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US-Russian Interventions in the Caspian-Caucasus Basin Countries after 2001: (Strategies to Re-Impose Control and Influence as a Model)
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Today, the five Caspian riparian states on the shores of the Caspian Sea (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Russia, and Iran) have become a front for ambitions and international and regional competition, especially in light of the features and characteristics that natural geography has endowed them with and their enjoyment of a group of economic and mineral wealth that are not optimally exploited so far which made it a strategic attraction area for international trends and interventions, especially Western ones. It is a battleground for major international companies aiming to monopolize promising industrial investments in order to impose control and influence on the region’s resources and economic wealth and thus impose their foreign policies and military and security arrangements on the countries of the Caspian Sea region – the Caucasus and the countries of the Basin region. more broadly.

Accordingly, this region occupy a distinguished position on the agenda of major international policy planners, especially after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the intensification of international and regional competition in the region, not only for the sake of controlling the rich energy resources (such as oil and natural gas), but to achieve long-term geopolitical and strategic gains. The United States of America is not able to see the region away from its political orientations that coincides with its announcement of the establishment of the (New World Order), and the Russian Federation has been seeking to restore its international position again since President Vladimir Putin came to power in early 2000. This forced Russia to restore its geopolitical position and influence on the countries of the near abroad (Central Asia and the Caucasus), as well as the international competition of the emerging powers shown by China, India, Iran and Turkey, which formed a heated international competition and conflict in the region. As the confined geographical location for the republics of the region, it generated a double political-economic problem, represented by the inability of the countries of the region to benefit directly from their mineral and hydrocarbon resources unless they resort to using the lands and ports of the neighboring countries, most of which suffer from the phenomenon of political and social instability. This imposes the emergence of a set of challenges based on the specificity of the US-Russian interventions in the Caspian-Caucasus Basin countries after 2001 within the framework of conglomeration and enhancing the sustainability of strategies for imposing control and influence by each of the states The United States of America and the Russian Federation regarding this region.


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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
أثر التوجه السوقي والتعلم المنظمي في أداء الأعمال دراسة استطلاعية لآراء عينة من مدراء المصارف العراقية
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The study tackles the market orientation and the organizational learning as independent variables each included three sub-dimensions, and the variable of business performance as affiliated variable. These three variables have interacted to form the framework around which the study revolves. Since the banking sector has become an important part of which service sector is made, as well as it represents the basic pivot for the process of building and the development of the economies of countries, the Iraqi banking sector have been taken to be the sample of this study. A nonrandom sample of nine Iraqi banks was chosen, including four state banks (Al-Rafdain, Al-RaSheed, Industrial Bank, and Agricultural), and five private banks (Bagh

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
قضايا سياسية
اشكالية التنافس الامريكي -الروسي دراسة في السلوك السياسي الخارجي حيال المنطقة العربية(دراسة انموذج الحالة السورية)
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يعد موضوع التنافس بين القوى الكبرى من الموضوعات المستقبلية المهمة التي تؤشر لنا جانبا من صور العلاقات الدولية التي تتسم بالصراع والتعاون من ناحية، والتعاون والتنافس من ناحية أخرى، وبقدر تعلق الموضوع بالمنطقة العربية التي تعد إحدى أهم المناطق العالمية إثارة في مستوى التفاعلات بأنساقها المختلفة، كونها منطقة لازالت محكومة بعوامل غير مستقرة، تشكل نافذة فاعلة لتدخلات القوى الكبرى الساعية إلى إعادة تشكيل المد

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
مجلة علوم اللغة العربية
وعي الدم وسبر القاع المكاني : مقاربة نقدية سردية في رواية (نساء البخور ) للروائي السعودية خالد اليوسف
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دراسة في رواية سعودية

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
عبدالحميد الثاني والإستيطان الصهيوني في الولايات العربية من مشرق الوطن العربي مناطق الأختيار للإستيطان فلسطين والعراق
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ترك السلطان عبدالحميد الثاني بصماتهُ على أخاديد الزمان وعلى خارطة المشرق العربي الخاضع للسيطرة العثمانية أنذاك ، لكونهُ أهم شخصية أسلامية غير عربية واجهت الخطر الصهيوني ومحاولاتهم الإستيطانية في مشرق الوطن العربي ، على الرغم من صعوبة الظروف التي كانت تمر بها الدولة العثمانية داخليا ً وخارجيا ً، بما فيها من أطماع اقتسامها بين الاوربين ولذا سموها بالرجل المريض .

