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Hıdır Lütfü ile Osman Mazlum’un ‘’Tali’im’’ Şiirlerinin Tahlili
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Turkman literature is regarded as a branch of the general Turkish literarure. The title Turman literature began to be used after 1918, and this remained under the influence of classical Turkishliterature till the beginning of the twentieth century. The best poets who repreesented this type are Hijri Dada, Khidir Lütfi, Mohammad Sadiq, Othman Mathloom and others…

            In this study I followed the method of Professor Doctor Mohammad Kaplan (Ph.D) and Professor Doctor Nurullah Çetin(Ph.D) in analysing  the poetical design. In this study I tried to analyse the poem entitled Taliim (My Fate) by the poet Khidir Lütfi and the poet Othman mathloom who wrote a poem with the sam title. It is difficult to pass judgements against our poets and accuse them of pessimism because their poems are in large number and they are in various types. They are educated poets and thinkers and we cannot neglect the hope and optimism that accompany the aspects of pessimism in their poems.

If we carefully look at the  literary fekts of the Turkman poets before 1818 we find that they tackled many various subjects in their poems.However the phenomenon of pessimism in Turkman poets cam as a resulf of the political and  social conditions and the intellectual limitations imposed on them. Therefore, fınding this pessimism attitude cam as a reaction to the unjust politıcal condition whichdenied them their cultural, social and political rights. So, the Turkman poets expressed the tragedy their nation in a mtaphoric way in their pessimistic poems.


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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Semiotics of the Thresholds in (Sunset Garden) Diwan of the Poet Ghazi Al-Qasaibi
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This study is concerned with revealing the semiotics of thresholds, and its role in building textual coherence at the form and semantic level in Sunset Garden Diwan of the Saudi poet Ghazi Al-Qasaibi. This research aims to spotlight on the semiotic theme of the title threshold and its relation to other thresholds. As the death phenomenon and absence dominated the poetic achievement space through intertwined semiotic relationships that lead to each other through the parallel text semiotics.This study is based on the semiotic method which concerns with searching for the interpretive connotations and revealing the profound symbols in the threshold structure and its role in the whole formation of the Diwan. Among the most prominent conclusio

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La femme fugitive dans ‘’A une passante’’ de Charles Baudelaire
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The main subject of this poem is a chance meeting between Baudelaire and unknown beautiful lady.  Her presence represents the far-fetched, magnificent beauty. This beauty forms an aspect of idealism that takes its real existence and disappears immediately.


This emotional poem deals with the continuous despair that dates back to the Romantic age where it was a key topic; the passing woman embodies destiny. All this comes from constant experience and mad love through the poet’s view to a woman paving the way toward the unknown. Baudelaire, however, noticed this unknown through a passer-by that reflected the real and magical image of this unk

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Poetiness of Mohammad Almaghout,s Daily and familiar Writings ( Joy is not my profession ) is an Example
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Our description of the wxperience of any poet depends on the nature the anture of his writing or his style in terms of factors affecting his experience . We have found that al- Maghout is characterized by important poetis properties that characterized all of his poetry such as the ease in compositions that are formed the vocabulary of daily life . This is what constitutes his poetic lexicon that depends on the vocabulary of space , time , and anture . Hispoetry derives its aesthetics from revealing that strains in the text for the sake of surprise and amazement with a simple realism.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Enhancement of Hoisting System Performance
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In this paper it is required to enhance the performance of a mechanical system (here: a Hoisting System) where it is preferred to lift a different payloads with approximately the same speed of lifting and keeping at the same time the good performance, and this of course needs some intelligence of the system which will be responsible on measuring the present load and taking into account the speed and performance desired in order to achieve the requirements or the criteria. The process therefore is a Mechatronics System design which includes a measuring system, a control or automation technique, and an actuating system. The criteria built here in this research using a given Hoist system's characteristics and parameters and changing one of

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Shatt Al-Gharraf in Ancient and Modern Maps: سالار علي خضر
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This research aims to shed light on the geography of Shatt Al-Gharraf, one of the main branches of the Tigris River south of the sedimentary plain, where the changes exposed by this Shatt (river) were followed by a set of old and modern maps, which date back to the years(3000 BC, 1771 AD, 1810 AD, 1944 AD, 1959 AD, 2009 AD, 2017 AD).Through this research, Shatt al-Gharrafwas found to be an integrated river in terms of the geomorphological phenomena of the rivers (river meanders, river islands, marshes, and estuary). Besides, it was exposed to several changes especially itsdownstream in the Euphrates. It was previously flowing into the Euphrates but due to a number of factors such as the shortage of water in the Tigris River in recent yea

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Itentional deliberative in Surat Al-Zumar M. Sheeda Khader Karim
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This research deals with deliberative intentionality in its two dimensions, deliberative intent, direct, and indirect deliberative intent, and deliberative intentionality assumed great importance to ancient and contemporary scholars. The text, relying on deliberative intent as a methodology concerned with the study of language in usage, and the research focuses on direct deliberative intent through (the intent of acceptability, the intent of the presumption, the intent of the informational, the intent of interaction), and the indirect deliberative intent through (the intentionality of the case, the intent of the metaphor, The intent of the communicative impulse, the intent of the allusion,), and these deliberative elements activate and c

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 10 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Disc Laser System Construction and Characterization
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 In this work a Nd:YVO4 thin disc laser setup is designed and fabricated. The disk laser system
is designed to be compact. The laser crystal was pumped by a 808 nm diode laser. The effect of input
current and pulse frequency on the output energy at pulse operation mode, and the effect of the input
current on the output power at CW mode operation are tested. At the pulsed mode, the output energy
increased linearly with the input current and decreased with pulse frequency. The threshold current
increased with increasing pulse frequency increasing. The maximum output energy from the thin disc
laser was 0.98 μJ at 1.3 kHz frequency, with 0.49A. A minimum threshold current for CW mode of
operation. The maximum outpu

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2005
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
نماد گرایی وجانوران در منطق الطیر
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نماد گرایی وجانوران در منطق الطیر

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Requirements for Implementing School Performance Indicators System
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The aim of the research is to find out the availability of the requirements of applying the indicators of school performance system in the public schools in  Mahayel Asir educational directorate through the school planning indicator, the safety and security indicator, the active learning indicator, the student guidance indicator and determining the existence of statistically significant differences between the responses of the research community according to the variable of (scientific qualification - years of work as a principal - training courses). The questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection from the research community, which consists of all the public schools’ principals (n=180) Mahayel Asir educational directorate

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Historical Succession of Equal Rain Lines in Iraq: سالار علي خضر الدزيي
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The current research focuses on examining the isohyets in a set of (3) climatic maps of Iraq. Two of these maps were published in the Iraq Climate Atlas and the third one was published in an English source about the geography of Iraq. The first map represents the period from 1923-to-1944, the second is for the period from 1961-to-1990, whereas the third represents the period from 1971-to-2000. Comparing among these three maps, it has become clear that there are noticeable changes of rain in Iraq. In the first map, which represents the decade of the twenties, thirties and early forties, Iraq was located between two Isohyet lines (127 mm) in the far south and (1270 mm) in the far north. As for the second map, which represents the sixties,

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