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Using Target Costing in Implementation Confrontational Strategy Applied study in General Company for Electronic Industries
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This research has come out with that strategies made by Porter as generally strategies applicable to any size and type of economic units cannot be applied to many of the economic units in the world in generally and in Iraq especially not a lot of economic units have the resources and competencies that enable them to provide a unique product of its kind in the minds of customers and then adopt a differentiation strategy  and not a lot of economic units have the resources and competencies that make them the cost leader. Differentiators and cost leaders are minority in the world while not differentiators and not cost leaders are majority in the world.

The economic units are not differentiators and not cost leaders should adopt a strategy of confrontation and compete with each other through the characteristics of the three main product, or the so-called survival triplet a cost, quality and functionality grappling competitors through the trilogy is one of the possible economic unity to survive and continue to successfully in the industry. The research also concluded that the target costing is cost effective tool that will enable economic units have access to cost, quality and functionality offered by the competitors and then to achieve competition in the trilogy to survive and finally applying confrontation strategy.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 25 2019
Journal Name
Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing
Solving Game Theory Problems Using Linear Programming and Genetic Algorithms
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using some Natural Minerals to Remove Cadmium from Polluted Water
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Water scarcity is one of the most important problems facing humanity in various fields such as economics, industry, agriculture, and tourism. This may push people to use low-quality water like industrial-wastewater. The application of some chemical compounds to get rid of heavy metals such as cadmium is an environmentally harmful approach. It is well-known that heavy metals as cadmium may induce harmful problems when present in water and invade to soil, plants and food chain of a human being. In this case, man will be forced to use the low quality water in irrigation. Application of natural materials instead of chemicals to remove cadmium from polluted water is an environmental friendly approach. Attention was drawn in this research wor

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
state selection of ammonia molecular beam using tapered ring focuser
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I've made extensive studies on the distribution of the electric field stable heterogeneous within intensive that contain metal rings with slope diagonal positive to a site halfway to be in its maximum value, followed by decline negative and equally to the other end of the concentrated distributed by electric stable thanking sequentially and have focused empirical studies in the pastthe molecules that you focused Pantqaúha during passage

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Laser Microdrilling and Nanodrilling of 8009 Aluminium Alloy using Nanoparticles
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 The microdrilling and nanodrilling holes are produced by a Q-switched Nd :YAG laser (1064 nm) interaction with 8009 Al alloy using nanoparticles. Two kinds of nanoparticles were used with this alloy. These nanoparticles are tungsten carbide (WC) and silica carbide (SiC). In this work, the microholes and nanoholes have been investigated with different laser pulse energies (600, 700 and 800)mJ, different repetition rates (5Hz and 10Hz) and different concentration of nanoparticles (90%, 50% and 5% ). The results indicate that  the microholes and nanoholes have been achieved when the laser pulse energy is 600 mJ, laser repetition rate is 5Hz, and the concentration of the  nanoparticles (for the two types of n

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An Investigation into Heat Transfer Enhancement by Using Oscillating Fins
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The present work describes numerical and experimental investigation of the heat transfer characteristics in a plate-fin, having built-in piezoelectric actuator mounted on the base plate (substrate). The geometrical configuration considered in the present work is representative of a single element of the plate-fin and triple fins. Air is taken as the working fluid. A performance data for a single rectangular fin and triple fins are provided for different frequency levels (5, 30 and
50HZ) , different input power (5,10,20,30,40 and 50W) and different inlet velocity (0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6m/s) for the single rectangular fin and triple fins with and without oscillation. The investigation was also performed with different geometrical fin

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2023
Journal Name
Wasit Journal Of Pure Sciences
Covid-19 Prediction using Machine Learning Methods: An Article Review
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The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated new methods for controlling the spread of the virus, and machine learning (ML) holds promise in this regard. Our study aims to explore the latest ML algorithms utilized for COVID-19 prediction, with a focus on their potential to optimize decision-making and resource allocation during peak periods of the pandemic. Our review stands out from others as it concentrates primarily on ML methods for disease prediction.To conduct this scoping review, we performed a Google Scholar literature search using "COVID-19," "prediction," and "machine learning" as keywords, with a custom range from 2020 to 2022. Of the 99 articles that were screened for eligibility, we selected 20 for the final review.Our system

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Solve the fuzzy Assignment problem by using the Labeling method
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The Assignment model is a mathematical model that aims to express a real problem facing factories and companies which is characterized by the guarantee of its activity in order to make the appropriate decision to get the best allocation of machines or jobs or workers on machines in order to increase efficiency or profits to the highest possible level or reduce costs or time To the extent possible, and in this research has been using the method of labeling to solve the problem of the fuzzy assignment of real data has been approved by the tire factory Diwaniya, where the data included two factors are the factors of efficiency and cost, and was solved manually by a number of iterations until reaching the optimization solution,

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Two Stage Evaporative Cooling of Residential Building Using Geothermal Energy
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The weather of Iraq has longer summer season compared with other countries. The ambient temperature during this season reaches over 50 OC which makes the evaporative cooling system suitable for this climate. In present work, the two-stage evaporative cooling system is studied. The first stage is indirect evaporative cooling (IEC) represented by two heat exchangers with the groundwater flow rate (5 L/min). The second stage is direct evaporative cooling (DEC) which represents three pads with groundwater flow rates of (4.5 L/min). The experimental work was conducted in July, August, September, and October in Baghdad. Results showed that overall evaporative efficiency of the system (two coils with three pads each

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Robust Estimation OF The Partial Regression Model Using Wavelet Thresholding
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            Semi-parametric regression models have been studied in a variety of applications and scientific fields due to their high flexibility in dealing with data that has problems, as they are characterized by the ease of interpretation of the parameter part while retaining the flexibility of the non-parametric part. The response variable or explanatory variables can have outliers, and the OLS approach have the sensitivity to outliers. To address this issue, robust (resistance) methods were used, which are less sensitive in the presence of outlier values in the data. This study aims to estimate the partial regression model using the robust estimation method with the wavel

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Stamps extraction using local adaptive k- means and ISODATA algorithms
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<span>One of the main difficulties facing the certified documents documentary archiving system is checking the stamps system, but, that stamps may be contains complex background and surrounded by unwanted data. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to isolate background and to remove noise that may be surrounded stamp. Our proposed method comprises of four phases, firstly, we apply k-means algorithm for clustering stamp image into a number of clusters and merged them using ISODATA algorithm. Secondly, we compute mean and standard deviation for each remaining cluster to isolate background cluster from stamp cluster. Thirdly, a region growing algorithm is applied to segment the image and then choosing the connected regi

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