لقد حمَّلت مفردة الإرهاب بكمٍ هائلٍ من المفاهيم والدلالات المُتباينة والمُتناقضة . لذا حاول البحث التأكيد على أهمية وضع تعريفٍ مُحدد لظاهرة الارهاب،ومن ثم توضيح ماهي الاسباب الحقيقية وراء تنامي الارهاب في العراق بعد 2003 ،وما هي المتغيرات الاجتماعية والسياسية التي اسهمت في تصاعد وتيرة العمليات الارهابية في العراق،لاسيما وإن المجتمع العراقي مجتمع متعدد الشرائح الاجتماعية،وبشكلٍ قد يُمَّكن الارهابيين من استثمارها لتمرير مشاريعهم المشبوهة،مما يُهدد المشروع السياسي في العراق برمته. المقدمة لا أحد يُنكر وجود الكثير من الخلط والتشويش حول مفهوم الإرهاب،بين ما يُعدَّ نشاطاً يستوجب الإدانة، وما يُعدَّ كفاحاً يستحق الدعم والتشجيع، مما حمَّل مفردة الإرهاب بكمٍ تباينة ُ هائلٍ من المفاهيم والدلالات الم تناقضة . وعليه حاول البحث أن يؤكد ُ والم أهمية وضع تعريفٍ مُحدد لظاهرة الارهاب،ومن ثم توضيح ماهي الاسباب الحقيقية وراء تنامي الارهاب في العراق بعد 2003 ، وما هي المتغيرات الاجتماعية والسياسية التي اسهمت في تصاعد وتيرة العمليات الارهابية في العراق،لاسيما وإن اﻟﻤﺠتمع العراقي مجتمع متعدد الشرائح الاجتماعية، وبشكلٍ قد يُمَّكن الارهابيين من استثمارها لتمرير مشاريعهم المشبوهة، مما يُهدد المشروع السياسي في العراق برمته. وتأسيساً على ما سبق يستند البحث الى افتراضٍ مؤداه (لا يُمكن احتواء ومكافحة الارهاب في العراق مالم تُعالج كل الاسباب والدوافع السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية لهذه الظاهرة). وعولج هذا الموضوع من خلال مبحثين أساسين تناول الأول منهما تعريف ظاهرة الإرهاب،وما هي ا في العراق. فيما تناول المبحث الثاني
The Baha'is are a group that belongs to the Baha'iya, the Baha'iya according to the encyclopedia of Religion Sciences is a modern religious sect appeared in existence in the middle of the ninetieth century. The number of their believers is around six million people of different parts of the world. its main center lies in Haifa city in Palestine
The name of God the Merciful
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the prophets and messengers Prophet Muhammad and his family
And his companions who followed his approach to the Day of Judgment. After that, Islam has paid great attention to the aspects of education
The promise of a way to degrade and correct behavior, and to reach the individual to the highest levels through his intellectual upbringing
Mentally, mentally, mentally and intellectually, education at all times and places is the best way to communicate to a human being
The degree of happiness in religion and the other, as it develops all aspects of his personality, and supports the love of goodness for himself
For people, edu
This is a contextual study in face and isotope science, and I have made it in one of the terms faces and isotopes, which is the word (bad). Quranic also, and that is at every aspect they mentioned.
The nature of the research required that it be divided into three sections:
The first topic: I singled it out to show the types of contextual connotations.
- The second topic: I singled it out to define the word bad and its meaning.
- The third topic: I devoted it to the study of the word bad and explaining the significance of the Quranic context on the additional meaning and the original meaning.
Conclusion: It mentioned the most important results, which are:
1- The significance of the Quranic context is one of the most impo
The Baha'is are a group that belongs to the Baha'iya, the Baha'iya according to the encyclopedia of Religion Sciences is a modern religious sect appeared in existence in the middle of the ninetieth century. The number of their believers is around six million people of different parts of the world. its main center lies in Haifa city in Palestine.
The purpose of this study is discuss the effect of Corporate Governance in the Tax Planning, has been made in a sample of Iraqi Industrial contribution Companies listed in Iraqi Stock Exchange Market (ISE) , for the period from 2008 to 2012.The study used the" Experimental Research Approach" . Also used the (Modified Jones Model, 1995) in order to measure the corporate governance, to measure the extent of the practice of corporate governance in the samples companies. While it use to measure tax planning, the model that used by studies and researches of tax that adopted in discussions of tax reform, by analyzing the financial statements of companies to reach a measurement for the two variables of the study. T
... Show MoreSome research reports that cognitive grammar (CG) theory has good contributions to teaching English as a foreign language. In this research, the researchers seek to apply this theory and its principles when teaching the simple present tense to Iraqi students who face difficulties in differentiating between the multiple usages of this tense. To achieve this objective, the researchers have conducted an experimental study on a group of 60 Iraqi students in the University of Baghdad, College of Education for Women. Langacker’s (2003) theory has been adopted in the analysis of the cognitive relations to understand the common and different connections of these usages of the simple present. The study has concluded that the cognitive grammar t
... Show MoreBumpiness in the atmosphere is the vertical movement of air, whether
upward or downward movement and the bumpiness is accompanied by areas
of unrest in the air and wind. And contribute to each of the coups thermal
fronts, wind, wind and thunderstorms. Moreover, bumpiness is net of the
reasons that lead to circumstances is appropriate to cut the wind, and this
contributes to the formation of bumpiness in the atmosphere. The study found
that the noon of the times, which is expected to occur where clear-air
bumpiness during flights because of the warmth of the earth's surface. The
study found increased incidence of air hole during the summer, especially
July, due to increased incidence of coup surface, while the s
I came back and made my jewelery from the first research or studies known to man, and the oldest era and confirmed the problem of searching for the links of sweets and admiration of the magnificence of the effectiveness of the search for the importance of preserving the heritage of the Iraqi civilization in its original creative aspects. Metal in Iraq, Head Costume, Neck Costume, Party Costume (Hands and Legs). The main results of the research were;
1-Contemporary folk jewelry in Iraq was characterized by design units for use.
Dependence in the feed industry in the form of laboratory mold.
The judicial oversight over the administration’s work and the administration’s right to sue its clients is getting stronger in the face of the financial aspects in countries that refuse to continue the socialist-interventionist approach. These countries resort to the new approach of the state neutrality. This calls for an examination of the aspects of legislation that the Ministry of Labor deals with and its right to litigation and procedures prior to benefits. This is in particular the financial ones for those covered by them.
Atheism is one of the most dangerous absurd doctrines that have swept the world in the modern era. Its strength lies in the bodies that stand behind it and adopt its ideologies which are accompanied by the tremendous media momentum of the theses of its supporters based on scientific and non-scientific levels. And since the denial of the existence of the Creator is the main focus and central point which the atheists based their view towards the universe, life and man, this humble research came to discuss the claim of the existence of the world by pure chance, and try to explain this scientifically through the theory of natural selection and survival of the fittest developed by the English biologist Charles Darwin. The resea
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