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جدلية الحرية والقانون في فكر فردريك هيجل

Western political philosophy is one of the philosophies that dealt with many ideas and proposals that include concepts born in ancient times, where Greek philosophy represents the basic roots of the development of political thought and the study of political phenomena and a starting point for political thought, and if the matter is completed with the Romans, and schools of thought that represented a model for building the state And up to the modern era, the absolute and the relative were the subject of discussion by most philosophers, the transition of thought was with Descartes, and the intellectual transformation from the absolute to the relative was with Nietzsche, and the basic root of all of that is represented by the German philosopher Hegel.

Hegel's thought was purely theoretical and philosophical in his proposition, as he sees that dialectics represents the spirit of history by proposing the dialectical triangle, and that the process of history's growth and development depends in itself on basic determinants, which are freedom, which means the spirit of history, development and growth, as Hegel sees that The identity of thought and existence is represented in a duality that cannot be separated from each other, for the content of the identity of a thing is its existence and the latter represents the identity of the thing, as he sees that every intellectual proposal is full of contradictions, differences and partial facts, where all these differences can unite according to a specific mental system, as Hegel He sees history from three different angles: the original, theoretical, and philosophical history, and all of this can achieve freedom according to a specific system that weaves the development of states.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Cognitive Bias and Organizational Inertia are Two Functions of Strategic Change An Experimental Study in Amman Stock Market

The research aims at considering the reality of cognitive bias and organizational inertia as determinants of strategic change in a sample of companies listed in Amman Stock Market. To achieve objectives of the research, a model consisting of two independent variables has been designed, namely:

(1) The cognitive bias resulting from (escalating commitment, analogy, previous assumptions, representative generalization, command and control, convergent thinking), and (2) Organizational inertia due to (Icarus discrepancy, power distribution, rooted organizational culture), and a dependent variable, strategic change in (leadership patterns, strategy, the organization per se). 

From the model two main hypotheses were derived;

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Analysis of Palestinian Ministry of Education Test Results in Mathfor Eighth Graders basic Public Schools in Tulkarm

هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تحليل نتائج الاختبار الوطني الموحد الذي تطبقه وزارة التربية والتعليم الفلسطينية في مادة الرياضيات لطلبة الصف الثامن الأساسي في المدارس الحكومية في محافظة طولكرم، وذلك لمعرفة مستوى الطلبة على هذا الاختبار في ضوء متغيرات الجنس والمنطقة التعليمية ونوع المدرسة، ومعرفة علاقة التحصيل على هذا الاختبار بتحصيل الطلبة المدرسي والمعدل العام. ولتحقيق ذلك تم تحليل درجات (3218) طالباً وطالبة؛ وهم ي

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Role of the evaluation process of the staff in determining the training programs Field research in the Office of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Health / Iraq

         The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the performance evaluation process and the training programs for the employees, to identify the extent of the organization's commitment to perform the performance evaluation process for its employees and to use the results of this process in determining the appropriate training programs. Performance evaluation, functional analysis, evaluation method used, dependent variable (training programs) and its dimensions, type of programs, program objectives, program curriculum, And the application of the field research methodology and the questionnaire, which included 146 individuals to know their views and analyz

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 20 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Architectural void is a revolution in the formation of the facades of digital architecture

Architecture has evolved through the ages as forms, relationships, materials and mechanisms according to the data of each era and up to the era of digital technology, where the change in proportions and aesthetic dimensions of contemporary architectural formation due to the capabilities of digitization has created innovative plastic properties using the void formation in the facades and the introduction of void as a formative and aesthetic element, which led to The emergence of new creative concepts and ideas that contradict traditional ideas and are consistent with the spirit of the times, led to a revolution in the world of architectural form at the level of (architectural ideas and the generation of shapes, materials and construction

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Famous Muslims' Graveyards in the Persian Country in the Islamic Ages: A Historical Study in the Maraqid Al-Maaraf Book for Harz Aldeen

There are many studies that discussed the famous museum's graveyards in the Islamic worlds, to study the lives of these figures, there are many difficulties for their studies because the first we need the regularity and history information, and many sciences support, such as in language, geography information.

