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أستخدام نظرية الخيارات في أدارة المخاطرة في المصارف الأسلاميه دراسه نظريه- أستطلاعيه في المصرفين الأسلاميين في الأردن
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- المقدمهIntroduction    

الخيارات أحدى الأدوات المالية المشتقة التي تشتق قيمتها من قيمة الموجود الأساسي
Underlying Asset، وقد يكون الموجود الأساسي سهما عاديا أو مؤشر أسهم أو عقد مستقبلية سلع أو عقد مستقبلية على أوراق المديونية . وبالرغم من أن الدلائل تشير إلى أن التعامل بالخيارات يعود إلى أوائل القرن السادس العشر الميلادي آلا انه ونتيجة للعديد من الابتكارات التنظيمية  Organizational Innovations في آلية تداول الخيارات والتي ادخلها مجلس سوق شيكاغو للخيارات  (Chicago Board of Option Exchange ,CBOE) في عام 1973 والتي تزامنت مع افتتاح أول سوق منظم للخيارات, فقد شهد التعامل بالخيارات نموا انفجاريا    Explosive  Growth منذ ذلك الحين. وقد جسد نجاح الخيارات كأدوات مالية حديثه افتتاح الكثير من أسواق الخيارات حول العالم .

ويعد تغيير التوزيع الاحتمالي Probability Distribution لعوائد الاستثمار بالأسهم العادية واحدة من أهم مزايا التعامل بالخيارات فضلا عن توفيرها مجموعة كبيرة ومتنوعة من الفرص المتاحة أمام المستثمرين وأتاحة توافيق  Combinationsمن العائد و المخاطرة لم يكن وجودها ممكنا بدون الخيارات.أن هذه الميزة المهمة هي التي حدت بالباحثين لاختبار إمكانية تخفيض مخاطرة الأسهم العادية التي باتت السمة البارزة للاستثمار بالأسهم العادية في معظم الأسواق المالية .

وتعد الخيارات من الموضوعات التي نالت ومازالت أهتماما كبيرا على المستويين الأكاديمي والمهني وأن هذا الاهتمام المتزايد نابع من المتحوطين Hedgers والمضاربين. ونظرا لعدم تداولها في أسواق المال العربية عموما ولحداثة وتعدد مفاهيمها  فان أي ناحية منها بحاجة إلى مزيد من الإيضاح و أولها تعريف الخيارات وأسواقها.

لقد كانت الصيرفة الإسلامية مجرد أفكار في منتصف القرن العشرين تجسدت بتجربة مصارف الادخار المحلية في مصر عام 1963 , ومن ثم في واقع مصرفي أسلامي كانت بدايته مع المصرف الإسلامي للتنمية عام 1975, ومصرف دبي الإسلامي عام 1977, وشهد عقد الثمانينات اتساع المصارف الإسلامية إلى أن وصلت اليوم الى ما يزيد عن 160 مصرف تعمل في مختلف دول العالم واستثماراتها وصلت حوالي 60 بليون دولار.



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Publication Date
Mon Apr 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of Digital Repositories in Developing Teacher Performance in the Primary Stage
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Digital repositories are considered one of the integrated collaborative educational environments that help every researcher interested in developing the education and educational process. The learning resources provided by the repositories are suitable for every researcher, so digital information can be stored and exchanged by ensuring the participation and cooperation of researchers, teachers, and those who are interested, as well as curricula experts, teachers, and students, to exchange each other’s experiences in constantly updating that information as a reason for developing their performance in education. This reveals the importance of the role of educational digital institutions by providing and

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
الدلالة الصوتية للتماثل الصامتي في صيغة ( يتفعّل) في القرآن الكريم
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 This research, tagged with (phonetic significance of silent symmetry in a form activated in the Qur'an), examines the suggestive images and phonological significance of phonetic symmetries that occur in the form of (activates). Hyacinth, teeth, Karzai, Dal, Dhal, Y, and the Seine, and D, and Taa, and Thaa.
      The research found that this kind of symmetry was mentioned in twenty-seven places in the Holy Quran, with different buildings and suggestive contextual sound indications of affirmation, confinement, exaggeration, generality, and comprehensiveness in (remembers, manages, circulates, praises validates, and implies). , And indicate the cost and difficulty, and trouble, and exaggeration in (fly

