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Специфика аргументации экспрессии в художественном тексте Characteristics of Intellectual Inference in the Expression in The Artistic Text
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      В статье считается национально-культурная специфика и языковое изменчивость выражения заключений в художественном тексте. В настоящее время в изучении художественного текста существует множество взаимодополняющих подходов и концепций, которые способствуют лучшему пониманию его языковых и культурных аспектов. Художественный текст как «воспроизведение» и отражение реальности создает свою собственную систему корреляции слов, составных компонентов и частей различного содержания и различных структур. Кроме того, каждый известный писатель, как яркий представитель языкового сообщества, к которому он принадлежит, в форме искусства отражает характерные черты национального менталитета и особенности национального общения. Исходя из этого, мы рассматриваем литературный текст как лингвокультурное образование, являющееся носителем индивидуальности автора и общие этнокультурные характеристики коммуникативного поведения людей.


     This paper deals with the national-cultural characteristics of inference along with linguistic variation of expression in the artistic text.  Presently, there exist many strategies and complementary conceptions in the study of artistic text, where all contribute to a better understanding of its lingua-cultural aspects. An artistic text is known as a "recovery" which creates a reflection of the nature of its own system for word association which make by itself the elements of the contents therein and of the various structures . As well, any well-known writer is an active representative of the language community to which he belongs and reflects in the form of art, the distinctive characteristics of the national intellect accompanied by the characteristics of national communication. Accordingly, we consider the literary text as a sort of language culture which bears the identity of the author and the general ethno-cultural characteristics of people's communicative behaviour.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The development of literary style in the work of the writer Fyodor Dostoevsky: Эволюция литературного стиля в творчестве Ф. Достоевского
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Style of Dostoevsky - it is a style that clearly emerges the desire for stimulating thought reader stage. It's a style calculated to provoke the reader to their findings, conclusions and reflections. Dostoevsky hints, expressed as like inaccurate and at the same time with some startling sophistication. It makes the readers think and draw their own conclusions.


    Стиль Достоевского - этостиль, в которомясноотмечаетсястремлениек стимулированиюзаконченного мыслячитателя

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Numbness of the Mind Paradigm in Haruki Murakami’s After the Quake and Iraq’s After the Quake
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Haruki Murakami (1949-present) is a contemporary Japanese writer whose works have been translated into fifty languages and won him plenty of Japanese and international awards. His short stories are well constructed in a weird realistic manner and are mixed with elements of surrealism. His novels and short stories fall under the genre of magical realism. One of the major revolving themes that Murakami wrote about was the haunting feeling of emptiness and disconnectedness in a world which seems to care much for materialism and self-interests.

    The paper explores two of Murakami’s short stories in his book After the Quake (2000) and the relevance of their themes and characters to Iraq after the q

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Formal trespass and its intellectual manifestations in the contemporary interior space: ريم باسل نوري
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The Interior design is concerned with designing and creating internal spaces and reformulating their ideas, thus separating their capacities for influence and achieving suitability and comfort for their occupants, and enabling them to use them in a manner that achieves their goals and requirements, and this is unfolded by the integrity of the functional, aesthetic and expressive performance that these spaces achieve, The behavior of its users includes a variety of activities in harmony with the influence of those spaces and their forms, so the designer was keen to have these spaces in a form with an effective role in harmony with the needs of the times and its complexities in formation and construction, familiar with the strong cultural,

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Structuralism and the Problem of Text
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All modern critical approaches attempt to cover the meanings and overtones of the text, claiming that they are better than others in the analysis and attainment of the intended meanings of the text. The structural approach claims to be able to do so more than any other modern critical approach, as it claimed that it is possible to separate what is read from the reader, on the presumed belief that it is possible to read the text with a zero-memory. However, the studies in criticism of criticism state that each of these approaches is successful in dealing with the text in one or more aspects while failing in one or more aspects. Consequently, the criticism whether the approach possesses the text, or that the text rejects this possession, r

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 28 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Security Intellectual Proposals of the Paris and the Wales Schools
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The study discusses ''The Security Intellectual Proposals of the Paris and the Welsh Schools'', which are considered one of the most important contemporary European monetary schools that emerged in the nineties  of the twentieth century, and how did it approach the concept of security, criticizing the traditional trend that prevailed during the Cold War period regarding limiting the concept of security to the state or to the military aspect (National Security), and an attempt to expand the concept to economic, social and environmental dimensions, as well as political and military dimensions. The most important proposals that the Wales School provided are “Security as an emancipation policy”, “ individual security”, and “The ro

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Dramatic Dialogue And Its Effectiveness In Enhancing The Characteristics Of The Alienated Character In The Television Series
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Dialogue is one of the pillars of character building in the television series, through which it is possible to identify the most important characteristics and traits of the personality, in addition to its ability to reveal the most important problems at all levels. The following: (How does dialogue contribute to enhancing the traits of the alienated personality?). It therefore aims to identify the effectiveness of the dramatic dialogue in enhancing the traits of the alienated personality represented by (powerlessness, isolation, meaninglessness, objectification, non-standardization and rebellion). (The traits of the alienated character, and the second is the psychological function of the dramatic dialogue), to extract from them the main

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
Journal Name
Stimuli effectiveness of teaching aids in the development of the technical capacity of secondary school students in the technical configuration items: ليلى شويل حسين
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The importance of culture moot ( visual ) in the community , serves as the conceptual basis for the technical and aesthetic awareness , as all the fields of art represents a kind of social consciousness can not be separated from the practice of performance and awareness of it. That the link between what you do image that expresses the cognitive aspects and performance , and what is reflected on the receiver by turning the event into a set of symbols and meanings that have a correlation relationship to society , education, and other fields. Therefore must provide " material conditions and psychological " that helps the learner to interact effectively and with the active elements of the learning environment in the classroom and gain

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of the Translation of Poetic Poem Into an Artistic Picture in the Achievement of Retention Among Fifth Grade Students
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The purpose of this research is to identify
the effect of the translation of poetic poem into an artistic picture in the achievement of retention among fifth grade students.
In order to verify the research goal, the first two hypotheses were determined. There are no statistically significant differences between the average scores of the experimental group who study (according to the technical picture) ) And the control group (according to the traditional method of art education) at the level of significance (0,05). The second is that there are no statistically significant differences between the average of the experimental group who study (according to the technical picture) and the control group who study (On According to the trad

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Intellectual as an Alien: A Study of Henry James's The Beast in the Jungle and James Joyce's "A Painful Case"
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This research paper studies the alienation of the intellectuals in the modern novel through the study of two alienated characters, John Marcher in Henry James's The Beast in the Jungle, and Mr. Duffy in James's Joyce's "A Painful Case." As a result of the complexity of life in the industrial societies, the individuals, especially the intellectual ones, feel themselves unable to integrate into social life; they fear society and feel that it endangers their individuality and independence. Thus, these characters live on the fringe of the societ

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Aesthetic and expressive characteristics in the works of Jean Dubuffet
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The research presented the tagged (aesthetic and expressive characteristics in the works of Jean Dubuffet), so the research objective was: to know the aesthetic and expressive characteristics in the works of (Jean Dubuffet), and the research included four chapters. The aim of the research, the limits of the research, and the definition of terms. The second chapter included four topics. The first topic presented the aesthetic essence and style, while the second topic dealt with expressionism: approaches in concept and meaning.
While the third topic was preoccupied with presenting the aesthetic and expressiveness in the drawings of modernity and beyond, while the fourth topic dealt with: Jean Dubuffet and the experience of raw art. Th

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