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Using the Box Jenkins models to predict Iraq's cement production and to demonstrate its adequacy under future construction projects
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تعد صناعة السمنت في العراق من اقدم الصناعات الحديثة واكثرها تطورا وتقدما ومن اقواها تاثيرا في الاقتصاد القومي. واذ توفر في صناعة السمنت العراقي كافة المستلزمات الناجحة من حيث توفر المواد الاولية والخبرات الفنية والتقنية واسواق ثابتة وراسخة محليا وعالميا فقد كان من المفروض ان يتم التوسع في هذه الصناعة، وان التخطيط لهذه الصناعة امرا ضروريا خاصة وان مادة السمنت هي احدى اهم المواد الرئيسة التي يؤثر توفرها بشكل كبير على انجاز المشاريع العمرانية والاقتصادية ومن هذا المنطلق فقد تم اعداد الدراسات لمستقبل هذه الصناعة من اجل النهوض بها وتطويرها وتوسيعها.

 وان هدف البحث هو التنبؤ بكميات انتاج السمنت العراقي للمدة المستقبلية (2003 - 2013) باستخدام افضل نماذج بوكس جينكنز الملائمة (B -J).

 وقد توصل البحث الى جملة من الاستنتاجات وهي: باستخدام طريقة بوكس جينكنز وجد ان السلسلة غير مستقرة وبذلك تم اخذ الفرق الاول بهدف تحقيق الاستقرارية. وكذلك من سلوك معاملات الارتباط الذاتي والجزئي استنتجنا انه امكن تحديد واختيار النموذج الملائم لتمثيل السلسلة، حيث كان النموذج الملائم هو  ARIMA (2, 1, 0) وكذلك وجدنا ان الحدود الدنيا للتنبؤ قد تكون سالبة، وهذا مما يدل على انه في حالة الحاجة الماسة الى هذه المادة فأن الانتاج المحلي قد لا يكفي لذلك يلجأ البلد الى سد النقص الحاصل عن طريق الاستيراد.

 اما التوصيات فهي: نوصي باعتماد النموذج الذي تم التوصل اليه في طريقة بوكس – جينكنز بغية الاستفادة منها في التخطيط والتنبؤ للفترات القادمة. وكذلك نوصي الشركة العراقية لانتاج السمنت ان تعتمد على القيم التنبئية المستخرجة من تطبيق النموذج برسم خططها المستقبلية. وكذلك ان البلد في الوقت الحالي بحاجة الى عملية اعمار واسعة لذلك نوصي بزيادة الطاقة الانتاجية من هذه المادة لغرض سد النقص الحاصل.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The evolution of the press image in the Iraqi press (An analytical study of the pictures of the first page of Al-Sabah newspaper for the year)
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This research sheds light on the development that has occurred on the use of press pictures in the Iraqi press by analyzing the form and content of the images used in (Al-Sabaah) newspaper for the 2012 model. The researcher's interest in this topic for what represented by the press picture of a way to highlight and attract the reader's attention to the substance journalist who represents the goals behind the newspaper publishing.

This research is divided into three sections. The first one dealt with the methodological framework of the research, and the second part addressed the aspect of press pictures and its history and technological development, while the third section devoted to the study of the development of the form and co

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
Journal Name
The Employment of Brainstorming in developing the idea of design of Fine Arts Institute Students in Designing the Technical Advertisement
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Brainstorming is considered as one of the manners that develop learners' mental abilities. Besides, it can help learners get a lot of ideas and thoughts. And by following applied steps to answer the problem concerned, the researcher carried out this practical study aimed at:Developing the ideas of design of third year students/Institute of Fine Arts/Evening Studies- Baghdad/First Rusafa by employing Brainstorming mechanism to develop the ideas of design of institute students in designing the technical advertisement and to achieve the authenticity of the goal of the research, Department of Plastic Arts/Institute of Fine Arts/Evening Studies/Baghdad-First Rusafa was chosen as a case study for the research. It embraced (20) students who rep

