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Hıdır Lütfü ile Osman Mazlum’un ‘’Tali’im’’ Şiirlerinin Tahlili
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Turkman literature is regarded as a branch of the general Turkish literarure. The title Turman literature began to be used after 1918, and this remained under the influence of classical Turkishliterature till the beginning of the twentieth century. The best poets who repreesented this type are Hijri Dada, Khidir Lütfi, Mohammad Sadiq, Othman Mathloom and others…

            In this study I followed the method of Professor Doctor Mohammad Kaplan (Ph.D) and Professor Doctor Nurullah Çetin(Ph.D) in analysing  the poetical design. In this study I tried to analyse the poem entitled Taliim (My Fate) by the poet Khidir Lütfi and the poet Othman mathloom who wrote a poem with the sam title. It is difficult to pass judgements against our poets and accuse them of pessimism because their poems are in large number and they are in various types. They are educated poets and thinkers and we cannot neglect the hope and optimism that accompany the aspects of pessimism in their poems.

If we carefully look at the  literary fekts of the Turkman poets before 1818 we find that they tackled many various subjects in their poems.However the phenomenon of pessimism in Turkman poets cam as a resulf of the political and  social conditions and the intellectual limitations imposed on them. Therefore, fınding this pessimism attitude cam as a reaction to the unjust politıcal condition whichdenied them their cultural, social and political rights. So, the Turkman poets expressed the tragedy their nation in a mtaphoric way in their pessimistic poems.


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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Auto Risk Analysis in Iraq
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يتنامى يوما بعد يوم استخدام السيارات وتتعاضم اعدادها ، فهذا هو عصر السرعة، وخاصة في مجال النقل والمواصلات، والتي تتحقق باستخدام وسائل النقل المختلفة ومن بينها السيارات، وبالتالي اصبحت هذه الوسيلة ضرورية لتحقيق هذه السرعة ومن ضرورات الحياة في انجاز الاعمال.

وتتبارى مصانع السيارات فيما بينها لانتاج انواع السيارات بمواصفات عالية من المتانة والامان والراحة، وفي ذات الوقت اصبحت هندسة الطرق

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Stress Analysis of the Hip Bone
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The bony pelvis has a major role in weight transmission to the lower limbs. The complexities of its geometric form, material properties, and loading conditions render it an open subject to biomechanical analysis.

 The present study deals with area measurement, and three-dimensional finite element analysis of the hip bone to investigate magnitudes, load direction, and stress distribution under physiological loading conditions.

 The surface areas of the auricular surface, lunate surface, and symphysis pubis were measured in (35) adult hip bones. A solid model was translated into ANSYS parametric design language to be analyzed by finite element analysis method under different loading conditions.

The surface

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the indicators of the educational process and scientific levelUsing the analysis of variance of ordered data in repeated measurements
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In this research want to make analysis for some indicators and it's classifications that related with the teaching process and the            scientific level for graduate studies in the university by using analysis of variance for ranked data for repeated measurements instead of the ordinary analysis of variance . We reach many conclusions  for the                         

important classifications for each indicator that has affected on   the teaching process.         &nb

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 28 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Thermal Field Analysis of Oblique Machining Process with Infrared Image for AA6063-T6
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 Metal cutting processes still represent the largest class of manufacturing operations. Turning is the most commonly employed material removal process. This research focuses on analysis of the thermal field of the oblique machining process. Finite element method (FEM) software DEFORM 3D V10.2 was used together with experimental work carried out using infrared image equipment, which include both hardware and software simulations. The thermal experiments are conducted with AA6063-T6, using different tool obliquity, cutting speeds and feed rates. The results show that the temperature relatively decreased when tool obliquity increases at different cutting speeds and feed rates, also it

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of Models (NAGARCH & APGARCH) by Using Simulations
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Simulation experiments are a means of solving in many fields, and it is the process of designing a model of the real system in order to follow it and identify its behavior through certain models and formulas written according to a repeating software style with a number of iterations. The aim of this study is to build a model  that deals with the behavior suffering from the state of (heteroskedasticity) by studying the models (APGARCH & NAGARCH) using (Gaussian) and (Non-Gaussian) distributions for different sample sizes (500,1000,1500,2000) through the stage of time series analysis (identification , estimation, diagnostic checking and prediction). The data was generated using the estimations of the parameters resulting f

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the relationship between modernity and economic development Analysis of the relationship between modernity and economic development
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This research shows the problem of the economic development of underdeveloped countries in an unconventional way, as these papers explain the problems of the economic development. This research not only reviews the problems, but it illustrates them in a philosophical way, basis of the data of modernity, this mean it is a process of connecting between the absence of the modernity values and the failure of development in underdeveloped countries. The Search follows the descriptive approach to get to the goal of search by four main axes. The first axis includes clarifying  modernity and its principles, the second axis includes clarifying the economic development , the third axis includes the features of the mod

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Business partnerships analysis of Iraq's 2003 -2013
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تحليل الشراكات التجارية للعراق 2003-2013

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Bayes Analysis for the Scale Parameter of Gompertz Distribution
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In this paper, we investigate the behavior of the bayes estimators, for the scale parameter of the Gompertz distribution under two different loss functions such as, the squared error loss function, the exponential loss function (proposed), based different double prior distributions represented as erlang with inverse levy prior, erlang with non-informative prior, inverse levy with non-informative prior and erlang with chi-square prior.

The simulation method was fulfilled to obtain the results, including the estimated values and the mean square error (MSE) for the scale parameter of the Gompertz distribution, for different cases for the scale parameter of the Gompertz distr

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Analytical Modeling of Stresses in the Wall 0f the Human Heart
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The mechanical function of the heart is governed by the contractile properties of the cells, the mechanical stiffness of the muscle and connective tissue, and pressure and volume loading conditions on the organ. Although ventricular pressures and volumes are available for assessing the global pumping performance of the heart, the distribution of stress and strain that characterize regional ventricular function and change in cell biology must be known. The mechanics of the equatorial region of the left, ventricle was modeled by a thick-walled cylinder. The tangential (circumferential) stress, radial stress and longitudinal stress in the wall of the heart have been calculated. There are also significant torsional shear in the wall during b

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Analysis Tax Advantage of Financing Leverage: An Empirical Research
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The research objective are analyze financial leverage advantage through analyze and discuss financial leverage cost, and achieve tax advantage. study include two firms ,oil firm and industrial companies firm with limited liability.The inductive method is used for the applied part in analyzing the financial data of the companies considered in 2011-2015.The result of the study shows that the financial leverage achieve present value of the costs is Negative . The study concluded that the most important conclusions of the tax advantage of leverage is higher costs as well as achieving a low tax shield ,This study found out the results that interest payments related to pre-tax all of the loan amount and the percentage of the interest rate on b

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