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التجربة الصينية في الإصلاح والتنمية : بحث في خصوصية المنهج والدروس المستخلصة
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The Chain's experience of reform and development monopolized with deep and exclusive concerns of the world.

Starting from the academic departments of universities and researches and study centers to the world's organizations and institutes passing through the government and the official systems in many countries that get affected , positively or negatively, now or later by china's economic development .

Searching in the china's experience of reform and development  is important because it takes place in a developing country in which the leadership is succeeded in choosing the right methodology an model of changing and operating economics, making use of all the past national and international experiences in both the negative and the positive sides . though the result was that China became the fourth economic power in the world.

According to that we would say that this experience acts as an experimental field of a bond of strategy, policies, programs,  and reform and developing procedures.

The consequential results would participate in maturating the developing philosophy which is related to the needs of progressing economy and taking the right political decisions towards reformational manner  in developing countries.

However, this does not mean in anyway that the ability of copying china's experience or its reproduction by other developing countries , is possible, and that is because of the differences in the circumstances and data that frame this experience. What is possible then is how to make use of this experience and its results.

China's experience has peculiarity related to the civilization, historic, cultural, social, geographical, and population standards of China, which in all formalize a worldly unique case.

This specialty is also related to China's leadership's policy in operating the reformation and development.

The most important characteristics of this policy is the balanced and careful gradually increasing progress and the ignorance of the shock treatment which has been used in other countries proving its uselessness.

The policies and mechanisms procedures which are used in operating and developing the economic activity like the market-economics and economics-openness and appealing the foreign investments, all of these take place in an exclusive developing view of how the state's role is positive and powerful.

So, through a willing independent policy China makes use of its powerful elements (large market, cheap hands, and a particular geo-political location ), making use of all of these and from a powerful point by dealing and negotiating with the foreign sides (states, foreign companies, international organizations).

What is mentioned above does not mean in anyway that China's economics is healthy and does not suffer challenges and problems. Its challenges and problems starts with ten thousand of billions of china's people who still live under the poverty line .

And does not end at the commitments and measures of international environment , because there is the problem of keeping this difficult formula of the political central system that takes the multilaterals and free marketing mechanism.

So does china's economics succeed in facing these problems? This is a question which is left to history judgment .       



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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
الفساد الاداري والتنمية
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ما الاسباب الرئيسة؟ وما الخسائر الناشئة عنه؟ سؤالان مهمان سيجري اختبارهما في هذه الدراسة، وكذلك اقتراح الاساليب المناسبة لتعزيز الجهود المبذولة لمكافأته في الاقتصاديات النامية والانتقالية. فكثيرة الشكاوي التي نسمعها عن الفساد في الدول النامية، فالرشوة والفساد اصبحتا ظاهرتين مألوفتين لا يمكن ان تحمد عقباهما، وبخاصة عندما ينتشران في كل مرفق خدمي وانتاجي. كما صارت كلف مجابهتمها عالية جداً، ويقابل ذلك

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المنهج النقدي في كتاب (الرجال) للنجاشي (ت 450هـ)
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       يهدف هذا البحث الموسوم بـ (المنهج النقدي في كتاب الرجال للنجاشي(ت 450هـ )إلى تسليط الضوء على حياة النجاشي ومكانته العلمية والكشف عن منهجه النقدي في كتابه المذكور. 

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
علاقة العوامل الحرجة لنقل المعرفة في فرص النجاح الاستراتيجي" (بحث ميداني في عدد من الكليات الاهلية في مدينة بغداد)
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المستخلص: تناول البحث الحالي " علاقة العوامل الحرجة لنقل المعرفة في فرص النجاح الاستراتيجي " إذ يحظى موضوعيّ نقل المعرفة والنجاح الاستراتيجي باهتمام متزايد لكونهما من الموضوعات المهمة والمعاصرة، والتي لها تأثير كبير على وجود المنظمات ومستقبلها. ويهدف البحث الى الوقوف على العوامل الحرجة لنقل المعرفة في بيئة التعليم الأهلي العالي والتي تُمكن ( الكليات الأهلية المبحوثة ) من تحقيق نجاحها الاستراتيجي وقد سعى الب

