اشكالية بناء ثقافة مشاركة في الوطن العربي
This research aims to the importance of oil in achieving economic
security in the Arab. Oil is not an ordinary subject and returns it significance to
the followings:
1. The importance of skipping a source of energy.
2. The importance of oil as raw material for petrochemical industry.
3. The importance of the oil sector as an area of foreign investment
4. The importance of oil in the marketing activities, transport, insurance
and various services
In addition to the importance of oil in general and the Arab oil has
additional strategic advantages such as geographic location, And the
magnitude of reserves and production of heavy investment costs are relatively
simple, And the ability to meet the
The Islamic Issue did not rise the “widespread arguments” in contemporary times, just as the issue of applying Islamic Law. Just as the Islamic forces used this purpose, or employed it during their march to reach to power by adopting the sacred as motivation towered the power, or control the governance. However, the reality show that this goal remained within the boundaries of slogans in the sense of a teleological slogan, and did not go beyond the limits of advocacy or arrangement as the primary source of legislation with differences of teleological reasoning, in a manner that reflected an intellectual problem about the validity of the use of this concept or the ability to apply and enforce the law in today's world, to impose
... Show Moreاشكالية النظرية في العلوم السياسية : مساهمة اولية
Asil adi Mahmeut olup mashlasi “ Hicrî “ dir . Ihvânî “ zümresine intisabi dolayısiyle “ Dede “ Lakabiyle anılır . Takriben H. 1297 yılında Kerkük ‘ te doğmuş . Babası H. 1305 Senesinde vefat eden Molla Ali Efendi ‘ dir .
Dedesi Nazîrî dede ise zamanmin ileri gelen şâirlerinden olup kayser adli bir oğludur . (1)
Diğer bir kaynağa gore “ Hicrî Dede H. 1295 yılında Kerkük ‘te doğamuştur . Tanınmış şâir Nazîrî Dede ‘ nin torunudur . Babası Molla Ali Efendidir” . (2)
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The culture of peace at the present time is considered one of the important issues locally and globally due to the large number of changes and transformations taking place in the external environment (globally - regionally - and locally) that have been reflected in various environmental, economic, social, cultural and technological fields and what accompanied it of changes in behavior, relationships, structural change and cultural change, since it has become necessary to present the ideal model for spreading the culture of peace in the areas of conflict that accompanied the war process, in addition to emphasizing the role of education in spreading the culture of peace, given that achieving prosperity, peace building, and ending violence dep
... Show MoreIn light of what constitutes the cultural factor from a great importance in the context of the incorporation of an active and participant civil society in the process of democracy- building and the achievement of political development, this article tries to look at the concept of the political culture and the civil society with the stand on the nature of existing relationship between them in its theoretical part, then the move to dissection of the civil society crisis in Algeria under the prevalent cultural values for understanding the relationship between the two variables in its empirical part, as a step towards the detection on the pivoting of democratic values in activating the political participation and attainment the democratic co
... Show Moreاشكالية الطائفية السياسية في العراق بين الاستمرارية والانكفائية
Le présent travail aborde la question de l’enseignement de traduction en tant que matière faisant partie du programme élaboré dans des Départements de Français au sein de certaines universités irakiennes, en particulier celle de Bagdad. La méthode d’enseigner suivie constitue une véritable problématique qu’on a bien diagnostiquée à partir de quelques années d’expériences, à la lumière des observations faites dans des cours de traduction professionnelle, et dans la perspective des citations et témoignages établies par des traductologues et pédagogues et principalement par Marianne LEDERER qui a établi la Théorie Interprétative de la traduction. Mais pourquoi l’enseignement lui-même poserait une telle probl
... Show MoreThe banking system considered as one of the most important intermediate circle between creditor and debtors it is mean the most important funding rings in economic activity, whether finance takes the a consumer or investment form and therefore it is the main base to stimulate economic activity both on the demand side, both consumption and investment and therefore of the main motivating factors for economic growth.
The banking system depends in achieve its goals on the grants and loan recovery, or what is known credit process and according to what the importance referred to the role of the banking system, it is important to ensure the safety and efficiency of the mechanisms of banking device and safety is
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