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The accounting perspective to activate the tools of globalization through the mechanisms of international accounting standards
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ان وضع معايير دولية محاسبية على شكل نماذج وارشادات عامة تؤدي باصحاب القرارات الاقتصادية استخدام معايير المحاسبة الدولية عند اعداد وتجهيز القوائم والبيانات المالية اصبح مطلب اساسي وضرورة ملحة لمختلف الاطراف في المجتمع الحالي فهذه المعايير قد اثمرت في معالجة الامور المحاسبية على الصعيد المحلي والاقليمي والدولي. وان عدد كبير من الدول اعتمدت هذه المعايير فقد تجاوزت 150 بلدا. مما نتج عنه ازالة الفوارق الكثيرة التي كانت قائمة البيانات المالية. وبالامكان ان يستفاد متبني العولمه من هذه المميزات التي تقدمها هذه المعايير على الصعيد العالمي.

لهذا فقد اهتم الباحث بالدور الذي ممكن ان تلعبه المحاسبية الدولية اذن هي نظام عالمي تتبناه جميع الدول عن طريق وضع مجموعة من المباديء والمعايير المحاسبية المقبولة قبولا عام كما يتم تحديد الاساليب والطرق المشتقة من تلك المباديء والمعايير وتطبيقها في جميع الدول كما وان الانترنت التجارة الالكترونية تعتبر القاعدة المادية والفنية لنجاح العولمة التجارية وبالتالي العولمة بمفهومها الواسع هي احد العوامل الاساسية الفاعلة في العولمة وهي ثورة في صنع القرارات التسويقية والشرائية. يترتب عليها الغاء الكثير من مكونات السوق وعناصره كما يترتب عليها خفض في كلفة العمليات التجارية في التجارة الالكترونية. وبذلك سوف يتطرق الباحث بدراسة معايير المحاسبه الدولية ودورها في رفع كفاءة الاداء المحاسبي على مستوى العالم وكيفيه استخدام اسعار التحويل كاحدى ادوات المحاسبه الدولية.

وفي هذه الدراسة تطرق الباحث على قواعد وبناء هيكل العولمة وهي منظمة التجارة العالمية وصندوق النقد الدولي والبنك الدولي التي نتشرف على تكوين البنية التحتية الاساسية للعولمة. حيث تسعى لجعل الاقتصاد العالمي اكثر انتفاخا واكثر ترابطا واكثر استقرارا متجاوزا الحدود السياسية والجمركية والبيئة الاستثمارية في كل دول العالم.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"The Impact of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) on the Public Budget in Iraq"
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     The aim of the research is to determine the impact of the Iraqi public budget on IPSASs by conducting the questionnaire; the research was based on the hypothesis that "there is an impact of the adoption of the International Accounting Standards in the general budget of Iraq”. The research concluded that the government accounting system closely interferes with the general budget at all stages. The shifting towards the accrual basis is the first element of the reform package towards reaching the reform of the state budget. Without reforming government accounting, it is almost impossible to develop the budget. IPSASs are a recognized reference to the assessment and development of governmen

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The possibility of the application of international accounting standards to strengthen the role of oil companies in the region environment
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 The underlying objective of the international standard No. (6) to assist in accounting applications for the extractive industries, taking into consideration the goals and objectives contained in the sixteenth of the private International Accounting Standards criterion accounting for land, machinery and equipment, as well as Standard No. axes (38) relating to intangible assets, and in order to create a vision of a comprehensive development needs oil in order to exact evaluation of policies related to the particular needs and draw a comprehensive frameworks with respect to treatment of expenditures and revenues in the oil production industry, is also interested in Standard No. (6) within the primary objectiv

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of adopting international accounting and financial reporting standards to measure investments in stock on sustainable growth: applied research
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Investments in shares represent an essential component of companies’ assets and a source of profit making resources. These investments are linked to the areas of trading and speculation, which is reflected on their market value, which makes accounting for and evaluating these investments require their own accounting standards, and thus several international standards were issued regarding this as well as a statement of their impact on growth Sustainable, as the research problem is to show the impact of measuring investments in shares according to international accounting and financial reporting standards on the sustainable growth of economic units, the research sample and its reflection on audit procedures. In accordance with i