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
(The role of the Security Council in Managing international crises (The Libyan crisis as a model
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The Security Council has an active role in addressing international crises and dealing with their causes. The Libyan crisis is one of the most important real tests of the Security Council and its role in maintaining international peace and security, as the Council has proven so far an ineffective role in resolving the crisis and dealing withtheir causes, which has prolonged its duration and increased its complexities and dangerous repercussions, perhaps the most prominent of which is the threat of the recently achieved cease-fire and the formation of a new transitional government led by Abdel Hamid al-Dabaiba, the growing significant obstacles facing the political process, foremost of which is the continued presence of foreign forces , m

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
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The culturalization of gender action in the Iraqi theatrical address the play " Revelations as an example"
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The culturalization of gender action occupies a wide range in culture, thoughts and modern studies as well as in fine arts and the ways of expressing them.

       Theater, as one of these arts, plays roles in establishing the fundamental concepts that aims at stating the uncontrollable deed of the social community. It remains one of the most effective and suitable means to confine the uncivilized practices to overcome a certain crisis after gender and cyborg in societies.

        The research concentrates on studying the culturalization of gender action in the Iraqi theatrical address because of the effect it has on the modernizing thought in arts and theater literature. It consists of chapter one which deals w

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
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The Conceptual Representations of the Jewish Personality in the International Cinema (Munich film as a model)
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This study deals with the intellectual representations whose intellectual systems are incarnated in the Jewish personality, which is considered one of the complex intellectual systems that has caused controversy throughout the ages because of the ambiguity due to the religious and psychological factors that were reflected directly and strongly on the intellectual structure of the Jewish community in general and the Jewish - Zionist personality in particular, in an attempt (to create new dimensions embodied by intellectual representations of a human nature embodied by what that - peaceful - religiously oppressed - psychologically and socially isolated character presents, because of the curse of the peoples of the world that was a cause fo

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effectiveness of the Iraqi banking system in dealing with the effects of fiscal austerity policy
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    Under the state scenario, fiscal policy will not be able to use the oil surpluses optimally and economically and society, as long as these surpluses are not directed by public expenditure towards new productive investments and by following the path of fiscal policy after one year 2003 and until 2013 we note that it is based on the method of spending (excessive) consumption, and did not take any action towards the budget deficit planned at the beginning of the fiscal year, and the actual surplus at the end of the fiscal year, which represents the highest expenditure in the budget, Salaries and wages of workers in various government agencies with the expansion of spending on the security side.&n

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Earidler the earliey shiaa polifical thought studying on the Al- sheikh Al-tossy political ideas
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Abstract This research deals with the Al-Tossy contribution Islamic government and explain the directions of early shiaa political thoughts and knowing the opinions of Al-Shakh Al- Tossy in the Islamic Government

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
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The signification levels of scenery in the Iraqi theatrical show (the play of alubah for example)
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Signification with its different aspects constitutes various aesthetic pictures for human and nature creations over different periods of time. It was a focal around which logical thinking loops on the interpretation level of the signification movement according to its structural context expresses its hidden entities with which a human being deals according to two symmetrical levels while interpreting to attain meaning. Sense was the first passing window for the picture of signification which thought deals with. While trying to decode it and because art in general and theatre in particular are considered as the basis of creating signification through its visual and aural elements, so it was necessary to consider one of the elements of cre

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
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The Mesopotamian artist conversed the functions of idols with multi-formation, varied pictured and structural significances sign momentum. Each phenomenon had an idol and each event had an idol. So multiplicity contributes in the enrichment of the Mesopotamian thought by the full and comprehensive familiarity of the characterization of the religious space which reached up to realize the start point of creation and formation and specify the concept of unification in such a way that considered as pagan multiplicity and Atheism according to what brought by most of the previous studies.Such a research as ( The Sign Reading of the Structure of Unification in the Civilization of Mesopotamia) aims to clarify this confusion through decoding the

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 19 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
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DBNRAAK Mohammed, International Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 2020

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