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تحديد القيم الشاذة باستخدام الطرق الاستكشافية ومقارنتها مع الطرق المعلمية
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         The availability of statistical data plays an important role in planning process. The importance of this research which deals with safety of statistical data from errors and outliers values. The Objective of this study is to determine the outlier values in statistical data by using modern exploratory data methods and comparing them with parametric methods. The research has been divided into four chapters ,the main important conclusions reached are:1-The exploratory methods and the parametric methods showed variation between them in determining the outlier values in the data.

2-The study showed that the box plot method was the best method used in determining outlier values in data.      


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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تقدير مصفوفة الحسابات القومية وتحديثها بإستخدام طريقة (C.E) دراسة مقارنة بين الطرق المستخدمة
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ليس جديداً القول بان هناك حاجة مستمرة ومتزايدة لاستخدام البيانات الاقتصادية المتسقة عن القطاعات المختلفة في الاقتصاد القومي لدعم وإسناد عملية التحليل الاقتصادي وتطوير النماذج الاقتصادية الكلية.

وتعرض مصفوفة الحسابات القومية Social Accounting Matrix  (SAM) اطاراً شاملاً من المعلومات الأساسية لهذا النوع من النماذج والتحليل. فهي تتضمن كلا من المستخدم- المنتج

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تصميم نظام مقترح لتخصيص مهام العمل لمحطات العمل وباعتماد الطرق الاجتهادية دراسة حال في الشركة العامة للصناعات الكهربائية
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This research work dealt with the problem of layout the production line of engine of fan roof at the General Company for Electrical Industries (GCEI). It was observed that the assembly line of engine was unstable and subject to severe fluctuations. In addition the execution of tasks at some stations was observed to be very fast while at other stations was slow. This phenomenon resulted into bottlenecks between workstations, idle time, and work in process. The system design was used to assign tasks to work stations according to different heuristics (Ranked Positional weight techniques, longest Task Time, Most following tasks, Shortest tasks time, Least number of following task).

The study revealed that th

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مقارنة الأساليب المستخدمة في تحديد عدد المركبات الرئيسية مع التطبيق العملي
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The principal components analysis is used in analyzing many economic and social phenomena; and one of them is related to a large group in our society who are the university instructors. This phenomenon is the delay occurred in getting university instructor to his next scientific title. And as the determination of the principal components number inside the principal components depends on using many methods, we have compared between three of these methods that are: (BARTLETT, SCREE DIAGRAM, JOLLIFFE).

     We concluded that JOLLIFFE method was the best one in analyzing the studying phenomenon data among these three methods, we found the most distinguishing factors effecting on t

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مقارنة بعض الطرائق المعلمية واللامعلمية لتصميم القطاعات العشوائية للقياسات المكررة
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The repeated measurement design is called a complete randomized block design for repeated measurement when the subject is given the all different treatments , in this case the subject is considered as a block . Many of nonparametric methods were considered like Friedman test (1937) and Koch test(1969) and Kepner&Robinson test(1988) when the assumption of normal distribution of the data is not satisfied .as well as F test  when the assumptions of the analysis of variance is satisfied ,where the observations within blocks are assumed to be equally correlated . The purpose of this paper is to summarize the result of the simulation study for comparing these methods as well as present the suggested


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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New and Existing Approaches Reviewing of Big Data Analysis with Hadoop Tools
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Everybody is connected with social media like (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram…etc.) that generate a large quantity of data and which traditional applications are inadequate to process. Social media are regarded as an important platform for sharing information, opinion, and knowledge of many subscribers. These basic media attribute Big data also to many issues, such as data collection, storage, moving, updating, reviewing, posting, scanning, visualization, Data protection, etc. To deal with all these problems, this is a need for an adequate system that not just prepares the details, but also provides meaningful analysis to take advantage of the difficult situations, relevant to business, proper decision, Health, social media, sc

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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Detecting Outliers In Multiple Linear Regression
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It is well-known that the existence of outliers in the data will adversely affect the efficiency of estimation and results of the current study. In this paper four methods will be studied to detect outliers for the multiple linear regression model in two cases :  first, in real data; and secondly,  after adding the outliers to data and the attempt to detect it. The study is conducted for samples with different sizes, and uses three measures for  comparing between these methods . These three measures are : the mask, dumping and standard error of the estimate.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
سلوك السائح ودوره في تحديد النمط السياحي
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تعد السياحة احد مستلزمات الحضارة الحديثة لما تفرزه من آثار ايجابية ودور متميز في دعم الاقتصاد الوطني وتقليل نسبة البطالة وتنشيط الحركة التجارية بين البلدان، اذ لا يمكن ان نتصور وجود بلد متحضر بلا فنادق ولا سياحة وتقديم مختلف السلع والخدمات سياحية التي يمكن ان تسبع الحاجات والرغبات واذواق السياح من خلال  وجود منشآت سياحية تعكس النمط السياحي القائم على اختلاف انواعه

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم الاقتصادية والإدارية
مقارنة الخوارزمية الجينية مع طريقتي المربعات الصغرى اللاخطية والامكان الاعظم اللاخطي باستخدام المحاكاة لتقدير انموذج BoxBOD اللاخطي باستخدام المحاكاة
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In this research, one of the nonlinear regression models is studied, which is BoxBOD, which is characterized by nonlinear parameters, as the difficulty of this model lies in estimating its parameters for being nonlinear, as its parameters were estimated by some traditional methods, namely the method of non-linear least squares and the greatest possible method and one of the methods of artificial intelligence, it is a genetic algorithm, as this algorithm was based on two types of functions, one of which is the function of the sum of squares of error and the second is the function of possibility. For comparison between the methods used in the research, the comparison scale was based on the average error squares, and for the purpose of data ge

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Classification of Rural Road Network in Al-Najaf Governorate
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This study has dealt with, the issue of classification of rural road network , in addition to prepare a suggested for the classification for this network in Iraq , this classification account , the specifications and characteristics of rural roads, population, and the range taking of settlements , then this classification was applied on the rural road network in the Najaf province there are four categories of classification ,the first is major arterial rural roads divided into two major arterial and minor arterial roads , while the second category collected roads which was divided into minor arterial roads and main collected roads. The third category was represented by Local Roads , it has been divided into paved roads and unpaved, the f

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Quantitative Analysis for Road networks in Karbala Governorate
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The road networks is considered to be one of the determinants that controls to specify the areas of human activities, which it depend on to specify the arrival cost , in addition it is useful to achieve the connectivity for interaction and human activities , and shorten the distance and time between the population and places of service. The density of the road network in any space directly affected by the density of population and the type of economic activities and administrative functions performed by the space. On this basis, the subject of this study is reflected in the quantitative analysis of the roads network in the Governorate of Karbala. The study consists the quantitative analysis for the roads network and the Urban Nodes in th

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