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Arab political systems: the problems of politics and governance Entrance
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Arabian Political Regimes: Problems of Policies and Rule; An Introduction to Interpreting (The Arabian Spring) The Arab Region witnessed, since 2011, critical changes overthrew a group of Arab regimes in some of its countries, and the reaction of these changes are still going on up to now. These changes were given lots of justifications and interpretations. The current study tries to concentrate on the most important problems which were due to what was known as (The Arab Spring). The study proposes that the crisis which the countries of the area are exposed to is not spontaneous in many of its aspects. It is totally a crisis of rule and policies. Because it is a reflection of the nature of authority in the Arabian regimes on the one hand; and a reflection of mechanisms of power practicing in the Arab societies on the other. Therefore, the current study tries to focus on the most important problems that are related to the crisis of forming or starting the Arab State on the one hand, and the crisis of the legitimacy of the regimes on the other and the problem of the relation between the government and the society on a third hand.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 10 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Science And Research
The Impact of Hydro-Politics on the Relation between Turkey and Iraq Since 1980
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Water one of the most important sources Which is no doubt essential for life surviving, water is vital in many sectors of life e.g. ( agriculture, industrial, power and so many things can’t be restricted on the mentioned items, water has become major problem facing the world today. Competition over water resources between nations has made it as a vital commodity and a justification for waging wars against its neighbor’s countries, there are currently 263 rivers that either cross or demarcate international political boundaries. Geographically, Europe has the largest number of international basins (69), followed by Africa (59), Asia (57), North America (40), and South America (38).The absolute numbers of international basins, as well as t

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 21 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
“Usages of the Youth in the Emirati Society for the Dubbed Turkish Series on the Arab Satellite Channels and the Satisfactions Achieved”
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The research topic is summarized in the importance of studying the measuring the extent of the university youth’s exposure in the Emirati Society to those series and the resulting achieved satisfaction. The most important results and recommendations of the study are as follows: a high rate of the respondents’, sample individuals, exposure to the dubbed Turkish series since it is evident that almost three-fourths of the study individuals watch the dubbed Turkish series,.”. The most significant positive aspects of the dubbed Turkish series are: “they focus on the most important tourist attractions in Turkey” and “ improving the audience›s knowledge and information on the traditions of the Turkish society”. The most apparent

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Local policy and its impact on the performance of the province of Baghdad.
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The current research aims to clarify the role of local policies on the performance of the province of Baghdad, after studies proved practical experience what those policies of the major role and effect on the lives of citizens, as well as alleviate the burden on central government, which make a lot of states give local governments broad powers and her specialty funds for the exercise of its vital role and actor in various joints of local development, research has indentified a problem in a number of questions such as: do you have the policy of the provincial council of local qualified and able to influence the performance of the province? What are the main forces of powerful and implementation of policies at all

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 29 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Personal tax exemptions "a comparative study with some Arab and European system legislations
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This research aims primarily to highlight personal tax exemptions A comparative study with some Arab and European regulations. And by conducting both theoretical comparative analyses. Most important findings of the study is the need to grant personal and family exemptions that differ according to the civil status of the taxpayer (single or married). In other words, the exemption increases as the number of family members depend on its social sense. Also taking into account some incomes that require a certain effort and looking at the tax rates, it is unreasonable for wages to be subject to the same rates applied to commercial profits.      

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
New Methods and Old Issues: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Social Network Sites in the Arab Region
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This paper critically looks at the studies that investigated the Social Network Sites in the Arab region asking whether they made a practical addition to the field of information and communication sciences or not. The study tried to lift the ambiguity of the variety of names, as well as the most important theoretical and methodological approaches used by these studies highlighting its scientific limitations. The research discussed the most important concepts used by these studies such as Interactivity, Citizen Journalism, Public Sphere, and Social Capital and showed the problems of using them because each concept comes out of a specific view to these websites. The importation of these concepts from a cultural and social context to an Ara

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Effects of international variables on the principle of citizenship in Arab countries: "Kuwait as a Model"
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The principle of citizenship has international dimensions that affect the application of the principle, such as the structure of the international system, and the control of the concepts of globalization, international organizations which played an important role in the consolidation of this principle.

The problem of the study revolves around the effects of international variables on the principle of citizenship in Kuwait during the period 1991-2018.

The study used several indicators, such as: the rule of law, achieving the principle of separation of powers, the right to form parties, the application of the law of nationality, and racial discrimination, women's rights, and freedom of expression.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Estimates of Palestinian University Students in Gaza Governorate to the Contribution Degree of Teaching Human Sciences in their Political Education: محمود عبد المجيد عساف
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The study aims to examine the estimation of a sample of Palestinian University students in Gaza governorate to the contribution of teaching human sciences in their political education. It further aims to reveal whether there are statistically significant differences at a significance level (α≤ 0.05) between the averages of the sample. Such differences might be attributed to the following variables: sex, residential area, specialization. To achieve this, the researcher used the descriptive approach by applying a tool of (50) items on (618) randomly chosen male and female students from the largest Palestinian universities in the governorates of Gaza. Results have shown that: the overall degree of estimation to the contribution of teachi

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 16 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Housing finance and housing needs in Iraq with reference to some Arab experiences
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the financial resources represent a basic factor of production ;It is obvious that the housing sector needs the resources to finance the building operation to produce all the housing units. Finance is the cornerstone of any housing strategy , as its successes dependent on the success of the financing methods and the creation of charnels and effective methods for the provision of the required finances for both individuals and instantly concerned with the production of housing units. The kinds of financial institutions vary from one country to another according to the nature of the economic and financial system. The lending conditions also vary as well as the capital cost of the housing units needed The housing operations is concer

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A study of the nomenclature of Russian vocabulary of Arabic origin denoting some religious worship, or denoting some political and social positions: «Лексика арабского происхождения со значением «служители религиозного культа, социального статуса» и её функционирование в русской речи»
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      The present paper discusses one of the most important Russian linguistic features of Arabic origin Russian lexes denoting some religious worship or some political and social positions like Qadi, Wally, Sultan, Alam, Ruler, Caliph, Amir, Fakih, Mufti, Sharif, Ayatollah, Sheikh.. etc.  A lexical analysis of the two of the most efficient and most used words of Arabic origin Russian lexes that are “Caliph and Sheikh” is considered in the present study. The lexicographic analysis of these words makes it possible to identify controversial issues related to their etymology and semantic development.

The study is conducted by the use of the modern Russian and Arabic dictionary, specifically, (Intermediate lexicon Dictionary

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
The concept of stigma and its representations in the Arab theatrical text (The Sultan, Al-Ha'ir play, by choice): نزار شبيب كريم - علاء حاتم محسن
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The research deals with the concept of stigma as one of the important phenomena that cast a shadow over the nature of the individual, his being and his personality through the inferior view with which he confronts in society, and (Sartors) indicates in this regard that stigma may lead to negative discrimination that leads to many defects, in terms of obtaining On care, poor health, service, and frequent setbacks that can damage self-esteem. The first roots of this phenomenon go back to the Greek civilization and what the Greeks used to burn and cut off some parts of the body and then announce to the nation that the bearer of this sign is a criminal. In addition to the Arab peoples living from setbacks that contributed to the exacerbation

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