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The use of water resources in light of the challenges of water security in Iraq
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Iraq suffers from lack of water resources supply because the headwaters of the rivers located outside its borders and the influence of upstream countries on the quantities of flowing water, in addition to the increase of pressure on available water as a result of population increase and not adopting the principle of rationalization where misuse and wastage and lack of strategic vision to treat and manage water use in accordance with the economic implications fall.  This is reflected fallout on water security and subsequently on national and food security, while the issue of using water resources is development top priority in different countries in the world because of the importance of water effect on the security of individuals and society in light of population increase and the fluctuation of water resources and lack of incoming water in addition to the increase of salinity and the decrease of water levels and its fluctuation and its reflect on the agricultural sector and its deterioration, as well as the need of industry of all types to water in light of the expansion of industrial activities that Iraq might experience,  in addition to the importance of using water in power plants , water law prices is considered one of the factors that led to disruption of water security in Iraq where waste and misuse and loosing big quantities of water in terms of not applying economic implications for water use and hence the importance of adopting a comprehensive strategic plan to determine the factors of water deficit problem and taking in consideration the economic vision and the international experience in managing supply and demand on water that can be applied in Iraq, this is why this study focused on the economic implications of integrated water management in accordance to a strategic perspective to limit the crisis of water in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Predicting Social Security Fund compensation in Iraq using ARMAX Model
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Time series have gained great importance and have been applied in a manner in the economic, financial, health and social fields and used in the analysis through studying the changes and forecasting the future of the phenomenon. One of the most important models of the black box is the "ARMAX" model, which is a mixed model consisting of self-regression with moving averages with external inputs. It consists of several stages, namely determining the rank of the model and the process of estimating the parameters of the model and then the prediction process to know the amount of compensation granted to workers in the future in order to fulfil the future obligations of the Fund. , And using the regular least squares method and the frequ

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Palestinian Elite's Use on Digital Diplomacy in the Face of the Israeli Narrative
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This study aims to determine the extent to which Palestinian elites use digital diplomacy to confront the Israeli narrative by exploring the motives for usage, patterns, essential digital diplomatic tools, and achieved satisfactions. The study adopted a survey methodology and employed a questionnaire distributed to a sample of 110 Palestinian political and media elites.
The study arrived at several key findings, including: Palestinian elites allocate a substantial (%67) of their efforts towards employing digital diplomacy as a response to the Israeli narrative. The foremost platforms employed for this purpose are Facebook and Twitter. The primary motivation for utilizing these digital platforms is to present

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Assessment of the Quality of Drinking Water for Plants in the Al-Karkh, Baghdad, Iraq
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     The study aims to assess some physical, chemical, and bacterial characteristics of two drinking water treatment plants of Al- Dora and Al-Qadisiya in the area of ​​Karkh, Baghdad, Iraq. The areas covered by each plants and these sites of areas selected as the nearest and the farthest point from plants, for winter and summer season. Some physicochemical parameters of water quality were taken in this study and these parameters were temperature water, pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, free residual chlorine, calcium, magnesium, nitrate, nitrite, sulphate and heavy metals (lead). In addition to four bacterial indicators of drinking water pollution (APC, Total Coliform, Fecal Coliform

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
A Vision to Develop the Effectiveness of the Dissemination of Innovations to Rationalize the Use of Irrigation Water in Iraqi Agriculture
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Abstract<p>Iraqi agriculture faces a major water problem, affecting cultivated areas, agricultural production, farmers’ incomes and food security. However, the results achieved in rationalizing the use of irrigation water are still limited and do not match what they should be in order to meet this serious challenge. The study aimed to provide a vision for the development of the effectiveness of the dissemination of innovations to rationalize the use of irrigation water in Iraqi agriculture. In light of the framework of the dissemination of agricultural innovations, factors related to their effectiveness, and the summary of the Iraqi experience in the field of dissemination of modern irrigation</p> ... Show More
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Scopus (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Use of Coliphages as an indicators of enteroviruses and faecal pollution in Water
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In spite of increasing clinical cases which caused by enteroviruses transferred by water and no documents about entericviruses in the Iraqi water standards. The use of coliphages as an indicator of enteroviruses and fecal pollution were suggested two procedures were applied . The first is Two-Step Enrichment Method and the second is Single Agar Layer Method. Both methods gives good results in Identification of coliphages through testing fifty different water samples (Tap water, Surface water and Bottled water) the study shows the presence of coliphages in fourteen samples.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Administration And Economics
Proposal to use the style of the slides in the estimation and forecasting Fertility rates in Iraq for the period 2012-2031
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It is often needed in demographic research to modern statistical tools are flexible and convenient to keep up with the type of data available in Iraq in terms of the passage of the country far from periods of war and economic sanctions and instability of the security for a period of time . So, This research aims to propose the use of style nonparametric splines as a substitute for some of the compounds of analysis within the model Lee-Carter your appreciation rate for fertility detailed variable response in Iraq than the period (1977 - 2011) , and then predict for the period (2012-2031). This goal was achieved using a style nonparametric decomposition of singular value vehicles using the main deltoid , and then estimate the effect of time-s

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2024
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Impact of Using Subsurface Water Retention Technology on Improving Water Use Efficiency of Furrow Irrigation System
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Abstract<p>Evaluation was carried out on the existing furrow irrigation system located in an open agricultural field within Hor Rajabh Township, south of Baghdad, Iraq (latitude: 33°09’ N, longitude: 44°24’ E). Two plots were chosen for comparison: treatment plot T1, which used subsurface water retention technology (SWRT) with a furrow irrigation system. While the treatment plot T2 was done by using a furrow irrigation procedure without SWRT. A comparison between the two treatment plots was carried out to study the efficiency of the applied water on crop yield. In terms of agricultural productivity and water use efficiency, plot T1 outperformed plot T2, according to the study’s final fin</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Depleted Uranium And use an American in Iraq
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اليورانيوم المنضب واستخدامه امريكياً في العراق

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The effectiveness of intense pulsed light (home use) device in facial hair reduction
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Background: Intense pulsed light (IPL) devices produce polychromatic incoherent high-intensity pulsed light with a specified wavelength spectrum, fluence, and pulse duration through the use of flashlamps and bandpass filters. Similar to lasers, IPL devices operate on the selective photothermolysis principle, with melanin acting as the chromophore. Despite this similarity, they are constructed differently and produce different amounts of light Aim of the study: To investigate the efficacy of IPL home-use device in hair reduction technique for women with unwanted facial hair. Subjects and methods: The study was conducted in Baghdad on forty-five female subjects with Fitzpatrick skin phototype (II to IV) and black, brown hair in a period of ei

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Multidisciplinary And Current Research
The security problem in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries Study on internal challenges and future prospects
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The importance of our research is that it examines the causes and sources of the security challenges in the internal security environment of the GCC countries, and aims to address the most important issues that are of great interest, namely, the issue of inter-GCC differences and addressing the issues of regional security for the Gulf region, After it is one of the most dynamic and more polarized areas for the emergence of threats and challenges because of the multiplicity of sources of threat and their complexity due to the specificity of the strategic environment and the negative repercussions it can have on the Gulf region, especially the issue of regional security of the Gulf Cooperation Council Which has become a magnet for competing i

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