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Soft power employment strategy in foreign affairs (Eygpt after Mubarak Regime : An Analytical study)
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(January 25, 2011) represented a real opportunity to bring about fundamental changes in Egyptian foreign policy and to start a new phase that would cut off all the negative and problematic aspects of Egyptian politics in the period before the revolution. Through the employment of Egypt's huge balance and the role of historical is a civilization rooted in the roots of thousands of years and Islamic reference represented over more than a thousand years the Islamic medium of religion in the start of vision and tools to achieve the Egyptian national interest, and safeguarding Egyptian national security in its comprehensive sense. The research attempts to answer a central question: Is there a role for Egyptian soft power in the Islamic world in general and in the Mediterranean region in particular? In the answer to the above question, the research will provide a basic hypothesis: "Egyptian soft power has a role and influence in the Islamic world in general and in the Middle East in particular, but the effectiveness of this role and influence varied according to the different tools and times, and the reflection on the ground." The research is based on several approaches to achieve the desired results. The analytical approach to the contents of the Egyptian discourse will be relied upon, which helped to gain insight into the nature of Egyptian foreign policy and its position on the use of soft power. And adopted a comparative approach to demonstrate Egypt's use of solid power and its use of soft power in the Middle East region. Keywords: employment strategy, soft power, January 25 events in Egypt, techno-information revolution, diplomacy, Egyptian foreign policy.

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 1999
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
Role of Bathyplectes curulionis (Thomson) (Hymenoptera : Ichneumoidae) in controlling alfalfa weevil in central Iraq
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Bathyplectes curcurlionis (Thomson) is the sole parasitoid encountered in west Baghdad parasitising larvae of alfalfa weevil Hypera postica (GylIenhal). Percent of parasitisation did not exceed 8% in 1989 and 1990 and overall rate of parasitisation was 5%. Additional reduction in percent of parasitisation caused by presence of the fungal pathogen Erynia phytonomi. High survival percent of weevil's larvae under the study conditions explains why this insect is a key pest of alfalfa. Suggestions were made to inhance the role of B. curcurtionis in controlling the weevil.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination Oxidant - Antioxidant Enzyme and some Trace Elements in Breast Cancer in Baghdad City
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level of effectiveness of Glutathione - S - Transferees (GST), Glutathione peroxides (GPX),Malondialdehyde (MDA) the product of lipid peroxidation and some trace elements ( zinc,seleinum,iron ,copper ) had been measured in sera of (50) women with breast disease.which had been divided to : Control group (25),The first group (A) benign breast tumors (25),the second group (B) breast cancer (25). The results showed a clear moral high level of Glutathione - S - Transferees (GST), Glutathione peroxidase (GPX) , and Malondialdehyde (MDA) level in breast cancer group while a slight increase were observed in the levels of these enzymes and(MDA) in benign breast group. A significant reduction was evident in the levels of selenium and zinc

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Health education program in improving knowledge regarding emergency contraception among school teachers in Duhok
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Background: Emergency contraception (EC) is a general term used to describe drugs and devices that are utilized to prevent pregnancy following unprotected intercourse or in the event of contraceptive failure. This postcoital birth-control option is available by means of hormonal pills or copper-bearing intrauterine device.Objectives: The objectives of the study were to assess the women's knowledge regarding EC, to compare the knowledge of school teachers with other women in the community, as well as assessing the pre-post test knowledge of teachers.Type of the study: A cross sectional and quasi- experimental study.Methods: It was carried out in Duhok during the period from 20th of November 2014 to 6th of January 2015. A Simple and system

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Benzoic acid concentration levels recovery in Ketchup and Sauce products available in local market.
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This research is dealing with five sample of tomato ketchup products available in local market that were respectively as follows: Hello-Baghdad Iraq, Tiffany-Abu Dhabi, Melody-Dubai, Baidar-Saudi Arabia, and Altunsa-Turkey. Also it is dealing with four sample of sauce products available in local market that were respectively as follows: Hello-Baghdad, Iraq, Al-Badawi-Baghdad Iraq, Family-Baghdad, Iraq, and Hala-Amman Jordon. Analysis was performed on each sample three times and mean of the reading was taking. Samples were tested through terse and shorthand from lengthened steps. The spectrophotometric method used rely on theoretical and practical bases in extraction and diagnosis by UV spectrophotometer. This method in short notes, consiste

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Phytochemical Investigation for the Main Active Constituents in Arctium lappa L. Cultivated in Iraq
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Burdock ( Arctium lappa), is among the most popular plants in traditional medicine and it is associated with several biological effects. Literature survey revealed the presence of phenylpropanoid compounds .The most widespread are hydroxycinnamic acids ( mainly caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid) and lignans (mainly arctiin and arctigenin). This work will confirm the presence of these compounds in Arctium lappa, cultivated in Iraq, in both root and leaf samples.  The dried plant samples were extracted by soxhlet with 80% methanol then separated the main constituents by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and high performance liquid  chromatography (HPLC). Identification of the isolated compounds wa

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Bild Law Journal
Law and its influential role for strategic leadership in managing security crises in Iraq
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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Basic Science
Loss in the Translation of Colour Euphemstic Expressions in the Qur’an: A Pragmatic Analysis
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Publication Date
Wed May 13 2015
Journal Name
Elsevier Procedia Economics And Finance
The Role of FDI Inflows in Economic Growth in Malaysia (Time Series: 1975-2010)
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Recently, Malaysia has been recognized as one of the most popular destinations for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Southeast Asia. But how do these FDI inflows affect Malaysia economy? This paper aims to identify the role of FDI inflows in Malaysia economic growth through a proposed endogenous growth model. Annual data covers from 1975 to 2010. Unit root test and Johansen Co-integration test are adopted to respectively verify the time series data is stable and the linear combination of the variables is stationary. Hierarchical Multiple Regressions (HMR) Analysis is then conducted to find out the momentum of the Malaysia economic growth including FDI inflows. The results show that the FDI inflows together with the human capital deve

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Publication Date
Tue May 05 2015
Journal Name
The 16th Science Conference/ College Of Basic Education.
Detection of Microbial and Chemical Contamination in Canned Meat Available in Baghdad Local Markets
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Evaluation of Drinking Water Quality in Al Wahda Treatment Plant in Baghdad City- Iraq
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This study aims to evaluate drinking water quality at the Al Wahda plant (WTP) in Baghdad city. A conventional water treatment plant with an average flow rate of 72.82 MLD. Water samples were taken from the influent and effluent of the treatment plant and analyzed for some physicochemical and biological parameters during the period from June to November 2020. The results of the evaluation indicate that treated water has almost the same characteristics as raw water; in other terms, the plant units do not remove pollutants as efficiently as intended. Based on this, the station appears to be nothing more than a series of water passage units. However, apart from Total dissolved solids, the mean values of all parameters in the study were

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