العراق والوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية 1990-2003
ان ثقافة حقوق الانسان بصفة عامة في الاوساط الاجتماعية، وبشكل خاص في الوسط الجامعي امر في غاية الاهمية، حيث يعد من أساسيات اقرار مبدأ سيادة القانون وضماناته في المجتمع، ومن ثم بناء وتطور المجتمع على اسس سليمة تكفل تحقيق الامان والرخاء والسعادة في المجتمع. ان غرس ونشر ثقافة حقوق الانسان وطلبة –تتطلب الرجوع الى الخلفية الدستورية والقانونية لافراد المجتمع بشكل عام الجامعات بشكل خاص وذلك ان هذا البرنامج او
... Show MoreThe concept of power despite its implications unclear and unknown was one of the most standards in international relations ambiguity and lack of clarity, however was more standards important and influential in the conduct of international relations, and since that time until today since that ambiguity in the meaning of power and use it as a factor of international relations factors and drive the engines were very different and irony from case to case and from researcher to another, but it may be classified force as the international status enjoyed by the state in the international ocean and here is a structure formed of forces posed by the state, such as economic and political nature of the political system and military power and concept
... Show MoreThe research sheds light on a new topic of international law, the most important of which is, around which there are still question marks and differences in most of its aspects, especially with regard to international liability for damage caused by cyber attacks in the virtual space, the last is the fifth area that appeared alongside other area (Land, sea, air and outer space) and in addition to being a space on which states depend in the performance of their functions and international relations, it is a new arena for war and a source of danger to the security of states, As the security exposure to the secrets of states increased due to espionage and piracy, and the attacks on the infrastructure of countries increased, and the silence o
... Show MoreThis research entitled "Spatial Scale of The Military Operations in International Armed Conflicts". Armed conflict, whether international or non-international is a non-fixed term or spatial scale, when armed conflict brakes out it would be impossible to predict the expansion of combat operations by land, sea and air, but each party to armed conflict has the obligation to ensure respect for international humanitarian law in this regard. This research is limited to the study of rules of international humanitarian law for determining the spatial scale for each theater of war or armed conflict and aims to determine the scope of military operations in respect of armed forces, means and methods of warfare used in it, to clarify the concept of
... Show MoreAfter the democratic transformation in 2003 in Iraq, young people waited a lot to take their real opportunity to participate in politics, but most of the laws regulating political and electoral work have been unfair to young people, despite developments in laws and legislation, but opportunities did not allow young people to participate in politics, which was reflected It negatively affected their participation in voting and nomination, and even their assumption of public office and positions, which is why they complained about the ruling class and the political system through protests, or when they refused to vote, and this is reflected in the recent parliamentary elections and low participation rates
أن مصادر تلوث البيئة البحرية متعددة ,حيث تتعدد استنادا لتنوع الأنشطة المقامة في المنطقة ,منها أنشطة استغلال قاع البحار ؛عملية إغراق النفايات والتخلص منها في البيئة البحرية ؛ أنشطة السفن ؛ من عمليات الإسقاط من الجو ,ويمكن تصنيف مصادر تلوث البيئة البحرية :التلوث من المصادر الأرضية ؛التلوث من الأنشطة في أعالي البحار ؛التلوث من الجو .والتلوث النووي سريع الانتشار ويمتد لمساحات واسعة .
... Show MoreIs a high degree of economic freedom an important part in the development of the economies of developing countries in the last decade of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twentieth century and the atheist. This is because a test subject (deltoid analysis of the relationship between the degree of economic freedom and foreign trade of selected developing countries for the period
( 1990 -2005) to determine the degree of economic freedom in foreign trade promotion in Singapore and Turkey. The research recommends a number of recommendations, the most important is the responsibility of the Ministry of Planning in Iraq that is providing the necessary data for the Fraser Institute, the aim of increasing cooperation
تفضيل السيولة - تضخم جانب الطلب - الاستقرار النقدي - معدل التضخم
It has been shown in ionospheric research that calculation of the total electron content (TEC) is an important factor in global navigation system. In this study, TEC calculation was performed over Baghdad city, Iraq, using a combination of two numerical methods called composite Simpson and composite Trapezoidal methods. TEC was calculated using the line integral of the electron density derived from the International reference ionosphere IRI2012 and NeQuick2 models from 70 to 2000 km above the earth surface. The hour of the day and the day number of the year, R12, were chosen as inputs for the calculation techniques to take into account latitudinal, diurnal and seasonal variation of TEC. The results of latitudinal variation of TE
... Show MoreThe research deals with the interchange of the sign transformed from the universal to the local in the theatrical show through the direction processing in the production of a communicative artistic discourse and message, thus making the process of reading the speech and recognizing it by taking into account the cultural differences, customs and local rituals of each country, region, or area. The problem of the research was focused on answering the following question: What are the requirements for the sign in terms of its transformation between the universality and locality in the read-out?
The importance of research is to determine the requiremen
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