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
نهر نهر الخوصر في نينوى في ضوء تقانة التحسس النائي
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The river "Al Khawser" has a significant role in the history of civilization of Nineveh city in north of Iraq that makes studying river channel and previous geomorphological analysis with its relation to the political and economical in the city in the ancient history depending on remote sensing technology with aerial imagery interpretation because it is easily available, multiple use, engineered integration, and low cost compared to other technology, this paper discovered that the current channel of river "Al Khawaser" is not the real old path

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
أثر الديستوبيا في تشكيل الزمن الروائي في الرواية النسائية العراقية
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The Idea of our tagged research (The Impact of Dystopia In the
Formation of Narrative Time) Is summed up by monitoring the theme
of dystopia and Its impact on shaping the techniques of narrative time,
and In order to prove the Idea of our research, our choice focused on
the fictional production of a group of Iraqi women novelists that was
published In the time period (2003 AD-2020 AD) Through this theme,
we monitored how the temporal paradoxes operate from anticipation
and retrieval In the fragmentation of the narrative time, whichh in turn
presented a picture of the Iraqi reality In which the human Image
crumbled and its values were shattered and fragmented.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 13 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
نهر نهر الخوصر في نينوى في ضوء تقانة التحسس النائي
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The river "Al Khawser" has a significant role in the history of civilization of Nineveh city in north of Iraq that makes studying river channel and previous geomorphological analysis with its relation to the political and economical in the city in the ancient history depending on remote sensing technology with aerial imagery interpretation because it is easily available, multiple use, engineered integration, and low cost compared to other technology, this paper discovered that the current channel of river "Al Khawaser" is not the real old path

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
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 The existence of the tax Coupled with the existence of the power of the political   Sociality and the evolution of its concept differes according to the concept of the role of the state and its evolution in the economical life and  it represents on of the main sources of funding one hand and an effective means that enables the state to intervene in various aspects of the economic life on the other hand. Tax also can be considered as a tool used to re-distribue the in class. Perhaps Iraq suffers from and in the marginalization to the role of taxes in funding and in turn the adoption of the Iraqi budget on oil revenues to finance the aspects of expenitvre which can pose a risk on the total Iraq

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The status of prophecy in the Islamic faith in light of the glorious Kharida system
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Knowing the Messengers, peace and blessings be upon them, and explaining their obligatory, impossible, and permissible qualities is a legal necessity. It is a rooting of the faith, a means of understanding the Sharia, and a preventer from falling into the scourge of denial and bad manners against them. Therefore, sound belief in their presence is a major reason for the validity of the faith in the aspect of divinity and unseen hearing. Studying the status of prophethood is an urgent necessity in a time in which knowledge is scarce and attachment to the Messenger, may God Almighty’s prayers and peace be upon him, his family, and his companions, is weak, and suspicions and ideas hostile to the faith abound until we begin to hear - unfort

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Prevalence of obesity among adolescents at secondary schools in Kirkuk city
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Objective: to identify the secondary school adolescent's obesity, and to find out the relationship between
adolescents obesity characteristics and their family history.
Methodology: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 537 adolescents (270 boys and 267 girls) aged 12-15
years selected by means of a multistage stratified random sampling technique.
Results: the prevalence of obesity among adolescents was 22.3%. (55.8%) of the obese adolescents were male,
(42.5%) their age is (13) years old, and (79.2%) of them coming from middle level of socio economic status score.
There are a significant relationship between obese adolescents and their family history of obesity which indicated
that obese father, and obese br

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role of tax expenses in promoting direct foreign investment in Iraq
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The purpose of research is highlighting the role of tax expenses in promoting direct foreign investment in Iraq, The main objective of the increase in the field of tax expenses is to manage the competition in the production of goods and services locally, in addition to the various qualities of the economical. As the search contributes to the idea of the role of the policy of the tax expenses in the promotion of foreign companies operating in Iraq. The analytical and transparent transparency used by adoption of cases of the relevant body of the tax body. For each image or form of tax expenses have been reliably related to the promotion of direct foreign investment, the taxpayers highlighted the annual controls, tax cuts as the sample was

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The reality of administrative creativity of secondary schools' managers in Al-zarqaa province
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The study focuses on identifying the reality of administrative creativity of secondary schools' managers in Al-zarqaa province. The descriptive approach was adopted to conduct this study. To achieve the study objective, the author designed a questionnaire composed of (24) items included (4) domains applied on (80) male and female school managers were selected randomly. The results showed that the administrative creativity level of secondary school's managers over all domains were too high which ranked as school management domain followed by public community domain then teacher domain and finally, school environment domain. Additionally, each of male, private sector, and experience over 10 years revealed significant differences.

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