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Relationship of environmental costs to product life cycle costs Applied in the General Company for Battery Industry
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The relationship between costs of environment and costs of product life – cycle.    Boubtlessly when the economical unit exercise their productive works, they lead to pollution in water, air and soil as well as all stages of product life- cycle from Rans Dstage, production stage, packaging stage and finally abandonment stage-             Pollution causes environmental costs. Lgnoring or hiding environmental costs and no taking them in consideration with product cost lead to a wrong account of preduot cost.

Therefore, environmental costs should be included and matched for all stages with in product costs to know which activities, processes or products that cause environmental costs that have importance in decision making.

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in achieving Ambidextrous Performance A case study in a sample of private banks
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The research aims to shed light on the role of artificial intelligence in achieving Ambidexterity performance, as banks work to take advantage of modern technologies, artificial intelligence is an innovation that is expected to have a long-term impact, as well as banks can improve the quality of their services and analyze data to ensure that customers' future needs are understood. . The Bank of Baghdad and the Middle East Bank were chosen as a community for the study because they had a role in the economic development of the country as well as their active role in the banking market. A sample of department managers was highlighted in collecting data and extracting results based on the checklist, which is the main tool for the stu

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Study the effect of essential oils of some plants in protection from Cowpea beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus in laboratory
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The experiments were conducted in laboratory conditions of a temperature of 25± 2C and relative moisture of 40± 5 % to evaluate the effectiveness of the cinnamon, lavender and clove essential oils on some biological life aspects of cowpea beetle, C. maculates. Results of the obligative experiment for the effect of the oils on insect adult killing showed that the concentration of 5% caused a mortality percentage averaged 13.33% of the insect males. The mortality percentage of the insect females was 11.3% for the cinnamon and lavender oils. The lavender oil had the lowest effect on adult killing, not exceeding 0. For the effect of the oils on egg laying, clove oil affected the number of eggs highly at the concentration of 5%, result

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Study the effect of essential oils of some plants in protection from Cowpea beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus in laboratory
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The experiments were conducted in laboratory conditions of a temperature of 25± 2C and relative moisture of 40± 5 % to evaluate the effectiveness of the cinnamon, lavender and clove essential oils on some biological life aspects of cowpea beetle, C. maculates. Results of the obligative experiment for the effect of the oils on insect adult killing showed that the concentration of 5% caused a mortality percentage averaged 13.33% of the insect males. The mortality percentage of the insect females was 11.3% for the cinnamon and lavender oils. The lavender oil had the lowest effect on adult killing, not exceeding 0. For the effect of the oils on egg laying, clove oil affected the number of eggs highly at the concentration of 5%, result

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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To identify the fungi associated with water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [Mart.] Solms), an aquatic weed, which presents in Tigris river from Baghdad south ward. Five regions from middle and south of Iraq (Al-Noumanya, Saeid Bin-Jubier, Al-Azizia, Al-Reyfay and Al-Hay) were selected for this study. Twelve fungal species were isolated. Alternaria alternata, Acremonium sp and Cladsporium herbarum, were the most frequently species (91.66 % ,50 % and 25 %) respectively. The fungi Alternaria alternata, Acremonium sp. and Phoma eupyrena were more aggressive to water hyacinth as (91.66%,83,33%, and 75%) in pathogenicity test.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 06 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Administrative Skills and Their Role in Distinguishing the Institutional Performance of Directors of Sports Activity in Iraqi Universities
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The research aims to identify the administrative skills and their role in institutional performance, and used the descriptive approach in a survey style and correlational relations to suit the nature of the problem to be studied.The research community was identified with the directors of sports activity in the Iraqi universities in a deliberate manner, and their number is (134) directors, where two scales (administrative skills and institutional performance) were used and the two scales were distributed to the above-mentioned sample in order to obtain answers that meet the required and representative sample of the community on the day 3/12/2021. The answers to all the statements were completed and after processing the results statistically

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 04 2021
Journal Name
Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils
Using The Aqueous Extract Of Allium Sativum In Improvement Of Some Physiological And Immunological Parameter In Albino Rats
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The current study was designated to investigate the effect ofAllium sativumon some physiological and immunological parameters in rats. thirty adult rats were divided into three groups (10 rat for each). G1: served as healthy control, G2 :rats were treated with 150 mg\kg of Allium sativum, G3: treated with 300 mg\kg of Allium sativum. All treated animals were givenorally for 30 days. The aspartate , ) ALT ( alanine transaminase on some parameters were investigated such as garlic effects of total and differential counts of white blood , ) LDH ( lactate dehydrogenase ), AST ( transaminase cells(WBC) like Lymphocyte, Monocyte, Neutrophil, Basophil, Eosinophil,as

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Phytochemical Study of some Flavonoids Present in the Fruits of Two Ammi L. Species Wildly Grown in Iraq
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Ammi species belong to the family Umbellifereae that provide a host of bioactive compounds (mainly coumarins and flavonoids) of important biological activities, like prevention and treatment of heart and vascular disease and some types of cancer. Literature survey revealed that there was no study concerning Ammi flavonoids in Iraq. Ammi majus and Ammi visnaga, which are wildly grown in Iraq, were chosen for this study. This study concerned with extraction, identification, isolation, and purification of some biologically important flavonols quercetin and kaempferol from the fruits of Ammi majus and Ammi visnaga. Extraction of these flavonols was carried out using 85% methanol and 90% e

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Cardiology
The role of myocardial performance index in assessment of left ventricular function in patients with valvular mitral regurgitation
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Background: Mitral regurgitation (MR) is the most commonly encountered valve lesion in modern clinical practice. Severe mitral regurgitation may cause systolic dysfunction. Left ventricular ejection fraction may not be an accurate measurement of LV function in patients with mitral insufficiency. Myocardial performance index (MPI) is a simple non invasive measure of myocardial function. Methods: The study involved 50 patients with valvular mitral regurgitation and 50 healthy subjects as a control group. Transthoracic echocardiography was carried out for all patients and control group. The echocardiographic measurements included left ventricular end diastolic and end systolic dimensions, left atrial diameter, ejection fraction (EF), and myoca

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 13 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Performance of VITEK 2 in the routine identification of bacteria from positive blood cultures in Sulaimani pediatrics’ hospital
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Sepsis is a major cause of death worldwide among hospitalized patients, however, an accurate and advanced identification method is associated with improved sepsis patient survival. This Retrospective study carried out in Sulaimani pediatric teaching hospital from January 2014 to July 2015 and aimed to compare the effectiveness of VITEK 2 system with traditional manual procedures for identification of pathogenic bacteria in patients with a serious disease like sepsis. The positive blood cultures were divided into two groups; 138 positive cultures identified by conventional manual methods and 104 positive cultures identified by automated VITEK 2 system. The results showed that VITEK 2 system identified 16 genera and 30 species whereas only

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 26 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effects of Psidium Guajava Leaves Extract on the Viability of Echinococcus Granulosus Protoscolices in Vitro and in Vivo
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     Echinococcosis is a common parasitic disease in humans and ruminants; it is considered as a health and economic problem in most parts of the world. The present study aims to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo scolicidal effects of Psidium guajava extracts on the protoscolices from hydatid cysts of Echinococcus granulosus. Protoscolices were aseptically aspirated from the livers of naturally infected sheep. Various concentrations of the extract were used for 6-48hrs. Eosin staining (0.1%) was used to determine the viability of protoscolices. The findings showed that the extract at the concentrations of 100 mg/ml killed 100% protoscolices after 48 hrs. However, the concentrations

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