تطور العلاقات العربية - الصينية
Islamic banking refers to a system of banking or banking activity that is consistent with the principles of the Shari'ah (Islamic rulings) and its practical application through the development of Islamic economics. The principles which emphasise moral and ethical values in all dealings have wide universal appeal. Shari'ah prohibits the payment or acceptance of interest charges (riba) for the lending and accepting of money, as well as carrying out trade and other activities that provide goods or services considered contrary to its principles. While these principles were used as the basis for a flourishing economy in earlier times, it is only in the late 20th century that a number of Islamic banks were formed to provide an alternative basi
... Show MoreThis study addressed the work stress sources and level of the communicator in public relations in governmental institutions in the United Arab Emirates. The importance of this study is the lack of studies on work stress of the communicator in public relations. The study aimed to investigate the work stress source Physical, individual, groups, organizational and Professional source which effect on the performance of communicator in public relations. The researcher used the descriptive approach and questionnaire as an essential tool for collecting information. Some of the important results of the study are The communicator in public relations facing stress in work by 42% which affect on his performance by average level. The organizational
... Show Moreمبادئ العلاقات الدولية
تظهر اهمية مفهوم ألذات من حيث انه احد دوافع الفرد الداخلية التي لها تأثير معين على التحصيل الدراسي لدى التلاميذ وعلى تكيفهم مع بيئتهم التربوية أثناء الدراسة، لذلك فان معرفة كيفية قياس مفهوم ألذات وأدراك الفرد لذاته تساعد في عملية تقويم الفرد من حيث قدرته على التكييف وثقته بنفسه كما تفيد في التخطيط عن طريق وضع برامج تساعده في زيادة مفهوم ذاته عن نفسه.
ومما لاشك فيه ان مرحلة الطفولة لها اهمية
... Show MoreWar was and remains one of the main instruments for the practice of international relations, and has always been a major focus of the study of international relations. War, such as diplomacy, propaganda, etc., is an instrument of national politics. States have used wars to achieve their goals and aspirations and achieve their national interests. War and peace issues are essential to understanding international relations. They are questions that involve the problem of survival.
Today the term "war" is used in many different ways. We talk about Cold War, Hot War, Limited War, Total War, Conventional War, Unconventional War, Civil War, Gang War, Preventive War etc. However, the war continued to exist, and took various forms.
... Show Moreمعضلات العلاقات التركية - الاوروبية
من المتفق عليه أن هناك طريقا واحدا لنشر الثقافة والقضاء على الجهل هو التعليم .ولعل أبرز ماشهدته مدينة بغداد من تطور هو ظهور المدر سة ومن ثم إنتشارها بشكل كبير وفق المفهوم الحديث مما أثرفي عموم الحياة اليومية ، ومن ضمنها التعليم العالي .إن الإستقرار من أهم ماتحتاجه الجامعة للقيام بواجباتها ولايأتي الإستقرار إلا بالإستقرار الذي يضمن لنا أن تكون الجامعة بعيدة عن ما قد يستجد من الأهواء و النزاعات.
The behavior of thinking is consider one of the modern concepts that appear in the last 20 years, this concept has attracted the attention of psychologists and researchers for thinking has a great role in many fields like teaching ,educational,economical,cultural and social fields.
One of thinking manner is imaginal thinking that has a great role in human civilization. imaginal thinking lead to innovation ,poems, inventions and arts. imaginal thinkingled to highscores in talented schools by escalating their thinking range and solving problems that consider one of organized and free assumption thinking.
The development of problems thinking strategies reflect the development of organized brain process ability.
That studies assumes
In this research, we sought to identify the nature of the relationship between the exchange rate of the Chinese yuan and the value of Chinese exports, through the formulation of a standard model based on the model of common integration, and based on the data of the study and using the test "Angel-Granger" It reflects the relationship between the two research variables, through which the relationship between the RMB exchange rate and the value of Chinese exports was estimated during the period 1978-2017.
The Study addressed the effectiveness of dialogic communication in online public relations with an audience of higher education institutions in the United Arab Emirates. The study aimed to know about the interest extent of higher education institutions through their websites with the elements of dialogic communication in online public relations to communicate with their audience. The researcher used survey methodology and content Analysis tool as an essential tool for collecting information. Some of the important results of the study are: The websites of higher education institutions in terms of indicators of ease of use; the main links on the websites are clearly available on the opening page, there is a map on the websites, reduce depe
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