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Value engineering and process re-engineering and their role in reducing costs
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تسعى المحاسبة الى مسايرة القفزات الهائلة والمتسارعة في تطور العلوم الصرفة والتطبيقية والتقدم التكنولوجي، والتي ادت على ظهور مفاهيم جديدة الغت مسلمات وبديهيات كانت سائدة لمدة طويلة، فعلى سبيل المثال: كان مخزون المواد الاولية والبضاعة التامة في المؤسسات الصناعية او التجارية يشكل العمود الفقري لها بتكاليفه ومشاكله، حتى اذا ما جاء نظام (JIT) الغى بتطبيقاته هذه المفاهيم واعتمد مفهوماً جديداً هو (الانتاج من اليد الى الفم)، وان مفاهيم الكلفة والتسعير تخلخلت وتقادمت بظهور فلسفة سوق المنافسة الحرة والعولمة، واصبح الزبون هو القاسم المشترك والاساس لنجاح كل المؤسسات او فشلها فإذا لم يرض الزبون بمنتج ما بسبب تغير اذواقه او ميله الاستهلاكي فلا فائدة من انتاج البضاعة حتى لو كانت بأساليب مثالية. وقد كان للتطورات التكنولوجية اثر كبير في السلع والمنتجات فظهور منتجات جديدة في السوق يؤدي الى تزايد الطلب على سلعة معينة، وتخفيض الطلب على سلعة اخرى. ولذلك فقد ظهرت مسألة خطيرة في هذا المجال وهي الاندثار بالتقادم او ما يسمى بالاندثار التقني. فالقفزة النوعية تتمثل في ان هذا الاندثار يؤدي الى صرف مبالغ هائلة في موضوع البحث والتطوير لغرض تصميم منتجات جديدة تساير اذواق المستهلكين، اذ اصبحت السلع تتقادم شهرياً او خلال مدد قصيرة.

ان الاساليب الادارية الحديثة دائماً تسعى للحاق بعجلة التقدم العلمي، فأوجدت نظريات ومفاهيم تتلاءم مع هذا التطور وكان لزاماًَ على المحاسبة- وخاصة محاسبة التكاليف والمحاسبة الادارية- تأطير هذه النظريات بما يخدم اهدافها.

ومن هنا جاءت مفاهيم هندسة القيمة وإعادة هندسة العمليات بوصفها احد ابرز الاساليب الادارية والتقنية الحديثة الملائمة لمواكبة التقدم العلمي والتغيرات في بيئة الاعمال لتحقيق الهدف الرئيس الذي تسعى اليه المؤسسات اليوم وهو تلبية متطلبات ورغبات الزبون من خلال تحقيق هدفي: تخفيض كلفة المنتج وتحسين قيمته لنيل رضاه، وهو المقياس الأساس لنجاح المؤسسات، ولذلك فإن هذا البحث يسعى الى بيان اهمية ودور الاسلوبين موضوعي البحث في تحقيق عوامل النجاح الأساسية للمنافسة حيث تعد هندسة القيمة اسلوباً مختلفاً في معالجتها للتكاليف المرتفعة للمنتج بتركيزها على تجزئة المنتج على وظائف ومكونات، ودراستها وتحليلها. اما أسلوب إعادة هندسة العمليات فركز على حاجة المنشآت الى تغيير عملياتها وانشطتها.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Dielectrical and electrical properties of PVA-NaI composites
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                The electrical characteristics of polyvinyl alcohol PVA doped with different concentrations (0, 1, 2, 3 and 4wt%) of sodium  iodide NaI powder were studied. The films are prepared using solution casting technique, in order to investigate the effect of sodium iodide NaI additions on the electrical properties of PVA host. The D.C conductivity measured by measuring the D.C electrical resistance using the Keithly Electrometer type 616C, and for different temperatures ranging from 30 – 70oC.