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Proposal framework to activate the international accounting procedures for disasters and wars effects in the local environment
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natural and non-natural disasters, is an environmental challenges the society and the economy as well as a direct and indirect economic affect, and the units are part of the system overlapping among themselves and thus affected by external indicators, directly or indirectly, these direct effects appear in the destruction or damage inflicted by disasters in property , infrastructure , superstructure , accounting information systems and indirectly in the outcome of future business, comes research problem through access to accounting treatments issued by the Federal Office of financial supervision to address the damage caused by the disasters and prepare the missing financial accounts it turns out us that there is negligence of a nu

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Proposed Introduction to Activate the Role of Accounting System for Political Parties in Iraq
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     Purpose - The study aimed at evaluating the accounting system of the Iraqi political parties, which is applied according to legislative texts, and then the ability to provide accounting information to evaluate the strategic performance and control of the party's operational and financial performance.
Findings- The research found that the unified accounting system applied to political parties does not provide relevance informations to judge the performance of the political party, the researcher a proposal for an accounting system that provides the necessary information to measure and monitor the performance of Iraqi political parties can be presented. The

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Procedures for auditing accounting violations according to international auditing : standards in the Karbala Municipality Directorate
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The research aims to identify the definitional framework for accounting violations and audit procedures in accordance with international auditing standards, preparing a proposed audit program to audit violations resulting from the transition to the unified accounting system in the research sample according to the relevant international auditing standards, as the proposed audit program was prepared according to International auditing standards in order to improve the auditor’s procedures in detecting accounting violations when auditing the financial statements of municipal departments. The research concluded the most important recommendations: The necessity of adopting the audit program proposed by the researcher, for the purpose of act

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Disclosure of related parties in accordance with the requirements of International Accounting Standards: إنموذج قاعدة محاسبية مقترحه
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        Positions related parties have become a regular feature and the general business and trade these days as it can enter the facilities in transactions with related parties on terms no enters them is with the parties relationship in normal circumstances, and that he found the funniest people relationship have an effect on the outcome of activity and financial position of the entity and its decisions financial and operational. In order to ensure "transparency" in the financial reports, most accounting around the world standards determines that disclosure of transactions with related parties, it is important to have a local accounting rules these relations as well as the unnecessary disclosure of the

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The importance of drafting Arab accounting standards Comparative study in light of international accounting compliance and different environmental factors
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Importance of accounting standards belong to be the instructor and the advisor for accountant in performing his work . For each invironment a group of political, social, economical  and cultural factors which distinguish it about other environments . In  order to perform its aim in produsing accouting information helps in making decisions on different levels, accounting standards should established in a form that harmonized with the environment that apply in it . Establishing international accounting standards comes with the same direction and then it has put influential with standards some states that have influence on international accounting standards committee. So because of the big changes that happened in the inte

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of international evaluation standards (IVS) in enhancing the quality of financial reporting (appropriate accounting information(
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The research aims to introduce international valuation standards and to identify the relationship between international valuation standards and international accounting and financial reporting standards in enhancing the quality of financial reporting (appropriate accounting information) through the use of statistical models for the purpose of measuring the property of appropriateness of accounting information through the use of statistical models for the purpose of proving the hypothesis that The research referred to it, and accordingly, the Francis and Kothari models were used to measure the appropriateness of accounting information (the quality of the information). The conclusions reached by the two researchers is that the sett

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Accounting For Investments In Joint Projects Accounting to the International Accounting Standard: An applied Study at the General Company for food Stuff Trading
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   As a result of the entry of  multinationals companies in Iraq for investing in the joint projects through conducting agreements and contracts for work on important and strategic projects to get the necessary funds and various experiences which characterize the foreign participant sides that Iraq currently needs them and because of the non-applying the accounting processing stipulated in the unified accounting system in addition to the absence of a local accounting bases as well as the default of the participant contracts on indicating the accounting methods about those projects which are considered one of the bases that enables auditors in the public sector to depend on it, thus the research paper deals with studying an

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