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Rules and steps The design of university research projects
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Research is a study conducted by a researcher or a group of researchers to uncover ambiguity, complete a knowledge, or define a relationship, Solve a problem, or answer a question by carefully investigating the comprehensive and in-depth examination of the evidence and evidence related to this knowledge, revealing a relationship, or solving a problem, or answering a question, to be a systematic, In evidence and evidence that reveal facts and general rules, relationships or solutions, in addition to providing knowledge Human rights are verifiable, tested and confirmed. The university research (graduate research, master's thesis, doctoral dissertation) is the most important type of research, and it is supposed to be the best one, since it must have characteristics (neutrality, objectivity, methodology, honesty and scientific)

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Social Graphic Design and its Reflection in Combating Drug Abuse: محمد عباس مظهر الزيدي
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Social graphic design is the design that realizes the role and responsibility of the designer in society, and the use of graphic design in bringing about social change, especially as it is a professional contribution that plays an important role in the behavioral development of societies, and through the above, the researcher found a logical justification for his research problem, which is summarized by the following question: (What is the concept of Social Graphic Design and its implications in the fight against drug abuse)
While the two objectives of the research were identified in defining the social graphic design and its effect on combating drug abuse, and the theoretical framework was divided into two topics, the first study dea

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 25 2009
Journal Name
Wireless Personal Communications
A N-Radon Based OFDM Trasceivers Design and Performance Simulation Over Different Channel Models
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In this paper a new method is proposed to perform the N-Radon orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), which are equivalent to 4-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM, ... etc. in spectral efficiency. This non conventional method is proposed in order to reduce the constellation energy and increase spectral efficiency. The proposed method gives a significant improvement in Bit Error Rate performance, and keeps bandwidth efficiency and spectrum shape as good as conventional Fast Fourier Transform based OFDM. The new structure was tested and compared with conventional OFDM for Additive White Gaussian Noise, flat, and multi-path selective fading channels. Simulation tests were generated for different channels

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Cache Coherence Protocol Design and Simulation Using IES (Invalid Exclusive read/write Shared) State
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To improve the efficiency of a processor in recent multiprocessor systems to deal with data, cache memories are used to access data instead of main memory which reduces the latency of delay time. In such systems, when installing different caches in different processors in shared memory architecture, the difficulties appear when there is a need to maintain consistency between the cache memories of different processors. So, cache coherency protocol is very important in such kinds of system. MSI, MESI, MOSI, MOESI, etc. are the famous protocols to solve cache coherency problem. We have proposed in this research integrating two states of MESI's cache coherence protocol which are Exclusive and Modified, which responds to a request from reading

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 12 2024
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Bridging Traditional and Immersive Technologies in Design Education: A Comprehensive Framework for Institutional Adoption
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The significant addition of immersive technologies, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality(AR) and Mixed Reality(MR) are transforming the domain of design education. Still, finding an equilibrium between these new tools alongside with traditional methods of teaching is a menace which educational institutes needs to solve. This paper proposes a structure that would help the ease with which to include immersive technologies within design education, keeping in mind the solid points of more conventional pedagogical methods. Based on a survey of interior design programs, this research highlights the potential for VR, AR and MR in student engagement, creativity skills and professional practices. The results suggest that adoption of an im

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Standraidization of Post traumatic Stress Disorder Scale on Students of University of Baghdad
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There are a lot of measures for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), but what distinguishes it from other measures is the number of short paragraphs and concise depending on the classification of American Psychiatric Association (APA), which can be applied by the researchers on a large number, Because the Iraqi society suffered from psychological trauma due to wars, conflicts and occupation and the resulting psychological disorders of the members of Iraqi society, especially post-traumatic stress disorder, as mentioned by many studies and researches.

Therefore, the aim of this study was to standardize the PTSD scale for students at Baghdad University. For the Psychologist Fua . E. which was applied in many foreign studies. 

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
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Teaching-learning design according to constructivist theory models and its impact on the achievement of chemistry among second-year intermediate school female students
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
البحوث التربوية والنفسية
The effectiveness of educational design according to Herman's whole brain theory In the learning styles of fifth-grade science female students
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Publication Date
Mon May 01 2017
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Ieee International Electrical Machines & Drives Conference Ieee (iemdc2017), Miami, Usa
The effect of power converter on the design of a Linear Alternator for use with a Joule Cycle-Free Piston Engine
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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using the Balanced Performance Approach to Increase the Effectiveness of Strategic Planning in order to Maximize the Job Satisfaction Rates at the Faculties of Bisha University
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Purpose: To use the balanced measurement approach as a strategic link for increasing the effectiveness of strategic planning in the direction of achieving satisfaction rates at Bisha University in Saudi Arabia

Design / methodology / approach –The questionnaire survey was used to collect the data of the study from the faculty members at University of Bisha.

Findings –Prove the assumption that the use of the balanced measurement approach - as a strategic planning tool - leads to maximize the satisfaction rates among faculty members at the University of Bisha.

Research limitations/implications-  adopt effective strategic planning in order to achieve

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
GNSS Baseline Configuration Based on First Order Design
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The quality of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) networks are considerably influenced by the configuration of the observed baselines. Where, this study aims to find an optimal configuration for GNSS baselines in terms of the number and distribution  of baselines to improve the quality criteria of the GNSS networks. First order design problem (FOD) was applied in this research to optimize GNSS network baselines configuration, and based on sequential adjustment method to solve its objective functions.

FOD for optimum precision (FOD-p) was the proposed model which based on the design criteria of A-optimality and E-optimality. These design criteria were selected as objective functions of precision, whic

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