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Специфика аргументации экспрессии в художественном тексте Characteristics of Intellectual Inference in the Expression in The Artistic Text
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      В статье считается национально-культурная специфика и языковое изменчивость выражения заключений в художественном тексте. В настоящее время в изучении художественного текста существует множество взаимодополняющих подходов и концепций, которые способствуют лучшему пониманию его языковых и культурных аспектов. Художественный текст как «воспроизведение» и отражение реальности создает свою собственную систему корреляции слов, составных компонентов и частей различного содержания и различных структур. Кроме того, каждый известный писатель, как яркий представитель языкового сообщества, к которому он принадлежит, в форме искусства отражает характерные черты национального менталитета и особенности национального общения. Исходя из этого, мы рассматриваем литературный текст как лингвокультурное образование, являющееся носителем индивидуальности автора и общие этнокультурные характеристики коммуникативного поведения людей.


     This paper deals with the national-cultural characteristics of inference along with linguistic variation of expression in the artistic text.  Presently, there exist many strategies and complementary conceptions in the study of artistic text, where all contribute to a better understanding of its lingua-cultural aspects. An artistic text is known as a "recovery" which creates a reflection of the nature of its own system for word association which make by itself the elements of the contents therein and of the various structures . As well, any well-known writer is an active representative of the language community to which he belongs and reflects in the form of art, the distinctive characteristics of the national intellect accompanied by the characteristics of national communication. Accordingly, we consider the literary text as a sort of language culture which bears the identity of the author and the general ethno-cultural characteristics of people's communicative behaviour.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Intellectual Stress of Basic Education Faculty Professors
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   1-Identifying  the intellectual exertions have basic education faculty professors.

2-. Identifying the differences in intellectual exertions as a variable type (male-female) current research society is determined by the basic education college professors and both sexes Mustansiriyah University and academic year (2018-2019) and sample (200) textbook and teaching staff researcher has built a scale term This intellectual and extract his results showed statistical characteristics:-.  The College of basic education teachers suffer from stress. There were no differences between males and females in intellectual exertions.  Depending on the results, the researcher has developed a number of recommendations and

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Strategic Information Systems and their effects on the Developing of Intellectual Capital in the Electricity Distribution Company in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
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This research aims to study the impact of strategic information systems on the development of intellectual capital in the Public Shareholding Electricity Distribution Company in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was developed for the purpose of data collection, as the number of valid questionnaires for analysis was about (135), and SPSS and AMOS 0.26 software was used to analyze the collected data. The study found out that the respondents' perceptions of the level of importance of strategic information systems and the level of importance of intellectual capital were high, and that the relational capital has ranked as first, followed by structural capital, and h

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of organizational learning in building intellectual capital in public organizations: comparative research between the universities of Baghdad and al-Mustansiriya
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   Organizational learning is one of the most important means of human resource development in organizations, but most of the organizations, especially public ones do not realize the importance of organizational learning enough, and estimated his role accurately in building intellectual capital, the resource competitive importantly for organizations of the third millennium and who suffers is other end of lack of understanding of its meaning and how to prove its presence and measured in public organizations, so there is the need for this research, which aims to investigate the effect of organizational learning its processes (knowledge acquisition, Information transfer, Interpreting the information, Organizational me

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of intellectual capital on the Total quality management of higher education and scientific research institutions in Baghdad
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         The purpose and goal of the research revolve around the diagnosis of intellectual capital as the logical indicator to study an effective human resource management practice and its influential role in determining the overall quality management of higher education institutions and scientific research in Baghdad.

       To achieve the purpose of the research, an upgraded standard questionnaire was used to collect data and distribute it to the selected sample in a statistical manner from the study population of (5) institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Resear

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Expression of Recombinant Human Glucocerebrosidase Protein in Sunflowers
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Molecular farming has become one of the most significant implementations of modern biotechnology to generate modified plant crops to produce medicinal proteins. Agrobacterium is one plant genetic engineering tool that integrates genes of interest inside a host plant.  In recent years, the need to produce recombinant proteins as therapeutics has growing rapidly, and human glucocerebrosidase is one of the proteins that is need to treat disease. In this study, specific primers were designed to amplify Hu-GBA1 gene from constructed pGEM-GBA plasmid which was cloned into the plant expression vector pCAMBIA1304. The generated recombinant pCAMBIA1304-GBA plasmid was used to transform A. tumefaciens LBA4404

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Intellectual Security and Its Relation to Psychological Resilience of Secondary School Students
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The current research aims to determine the intellectual security and the psychological resilience of Secondary school students and how these two variables are related to each other. The study also seeks the extent to which psychological resilience contributes to intellectual security

The research sample consisted of (420) students from the Secondary stage in the Directorate of Education of Baghdad / Rusafa III. Two scales were administered to the participants to collect the needed data. As for the analysis of data, Pearson correlation coefficient, T-test, and the Regression analysis were employed, the results revealed:

  1. The members of the sample have an intellectual Security.
  2. The members of the sample have

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The impact of proposed approach for flexibility and agility in learning some basic skills on the table land movements in the artistic gymnastics
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of importance in the Intellectual Capital On Internal control Systems Analytical Research in A sample of general inspectors’ offices in Iraq
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The research aims to know the influence of the intellectual capital on the internal control system in a sample of General Inspection Offices in Iraq. The research includes a sample of individuals who are working in these offices total sample (46) individuals distributed according to functional levels (General Inspector, Deputy Inspector General, and Director) , The data and information were collected by using questionnaire, which is done for this purpose, as well as personal interviews in order to reach to the results that achieve the aim of this research , Two hypotheses were formed , the first hypothesis consists of (4) secondary hypothesis , All these hypotheses were tested by using statistical tools such as (percentages, freq

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The importance of measuring and accounting disclosure of intellectual capital To maximize the value of the company
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Most of the big companies and especially the intillictual ones become a ware of an important fact, and That is, The intillictual capital in new global economy, is a new source for Them & This Valuable source exceed in importance. The other company's sources.

The Traditional disclouser systemes are unable to supply the decisions makers with the Fundimental information require to handel the on going operations which are based on Knowledge and intangible source. But the measuring of this source and the disclose for it in the financial Statements will lead to gain features Statements which will benefit all the parties and lead to make the value of the company great.

And as a resul

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of intellectual capital in promoting financial performance an applied study on a sample of the companies listed in Iraq stock exchange
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The interest in the intellectual capital and its development is a civilized necessity imposed by the requirements of the times and cannot imagine an advanced society in its potential productivity in poor efficiency of human capital, and features the work environment change permanently, putting the management of financial companies against a constant challenge toward coping with new developments in this changing environment and this is not taken unless owned by these companies qualified human resources and the provision of Culture organizers have, which manifested itself with the research problem by the following two questions:

  1. Did the intellectual capital value specific financial and

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