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تأثير تقيم اداء اعضاء قنوات التوزيع في رضا الزبون–بحث ميداني
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The distribution is one of the elements of the marketing mix key by which companies can to deliver their products through private channels to all customers in right time and right place to check though in which the levels desired by customer satisfaction, the and purpose of the discussion dealt with the preparation of analytical studies to explain the impact of live performance of distribution channels in achieve customer satisfaction in industrial companies, as well as the diagnosis and the reality of the research variables in companies under study and describe the kind of relationship between changers Home on the one hand and the relationship between the variables sub on the other hand, represe

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
(التعددية السياسية في دول المشرق العربي (أسس التجربة وحدود الممارسة
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
معوقات السياسة النقدية وبرامج الإصلاح الاقتصادي لواقع الاقتصاد العراقي
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أن السياسة النقدية في العراق لم تشهد تحسناً كبيراً في دورها المطلوب
منها، وهذا يعود الى جملة من التغيرات على أدائها ودورها في التأثير على المتغيرات الأقتصادية المهمة، اذ حصلت ظروف صعبة على المستوى السياسي والأقتصادي اسهمت في أضعاف دورها في العراق. فالحروب العسكرية الثلاثة في وقت قياسي دمرت البنى التحتية للأقتصاد العراقي، وأخرت عملية التنمية الأقتصادية والبشرية لعدة عقود بسبب الأستنزاف الكبير للمو

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 18 2022
Journal Name
خصوصية الأداء عند ممثلي فرقة المسرح الحي الأمريكية
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خضع فن التمثيل وتقنياته في العصر الحديث لانعطافات عديدة ومختلفة وجوهرية في بنيته العامة والخاصة لاسيما وان المنظرين والمخرجين والممثلين المحدثين على تماس وعلى حراك في خلق حساسية أدائية جديدة تنسجم ولغة العصر وحاجاته وإشكاله وأنماطه منطلقين في تنظير اتهم وتطبيقاتهم من نظم والسلوك البشري الخارجي والداخلي والاستفادة من ميادين الفنون الأدائية الأخرى كالرقص وفن البهلوان والمهرج والسيرك فضلا"عن استعارته الخ

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
منظمات الاداء العالي بحث أستطلاعي في الشركة العامة للصناعات الجلدية والشركة العامة لتصنيع الحبوب
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This study discussed modern variable in the organizational thought that is the high performance organizations in the two of Iraqi public organizations. The aim of study determines to know the level of the performance in this organizations (high or not). The data was Collected by questionnaire which contain (8) characteristics, the organizational design, strategy, process, technology, leadership, the roles, culture, and external environment). The sample contain from (76) employees;

Results points that the two organizations didn’t reach to the high level of performance, and there are significance's difference  among them.



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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Obstacles in Marketing Comprehensive Automobile Insurance Policy: بحث أستطلاعي في شركة التأمين الوطنية
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Comprehensive automobile insurance is considered as an important branches in the portfolio of National Insurance Company in Iraq .Due to the continous accidents the company is endeavouring to   this market.

    The company faces several obstacles and limitations in marketing the policies of this portfolio due to certain factors and influences beyond the control of the company and others internal mainly connected with the reduction of the marketing programmes of the company .

    The target of this study is  to focus the light  upon the interal factors which can be gorerned by the company,confronted and solved.


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Publication Date
Thu Jan 16 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Obstacles in Marketing Comprehensive Automobile Insurance Policy: بحث أستطلاعي في شركة التأمين الوطنية
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Comprehensive automobile insurance is considered as an important insurance which is managing by National Insurance Company due to the continuous accidents the company is endeavoring to this market not for trading motives only but also to increase the insurance awareness of people and insurance benefit for other insurance portfolios .On this basis the researcher had chosen her subject ( obstacles in marketing comprehensive automobile Insurance policy ) the company faces several obstacles and limitations in marketing the policies of this portfolio due to certain factors and influences beyond the mainly connected with the reduction of marketing programmes of the company . the aim of this study is to shade the light upon the internal factors

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