I am studying the research from Maraqid Al-Maaraf book by Harz Aldeen, the book has large members about the persons have graved in Persian Country in the middle ages, there are more than (30) figures in my study, I have studied every figure in this research depending on the sources and references books.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Project Scheduling By using Goals Programming – An Applied Research In Modern Village Project (Residential Building Aspectin In Wasit Governorate)

One of the most important challenges facing project management at present time is to ensure project accomplishment in spite of the specific restrictions like the specific time the financial resources specialized to do the project ; which require an accurate consideration for time and cost . the modern village project (residential building aspect) is one of the great project that ministry of agriculture is trying to do Wasit  governorate it is chosen as the work in this project is dilatory for that is being studied in term of some modern mathematical and scientific methods like critical path method (CPM)which is one of the project management and scheduling methods to know the time needed to accomplish residential building pro

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر استراتيجية تنال القمر في مهارات ما وراء المعرفة في مادة علم الاحياء لدى طالبات الصف الرابع العلمي

وللتحقق  من هدف البحث  صيغت الفرضية الصفرية الاتية:

  • لا توجد فروق ذات دلالة احصائية عند مستوى (0.05 ) بين متوسط درجات طالبات المجموعة التجريبية التي درست وفقا لاستراتيجية (تنال القمر ) ومتوسط درجات طالبات المجموعة الضابطة التي درست على وفق الطريقة الاعتيادية في مقياس مهارات ما وراء المعرفة .

ولأجل التحقق من صحة هذه الفرضية اجرت الباحثة  تجربة استغرقت الفصل الدراسي

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 18 2018
Journal Name
The Effect Of Using Two Strategies For Active Learning ( Jigsaw Strategy & Problems Solving) In Learning Some Balanced Beam's Skills In Artistic Gymnastics

The aim of this study to identify the effect of using two strategies for active learning ( Jigsaw Strategy & Problems Solving) in learning some balanced beam's skills in artistic gymnastics for women , as well as to identify the best of the three methods (jigsaw strategy , problems solving and the traditional method) in learning some skills balance beam , the research has used the experimental methodology, and the subject included the students of the college of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Baghdad / third grade and by the lot was selected (10) students for each group of groups Search three and The statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) was used means, the standard deviation and the (T.test), the one way a n

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
الفحص الضريبي على الدخل لتحقيق وعاء مقبول في ضوء تمسك المكلفين بحساباتهم: دراسة تطبيقية في الهيئة العامة للضرائب

Examination is a form of tax audits which have been done by tax examiner rests with the General Commission for Taxes is responsible for determining the extent to which the amounts subject to  tax provided  by  the holders of admissions with  the laws and regulations, taxes. So the tax-examination is the major means of tax administration to make sure the fact that tax revenues generated from the imposition of taxes different kinds of direct and indirect search result, the importance of the role played by the (Department of Control and Internal Audit / Audit Division in charge) in charge of auditing the accounts, which may be Maclvoha clung to their accounts and access to the tax base acceptable to the expensive and fin

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Moral Scale In Poetry Selections Al-Ihata Book: The Moral Scale In Poetry Selections Al-Ihata Book

Ibn al-Khatib valuable Mokhtarath poetry as a moral standard that writer
committed to the conscious function of art, and believing that the place
literature is determined standards of literary and alone is a (complete criticism
from a moral stance) was adopted by the evidence of a professional image
analogy and metaphor, and metaphor and the antagonism of the expression
of all ideas put forward is consistent with the internal rhythm arts Bdieip
consistent with the method Bhawwarith and clarity of language structure and
carried Petrakebha multiple form of expressionism. Ghani, who contrast
abstraction and its proximity to the Forum staff readily near the sensory data,
and the religious impact of the

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