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تحديد أثر مبادئ إدارة الجودة الشاملة في الأداء الإستراتيجي دراسة استطلاعية لآراء عينة من القيادات الجامعية
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The management of the overall quality (TQM)) of the philosophies that gained the attention of a large number of leaders and managers, practitioners and academics, as one of the prevailing management philosophies and desirable in the current period, is associated with the concept of quality itself, which shows the overall features and characteristics and attributes that related to the service and meet the needs of beneficiaries phenomenon and full, as was the concept of strategic performance with a significant level of interest from organizations because it is closely linked to the success of the organization in light of the changing competitive environment. These were the study in an attempt to see how a clear vision of the university leadership for total quality management and its principles, and performance indicators at the strategic application of the principles (TQM), which is reflected in turn strengthen the capacity of universities to survival, growth and competition, P demolishes the present study analyzing the nature of the relationship between the principles of total quality management and strategic performance in the study sample and the impact of application in strategic performance. The current study has adopted a set of indicators and statistical tests with a view to a scientific approach can be adopted for the University of the principles and applications contained in the above and, finally, the study found a set of conclusions and field theory, which was drawn on to provide a set of recommendations consistent with these conclusions.


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Publication Date
Sat Dec 28 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
علاقة العوامل الحرجة لنقل المعرفة في فرص النجاح الاستراتيجي" (بحث ميداني في عدد من الكليات الاهلية في مدينة بغداد)
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المستخلص: تناول البحث الحالي " علاقة العوامل الحرجة لنقل المعرفة في فرص النجاح الاستراتيجي " إذ يحظى موضوعيّ نقل المعرفة والنجاح الاستراتيجي باهتمام متزايد لكونهما من الموضوعات المهمة والمعاصرة، والتي لها تأثير كبير على وجود المنظمات ومستقبلها. ويهدف البحث الى الوقوف على العوامل الحرجة لنقل المعرفة في بيئة التعليم الأهلي العالي والتي تُمكن ( الكليات الأهلية المبحوثة ) من تحقيق نجاحها الاستراتيجي وقد سعى الب

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 28 2024
Journal Name
مجلة الفتح للبحوث التربوية والنفسية
تأثیر التدریبات على الرمل في تطویر تحمل (سرعة وقوة الأداء ) بالمبارزة
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Fencing is a sport where performance is affected by the evolutionof performance and capacity to assume (the speed and performance),and over the previous methods in the training with the development of(the speed and performance) on the fencing to be a solid surface suchas wood, aluminum, asphalt and in some halls have Altartan, thisrespect this method for long periods of time in Iraq, using exercisesthat are burdened with the development of force. For the moment theyhad been shown a recent trend in training, to see the football playersplay for Real Madrid training on the sand beach after eight minutes ofwarm-up training and jogging, and training on the properties of thesand to make the resistance of the body weight of the heaviest men inthe

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Dynamic Equilibrium of Marketing and Its Role in Achieving Excellence Performance Experimental research on a number of Iraqi private banks
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          Purpose  :This study seeks to provide the point of view stands on the marketing performance of the banks in the context of Dynamic Equilibrium  of marketing. It aims to develop a prototype of measuring marketing performance under the umbrella of marketing dynamic prototype, embodied of the strategic alliance and competition, and the  laws and legislation, and to explore any of the dimensions more effective in achieving performance.  This study aims to discusses the importance of the Dynamic Equilibrium  of marketing and it role in achieving the marketing performance <

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مستوى التنمية المهنية لتدريسيي جامعة بغداد في ضوء مؤشرات الجودة الشاملة من وجهة نظرهم
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The present study aimed to know The teaching members’ level of the professional development at the University of Baghdad based on the indicators of the overall quality from their perspective;

The researchers used the descriptive and analytical approach the in order to achieve the purposes of research, the researchers designed questionnaire researched and consisted of 40 paragraph has the questionnaire submitted to the arbitrators and experts were verify the authenticity of the questionnaire and stability have been applied questionnaire on a range of teaching and Tdriciat Baghdad University, which reached the study sample (400) teaching and teaching of six colleges in the University of Baghdad equivalent

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
أثر القراءات القرآنية في الأَحكام الفقهية البيئة الإِقرائية العراقية أُنموذجا ً
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

 القراءات القرآنية المتواترة والشاذة أثرت أثرا واضحا في الأحكام الفرعية الشرعية في العبادات والمعاملات وغير ذلك من أحكام الفقه المعروفة بالفروع ، لذى كانت محل عناية واهتمام الفقهاء والمفسرين من كافة المذاهب والفرق الإسلامية ، وذلك لما لها من صلة قوية بالإعجاز اللغوي في القران الكريم ، فضلا عن توجيه الآيات القرآنية ، والكشف عن أحكامها ، وقد تناولنا في هذا الب

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 16 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Fulfill the Requirements of Financial Authority For Adoption Of Financial statements in determining The Tax Base: بحث تطبيقي في الهيئة العامة للضرائب لعينة من الشركات المحدودة
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The Financial authority is considered as one of  the most of benefited parts from financial statements  which depends on it in process of accounting  in taxes as basis to determine The Tax Base , but no confidence from financial authority part in objectivity of income financial information in them for many of limited companies led to no dependence on them to specify taxation contain & dependence on yearly regulations that issued them. To enhance the confidence of financial authority to these lists must meet its requirements, because the menus Fulfill the requirements of the financial authority increases the confidence in these statements and therefore reliable in determining the tax base. So this research aims to speci

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The aim of the study was to find out the correlations and impact between the variable of ethical leadership behavior and university performance at Sumer University. Use the descriptive analytical method by adopting the questionnaire tool to collect data. The questionnaire was distributed electronically to 113 teachers at Sumer University and the response was from 105 teachers. The research results showed that there is a correlation and effect relationship between the search variables. In addition, the responding university does not have ethically defined standards in terms of performance of the work of the cadres working there. Finally, the research presented a set of recommendations aimed at tackling problems in the ethical lead

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Total Quality Management in Insurance: Companies Field Study in Iraqi Insurance Company
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Total quality management is considered a modern management concept that achieved success in all fields of various industrial and service sectors in advanced countries . One of these sectors is insurance. This concept aims at improving and developing the performance of insurance service continually . It is the gate that can enable radical change in the organization culture inside the company to transform it from using the traditional management style into using the modern style which achieves high quality standard of insurance service . As a result many insurance companies headed to applying the principles of total quality management in their companies . This study aims at raising the standard of the performance of the Iraqi Insurance Com

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Role of Total Quality tools to reduce costs and improve quality
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The research aims to study the problem of high production costs and low quality and the use of total quality management tools to detect problems of the high cost of failure and low quality products, diagnosis, and developing appropriate solutions.

To achieve the goal, we studied the overall quality tools and its relationship with the costs and the possibility of improving quality through the use of these tools.

Was limited to these tools and study the relation to the reduction of costs and improving quality have been studied serially by the possibility of the reduction.
To achieve the goal, the study of the concept of total quality management

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
دور الموازنة المرنة على أساس النشاط في الرقابة على التكاليف (دراسة تطبيقية في الشركة العامة للصناعات الجلدية)
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The research aims to identify the level of increase or decrease the product cost through the activity based flexible budgeting that gives us the chance to follows the cost since the product is planed to be made till it appears in the market and it also helps to fined out any problems that are expected to happen in the future and to put the costs under control, also to know much the surveying affects the perfect use for the complete resources in order to be used in the demanded way, the research is divided in to three sides ,the first is specialized for the theoretical side, the second is for the partical side, while the third side is specialized for the conclusions and recommendations.        &nbsp

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