In this paper we suggest new method to estimate the missing data in bivariate normal distribution and compare it with Single Imputation method (Unconditional mean and Conditional mean) by using simulation.
In this paper we suggest new method to estimate the missing data in bivariate normal distribution and compare it with Single Imputation method (Unconditional mean and Conditional mean) by using simulation.
This study aimed to determine the level of spiritual intelligence among students of educational psychology course at the Jerash University. and whether this level of varies depend on the gender of the student as well as the college type. The study sample consisted of (180) male and female students of bachelor students at the University Jerash, in the second semester of academic year2014-2015. The main results of the study were that the level of spiritual
Intelligence of Jerash University students was high. More over There were no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) due to the effect of gender, college type or academic achievement
إن الأبحاث العلمية كانت و لا تزال تحضا باهتمام الكثير من العلماء و المختصين في مجال التربية الرياضية بشكل عام و الجمناستك بشكل خاص لإيجاد أحدث الوسائل و الأدوات التي تساعد على سهولة توصيل المعلومات إلى المتعلمين و بدرجة عالية من الكفاءة, إذ يمكن للمتعلم الاستعانة بوسائل تعليمية عديدة منها القراءات المختلفة و المواد المبرمجة أو الأفلام و الوسائل السمعية و البصرية و ما إلى ذلك, فالمعلم الذي يستخدم هذه الوسائل
... Show More:يمتاز مرض قصور الدرقية بإنخفاض مستوى هرمونات T3و T4الضرورية لعمليات إنتاج الطاقة و حيوية الجسم ؛ لذلك ترافق هذه الحالة إضطرابات في عمليات الأيض المختلفة في الجسم . أجريت الدراسة في المركز التخصصي للغدد الصم و السكري في بغداد ، و شملت 70ًاضيرممن مرضى قصور الدرقية ، تم تشخيص الحالة لديهم عن طريق قياس مستويات الهرمونات (TSH,T4,T3). كما شملت 60اوريتخأًاصخشبشكل عشوائي من غير مرضى الغدة ، و قد تم التأكد من سلامة الغدة وعدم
... Show MoreIn this study, the stress-strength model R = P(Y < X < Z) is discussed as an important parts of reliability system by assuming that the random variables follow Invers Rayleigh Distribution. Some traditional estimation methods are used to estimate the parameters namely; Maximum Likelihood, Moment method, and Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased estimator and Shrinkage estimator using three types of shrinkage weight factors. As well as, Monte Carlo simulation are used to compare the estimation methods based on mean squared error criteria.
The aim of this research is to estimate the parameters of the linear regression model with errors following ARFIMA model by using wavelet method depending on maximum likelihood and approaching general least square as well as ordinary least square. We use the estimators in practical application on real data, which were the monthly data of Inflation and Dollar exchange rate obtained from the (CSO) Central Statistical organization for the period from 1/2005 to 12/2015. The results proved that (WML) was the most reliable and efficient from the other estimators, also the results provide that the changing of fractional difference parameter (d) doesn’t effect on the results.
Maulticollinearity is a problem that always occurs when two or more predictor variables are correlated with each other. consist of the breach of one basic assumptions of the ordinary least squares method with biased estimates results, There are several methods which are proposed to handle this problem including the method To address a problem and method To address a problem , In this research a comparisons are employed between the biased method and unbiased method with Bayesian using Gamma distribution method addition to Ordinary Least Square metho
... Show MoreInterest in the teaching profession is one of the most important steps on the road to education reform to develop the quality of education is not only through the teacher's professional competencies required, interest in the teaching profession in any society stems from fingerprints left by the teacher on his behavior and morals and their minds and their personalities. Today we are going to provide scientific, technical and research is enormous, we need more powerful skills and ways of thinking that must be acquired by the teacher. The current search is gaining importance in terms of:
لقد عانى درس التربية الإسلامية من الإهمال لسنوات عديدة إذ كان يحتل مكانه ضئيلة نسبة إلى الدروس الأخرى ، وكانت هناك دعوات متعددة نادت بحذفه من مناهج التعليم وذلك في عدم أعداد معلمين ومدرسين متخصصين ذوي كفاءة في هذا المجال ، وقد كان تدريسه لا يتجاوز حصة إلى حصتين من جدول الدروس الأسبوعي فضلا عن انه كان يدمج مع درس اللغة العربية والاجتماعيات. (وزارة التربية ، 1994: 5 )
... Show MoreAbstract: -
The concept of joint integration of important concepts in macroeconomic application, the idea of cointegration is due to the Granger (1981), and he explained it in detail in Granger and Engle in Econometrica (1987). The introduction of the joint analysis of integration in econometrics in the mid-eighties of the last century, is one of the most important developments in the experimental method for modeling, and the advantage is simply the account and use it only needs to familiarize them selves with ordinary least squares.
Cointegration seen relations equilibrium time series in the long run, even if it contained all the sequences on t
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