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Energy Analysis of Solar Collector With perforated Absorber Plate
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The thermal performance of three solar collectors with 3, 6 mm and without perforation absorber plate was assessed experimentally. The experimental tests were implemented in Baghdad during the January and February 2017. Five values of airflow rates range between 0.01 – 0.1 m3/s were used through the test with a constant airflow rate during the test day. The variation of the following parameters air temperature difference, useful energy, absorber plate temperature, and collector efficiency was recorded every 15 minutes. The experimental data reports that the increases  the number of absorber plate perforations with a small diameter is more efficient rather than increasing the hole diameter of the absorber plate with decr

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Magnetic Deflection Coefficient Investigation for Low Energy Particles
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In this research we solved numerically Boltzmann transport equation in order to calculate the transport parameters, such as, drift velocity, W, D/? (ratio of diffusion coefficient to the mobility) and momentum transfer collision frequency ?m, for purpose of determination of magnetic drift velocity WM and magnetic deflection coefficient ? for low energy electrons, that moves in the electric field E, crossed with magnetic field B, i.e; E×B, in the nitrogen, Argon, Helium and it's gases mixtures as a function of: E/N (ratio of electric field strength to the number density of gas), E/P300 (ratio of electric field strength to the gas pressure) and D/? which covered a different ranges for E/P300 at temperatures 300°k (Kelvin). The results show

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Temperature Effect on Photovoltaic Modules Power Drop
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In order to determine what type of photovoltaic solar module could best be used in a thermoelectric photovoltaic power generation. Changing in powers due to higher temperatures (25oC, 35oC, and 45oC) have been done for three types of solar modules: monocrystalline , polycrystalline, and copper indium gallium (di) selenide (CIGS). The Prova 200 solar panel analyzer is used for the professional testing of three solar modules at different ambient temperatures; 25oC, 35oC, and 45oC and solar radiation range 100-1000 W/m2. Copper indium gallium (di) selenide module   has the lowest power drop (with the average percent

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improving Photovoltaic Panel (PV) Efficiency via Two Axis Sun Tracking System
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In this paper two axis sun tracking method is used to absorb maximum power from the sun's rays on the solar panel via calculating the sun’s altitude and azimuth angles, which describe the solar position on the Iraqi capital Baghdad for the hours 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00 and 17:00 per day. The angles were calculated in an average approach within one month, so certain values were determined for each month. The daily energy achieved was calculated for the solar tracking method compared with the fixed tracking method. Designed, modeled and simulated a control circuit consisting of reference position truth table, PI Controller and two servomotors that tracked the sun position to adjust the PV panel perpendicular

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Aug 16 2022
Journal Name
جامعة بغداد/ كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة - ابن الهيثم
أثر استراتيجية التدريس البصري باستخدام الانـفوجرافيك في التحصيل والتفكير البصري لدى طلاب المرحلة المتوسطة فـي مادة الرياضيات
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أثر استراتيجية التدريس البصري باستخدام الانـفوجرافيك في التحصيل والتفكير البصري لدى طلاب المرحلة المتوسطة فـي مادة الرياضيات

Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المدراس الثانوية في الاعظمية ( ثانوية كلية بغداد- ثانوية الأعظمية للبنين – ثانوية الأعظمية للبنات - ثانوية الحريري للبنات) أنموذجاً
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Education received the attention of the monarchy in Iraq, especially after the developments that the country witnessed after Iraq gained independence and joined the League of Nations in 1932 AD in all political, economic and cultural aspects.  In this regard, due to its distinguished geographical location, where the atmosphere, the natural environment and the religious and political standing were available, which made it a center of attraction for most Iraqi families and political figures. 

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