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American Presidential Elections- Mechanism and campaign Issues with special reference to 2008-2012 elections
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Taxonomic and morphological studies on the genus Chrotogonus Serville, 1838 (Pyrgomorphidae: Orthoptera) from Pakistan, with reference to their habitats
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Species of genus Chrotogonus (surface grasshoppers) are phytophagous and damaging to various economical important plants in their seedling stages. In order to know the biodiversity of surface grasshoppers, the detailed study has been conducted from four provinces of Pakistan. During this study, biodiversity, taxonomy, diagnosis, morphometric analysis, habitat, global distribution, and remarks of each species have been described. Total of 826 specimens were collected and sorted out into three species and three subspecies: C. (Chrotogonus) homalodemus homalodemus (Blanchard, 1836), C. (Chrotogonus) homalodemus (Blanchard, 1836), C. (Chrotogonus) trachypter

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Public expenditures transferring and its role in the redistribution of income with particular reference to the experiences of elected
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After the success of the reforms Keynesian save the capitalist system from collapse and to apply the concepts of state intervention in economic activity in order to revive aggregate demand to achieve the purposes of macro-economic policies which draw their scope of economic (John Keynes) theory of effective demand, which created the new role of the state away from the classical concepts. Valley transmission role of the State of (State Guardian) to the process of state overlapping that increased and social functions have become responsible for raising the standard of living of classes with limited incomes, in particular, and the rest of the classes in general, through the expansion of the delivery of public servic

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 31 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Salivary gland tumors: A review of 171 cases, with particular reference to histological types, site, age and gender distribution
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Background: Salivary tumors are uncommon, being of low incidence worldwide. This study aimed to assess cases collected in this series of salivary gland tumors in regard to histopathological typing, in relation to age, site and gender. Materials and methods: This is a retrospective study; cases were collected from public and private laboratories. A total number of 171 cases were collected. The slides were reviewed and reclassified for histopathological typing according to WHO classification 2005. Results: Benign tumors were more common than malignant tumors. The most common histological type was benign mixed tumor, followed by Warthin’s tumor. The most common malignant tumor was adenoid cystic carcinoma. One hundred twenty three cases ou

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Fabrication Mind And The Effect With American Dision –adopt
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Is the subject of the mind took a dimension in philosophy and psychology , and has cared psychologists this topic to a large extent , I started education institutions interest in the capabilities of intelligence since the early twentieth century , and the development of interest in them until he arrived to find Standards and Criteria to identify the degree IQ of any individual , and began to educational institutions interested in mental talent and talented .

The United States is the country chock first of these research projects , but they devoted all their attention on the wish talent mental and Gifted , until I got to the projects, the so-called time ( ( wars of the mind ) ) and projects Schools gifted

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 16 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
The contents of the publications of the campaign (Together to defeat Corona) for the United Nations Development Program in Iraq to prevent infection with the Covid 19 virus
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The study deals with an analysis of the contents of the publications of the campaign (Together to defeat Corona), which was established by the United Nations Development Program in Iraq in the face of the Covid 19 virus.The research problem raises a main question:What are the implications of the campaign (Together to defeat Corona) of the United Nations Development Program (Iraq office) in addressing the Covid-19 virus in Iraq?From this main question, several sub-questions emerged, which were answered by this study in its chapters and investigations, including regarding the contents of advertisements, photos and videos for the publications of the (Together to Defeat Corona) campaign for the United Nations Iraq Office on their Facebook pageA

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The effect of special exercises using rubber ropes to develop special endurance and achieve a 200-meter freestyle swimming
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Swimming has now become the focus of attention of specialists, which has led to the search for the best methods and various methods of training, which rely heavily on scientific research and studies, through the use of proper planning and a comprehensive scientific and practical vision in the preparation and training process for this game. Some studies have proven that  The use of training methods has a positive role in the athletic training of the swimmer, provided that these methods are used in the correct way according to the scientific principles of training and with the loads and stresses that serve the specialized activity, i.e. the swimming distance. The study aimed at the follow 1- Preparing exercises using elastic ro

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 27 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Special exercises to develop basketball jump shooting skill
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مستخلص البحث كان الهدف من البحث هو إعداد تمرينات خاصة لتطوير مهارة التصويب بالقفز بكرة السلة للشباب، إذ لوحظ ضعفاً ملموساً ولاسيما عند فئة الشباب في إحراز النقاط في مهارة التصويب بالقفز المحسوب بنقطتين وذلك لصعوبة أداءه إذ ان المدافعين أصبحوا متمكنين من قدراتهم فضلاً عن عامل الوقت عند الأداء يكاد يكون قليل جداً عند اتخاذ القرار. وقد اعتمد الباحثان في إعداد التمرينات مبدأ التدرج من السهل إلى الصعب والتنوع في

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 16 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
The contents of the campaign (your health is a trust) of the World Health Organization in Iraq to prevent infection with the Covid 19 virus
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This study examines the analysis of the contents of the international public relations campaign in confronting the Covid-19 virus, which was taken from the (Your Health is a Trust) campaign for the World Health Organization, Iraq office.The research problem revolves around a main question that is, what are the axes of the campaign (Your Health is a Trust) established by the World Health Organization (Iraq office) in the prevention of Covid 19 virus?From this main question, several sub-questions emerged that this study answered on their Facebook page, and the communication activities of the Covid-19 awareness campaign. In the content analysis form, as this form included a number of main themes and main categoriesthat were adopted in analyzin

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Sovereign wealth funds have their role in reducing the price shocks of crude oil With reference to Iraq
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            Sovereign wealth funds are an important tool for achieving economic stability and avoiding the local economy from external shocks, including the shocks of international oil prices. The spread of these funds is the result of large current account surpluses in many Asian and oil-exporting economies. These surpluses are due to higher commodity prices Has led to a rapid accumulation of foreign assets in central banks. Many countries with rent economies face the problem of their dependence on non-renewable natural resources, especially the oil countries, including Iraq. Oil revenues are more than 97% of oil exports, so they suffer from structural imbal

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Language Studies
Investigating the Difference between the Conditionals (In) and (Itha) as Mentioned in the Holy Qur'an with Reference to Translation: Selected Verses
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According to grammarians In ( نإ) and Itha (اذإ) are conditionals and sometimes they may be used interchangeably. However, when they are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, they have their own specific use. This paper attempts to investigate their meanings in the source language as well as investigate their translations and find out any differences or similarities. The translations that are adopted in this research are as follows: Pickthall, Al-Hilali & Khan, and Shakir.