          The dielectric properties measured by measuring the capacitor and the loss

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Intelligent Engineering And Systems
Design and Implementation of EEG-Based Smart Structure
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Publication Date
Sun Oct 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Medical Ultrasound Image Quality Enhancement and Regions Segmentation
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     Medical Ultrasound (US) has many features that make it widely used in the world. These features are safety, availability and low cost. However, despite these features, the ultrasound suffers from problems. These problems are speckle noise and artifacts. In this paper, a new method is proposed to improve US images by removing speckle noise and reducing artifacts to enhance the contrast of the image. The proposed method involves algorithms for image preprocessing and segmentation. A median filter is used to smooth the image in the pre-processing. Additionally, to obtain best results, applying median filter with different kernel values. We take the better output of the median filter and feed it into the Gaussian filter, which then

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Automatic Vehicles Detection, Classification and Counting Techniques / Survey
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Vehicle detection (VD) plays a very essential role in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) that have been intensively studied within the past years. The need for intelligent facilities expanded because the total number of vehicles is increasing rapidly in urban zones. Traffic monitoring is an important element in the intelligent transportation system, which involves the detection, classification, tracking, and counting of vehicles. One of the key advantages of traffic video detection is that it provides traffic supervisors with the means to decrease congestion and improve highway planning. Vehicle detection in videos combines image processing in real-time with computerized pattern recognition in flexible stages. The real-time pro

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Ieee Transactions On Computers
Neuromorphic System for Spatial and Temporal Information Processing
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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Bulletin Of Electrical Engineering And Informatics
Solid waste recycling and management cost optimization algorithm
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Solid waste is a major issue in today's world. Which can be a contributing factor to pollution and the spread of vector-borne diseases. Because of its complicated nonlinear processes, this problem is difficult to model and optimize using traditional methods. In this study, a mathematical model was developed to optimize the cost of solid waste recycling and management. In the optimization phase, the salp swarm algorithm (SSA) is utilized to determine the level of discarded solid waste and reclaimed solid waste. An optimization technique SSA is a new method of finding the ideal solution for a mathematical relationship based on leaders and followers. It takes a lot of random solutions, as well as their outward or inward fluctuations, t

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Image Compression Using Deep Learning: Methods and Techniques
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     In recent years images have been used widely by online social networks providers or numerous organizations such as governments, police departments, colleges, universities, and private companies. It held in vast databases. Thus, efficient storage of such images is advantageous and its compression is an appealing application. Image compression generally represents the significant image information compactly with a smaller size of bytes while insignificant image information (redundancy) already been removed for this reason image compression has an important role in data transfer and storage especially due to the data explosion that is increasing significantly. It is a challenging task since there are highly complex unknown correlat

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Publication Date
Sun May 17 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Weak and Strong Forms of ω-Perfect Mappings
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In this paper, we introduce weak and strong forms of ω-perfect mappings, namely the -ω-perfect, weakly -ω-perfect and strongly-ω-perfect mappings. Also, we investigate the fundamental properties of these mappings. Finally, we focused on studying the relationship between weakly -ω-perfect and strongly -ω-perfect mappings.

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Publication Date
Thu May 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Strong and Weak Forms of μ-Kc-Spaces
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In this paper, we provide some types of - -spaces, namely, - ( )- (respectively, - ( )- , - ( )- and - ( )-) spaces for minimal structure spaces which are denoted by ( -spaces). Some properties and examples are given.
The relationships between a number of types of - -spaces and the other existing types of weaker and stronger forms of -spaces are investigated. Finally, new types of open (respectively, closed) functions of -spaces are introduced and some of their properties are studied.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study FTIR and AC Conductivity of Nanocomposite Electrolytes
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 In the present work polymer electrolytes were formulated using the solvent casting technique. Under special conditions, the electrolyte content was of fixed ratio of polyvinylpyrolidone (PVP): polyacrylonitrile (PAN) (25:75), ethylene carbonate (EC) and propylene carbonate (PC) (1:1) with 10% of potassium iodide (KI) and iodine I2 = 10% by weight of KI. The conductivity was increased with the addition of ZnO nanoparticles. It is also increased with the temperature increase within the range (293 to 343 K). The conductivity reaches maximum value of about (0.0296 with (0.25 g) ZnO. The results of FTIR for blend electrolytes indicated a significant degree of interaction between the polymer blend (PVP and PAN)

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