, the new hybridization between the IWO and WOA algorithm was proposed to launch the new hybrid algorithm (IWOWOA). The new hybrid algorithm (IWOWOA) was applied on 23 functions of large scale optimization problems, The proposed algorithm showed very high efficiency in solving these functions. The proposed algorithm was able to reach the optimal solutions by achieving the minimum value of most of these functions. This algorithm was compared with the basic algorithms IWO, WOA and two algorithms that follow the swarm system these algorithms are particle swarm optimization (PSO) and chicken swarm optimization (CSO) [7], they have been statistically tested by calculating the mean arithmetic μ and standard deviation σ for these functions.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Natural Language Processing For Requirement Elicitation In University Using Kmeans And Meanshift Algorithm
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 Data Driven Requirement Engineering (DDRE) represents a vision for a shift from the static traditional methods of doing requirements engineering to dynamic data-driven user-centered methods. Data available and the increasingly complex requirements of system software whose functions can adapt to changing needs to gain the trust of its users, an approach is needed in a continuous software engineering process. This need drives the emergence of new challenges in the discipline of requirements engineering to meet the required changes. The problem in this study was the method in data discrepancies which resulted in the needs elicitation process being hampered and in the end software development found discrepancies and could not meet the need

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Applied Science And Engineering
Strong Fenchel Duality for Evenly Convex Optimization Problems
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Among a variety of approaches introduced in the literature to establish duality theory, Fenchel duality was of great importance in convex analysis and optimization. In this paper we establish some conditions to obtain classical strong Fenchel duality for evenly convex optimization problems defined in infinite dimensional spaces. The objective function of the primal problem is a family of (possible) infinite even convex functions. The strong duality conditions we present are based on the consideration of the epigraphs of the c-conjugate of the dual objective functions and the ε-c-subdifferential of the primal objective functions.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 16 2022
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Optimization algorithms for transportation problems with stochastic demand
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The purpose of this paper is to solve the stochastic demand for the unbalanced transport problem using heuristic algorithms to obtain the optimum solution, by minimizing the costs of transporting the gasoline product for the Oil Products Distribution Company of the Iraqi Ministry of Oil. The most important conclusions that were reached are the results prove the possibility of solving the random transportation problem when the demand is uncertain by the stochastic programming model. The most obvious finding to emerge from this work is that the genetic algorithm was able to address the problems of unbalanced transport, And the possibility of applying the model approved by the oil products distribution company in the Iraqi Ministry of Oil to m

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Applying A* Path Planning Algorithm Based on Modified C-Space Analysis
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In this paper, a modified derivation has been introduced to analyze the construction of C-space. The profit from using C-space is to make the process of path planning more safety and easer. After getting the C-space construction and map for two-link planar robot arm, which include all the possible situations of collision between robot parts and obstacle(s), the A* algorithm, which is usually used to find a heuristic path on Cartesian W-space, has been used to find a heuristic path on C-space map. Several modifications are needed to apply the methodology for a manipulator with degrees of freedom more than two. The results of C-space map, which are derived by the modified analysis, prove the accuracy of the overall C-space mapping and cons

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 03 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Online And Biomedical Engineering (ijoe)
An Integrated Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm with Artificial Neural Network for Trusted Nodes Classification Problem
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Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is a tool that improves real-time patient health observation in hospitals, asylums, especially at home. WBAN has grown popularity in recent years due to its critical role and vast range of medical applications. Due to the sensitive nature of the patient information being transmitted through the WBAN network, security is of paramount importance. To guarantee the safe movement of data between sensor nodes and various WBAN networks, a high level of security is required in a WBAN network. This research introduces a novel technique named Integrated Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm with Artificial Neural Network (IGO-ANN) for distinguishing between trusted nodes in WBAN networks by means of a classifica

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Genetic Algorithm Optimization Model for Central Marches Restoration Flows with Different Water Quality Scenarios
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A Genetic Algorithm optimization model is used in this study to find the optimum flow values of the Tigris river branches near Ammara city, which their water is to be used for central marshes restoration after mixing in Maissan River. These tributaries are Al-Areed, AlBittera and Al-Majar Al-Kabeer Rivers. The aim of this model is to enhance the water quality in Maissan River, hence provide acceptable water quality for marsh restoration. The model is applied for different water quality change scenarios ,i.e. , 10%,20% increase in EC,TDS and BOD. The model output are the optimum flow values for the three rivers while, the input data are monthly flows(1994-2011),monthly water requirements and water quality parameters (EC, TDS, BOD, DO and

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Solving Resource Allocation Model by Using Dynamic Optimization Technique for Al-Raji Group Companies for Soft Drinks and Juices
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In this paper, the problem of resource allocation at Al-Raji Company for soft drinks and juices was studied. The company produces several types of tasks to produce juices and soft drinks, which need machines to accomplish these tasks, as it has 6 machines that want to allocate to 4 different tasks to accomplish these tasks. The machines assigned to each task are subject to failure, as these machines are repaired to participate again in the production process. From past records of the company, the probability of failure machines at each task was calculated depending on company data information. Also, the time required for each machine to complete each task was recorded. The aim of this paper is to determine the minimum expected ti

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Accurate Four-Step Hybrid Block Method for Solving Higher-Order Initial Value Problems
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This paper focuses on developing a self-starting numerical approach that can be used for direct integration of higher-order initial value problems of Ordinary Differential Equations. The method is derived from power series approximation with the resulting equations discretized at the selected grid and off-grid points. The method is applied in a block-by-block approach as a numerical integrator of higher-order initial value problems. The basic properties of the block method are investigated to authenticate its performance and then implemented with some tested experiments to validate the accuracy and convergence of the method.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 13 2020
Journal Name
Day 3 Wed, January 15, 2020
Numerical Simulation of Gas Lift Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm for a Middle East Oil Field: Feasibility Study
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<p>Gas-lift technique plays an important role in sustaining oil production, especially from a mature field when the reservoirs’ natural energy becomes insufficient. However, optimally allocation of the gas injection rate in a large field through its gas-lift network system towards maximization of oil production rate is a challenging task. The conventional gas-lift optimization problems may become inefficient and incapable of modelling the gas-lift optimization in a large network system with problems associated with multi-objective, multi-constrained, and limited gas injection rate. The key objective of this study is to assess the feasibility of utilizing the Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique to optimize t</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Nov 17 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Fuzzy preinvexity via ranking value functions with applications to fuzzy optimization problems
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